Does noone train their dogs anymore? to Ask – 64 points –

I was paying extra attention to this the last 3 days and i noticed that about 8 of 10 people: hold their dogs close preemptively (most of the time nothing happens wiht those) dogs bork and need to be held back people cross to the other side

Is nobody bothering to properly train their dogs anymore? What is happening in the dog scene? is anybody else experiencing this?


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I live with my folks in a gated community. There's still dog poop on the sidewalks and in the grass even though there are designated dog poop disposal stations with bags and bins all across the community.

we have literally a dog poo bag thingie around every second corner and i find some sometimes next to them

It's similar to how some people don't put their cart into a cart corral after loading their groceries even though the corral is nearby. I just boil it down to laziness and apathy at that point.