Is Usenet an option for /Piracy? to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 2 points –

Usenet is unmoderated. Once you post it, it sticks forever. We could probably get one of the independent providers to give free access to a new newsgroup. Anyone have any thoughts?

I’ve used Usenet for my content needs for years because it’s so fast and risk free. I think we could also use it for our community discussions.


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Usenet WAS basically the internet back in the early to mid 90s,they are also called list servers, that's basically what they are.

You post to a list by topic and it appends your post to the list. It's like reddit in that there are topics and subjects but the list just goes on forever.

Each post will have your subject line and other header info and the software will let you reply and quote and so on.

The key is that it isn't very centralized, servers will copy the lists and host their own. The cool thing was it would let you post binaries. So piracy and pr0n on the internet was here b4 websites were really a thing.

There are a lot of list servers out there but my understanding is that the good ones are a subscription now.


Yes. You need to pay a small amount but unless you plan on downloading many TBs of stuff the cost is really small. The speeds and lack of risk makes it worthwhile for me. I think I paid $5 for a 1 TB account and I can use the free level of access at my indexers without having to pay.

Like I said in my original post, I wonder if we can get a provider to host a newsgroup for us for free?

Where did you get this deal if you don't mind me asking?

I personally use frugalusenet for $4/pm, which is unlimited, but if I could find $5/1TB I would switch to that.

Indexer I pay $1/pm for a big one and I have a free one that has less.

Could you point me towards the free one? I just want a taste of usenet before I commit