32 Post – 316 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Someone actually bought this n64 piece of shit?

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The big dude? Albert Einstein

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Suddenly paylocked mod gets pirated? Imagine my shock

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of course, gotta push more people to that godawful office 365 crap somehow

Why are headlines about American Christians always the exact opposite of what the Bible wants them to be?

What happened to love thy neighbour and shit

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Fantastic, let them die Let a company, just once, learn a lesson

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As any proper award ceremenoy, useless popularity garbage. Rdr2 a labor of love? After they abandoned the multiplayer cause they coudnt give it money printing shark cards?

And starfield is innovative? In what? Being the laziest pile of poo that people still bought?

What a bunch of drivel

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Idk what y'all think but honestly I'd say these little cans of poison need a warning lable like cigarettes as well

The most surprising thing is how you and some commenters dont see how obvious and dead simple the answer is

Like, should they show you a block of ice and a fire next time?

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Wait so..having to go through your supervisor and manager is listed as a plus?????? america or not, aint noone likes going through that, usually

Im a cavewoman who downloads with torrents and just opens them on my pc when needed

what reasons would there be to that

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does this include woman? id like a super soldier lesbian gf

An old dusty fart who never had a real days work since most of us has been alive is telling young people to work more, never heard that one before

"Better messaging app" my bubble ass

Keeps changing ui every month for no reason Keeps adding disgracting prolife fluff that looks like shit. (Neither can be turned off) Support is abbysmal. Linux client is garbage. (Screenshare anyone) Bloated mess. Hates mods and custom clients. Too big ( had a server of 3k people, know how many people I got to switch?90) Their team us a bunch of pedophile furry porn lovers.

Fuck. Them.

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What happened to this little new invention called filmreels?

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unfortunately, yes, its been 15 years

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remember the other several occasions where developers hated actually getting feedback from these linux users cause they actually would have to fix their shit? but not many actually did

cause i remember, they only care as far as money goes

So the museum famous for stealing its artifacts is complaining about said stuff being stolen from them?

Bumbling Buffon thinking workers aren't people, sounds about right how they are treated sometimes (me as well in the past)

probably shouldnt advertise it too much, increasing traffic and thus making it a target for reddit to make it stop working

With scalpers being especially prevelant in the tech scene (hello pi), being sold out just doesn't have the same ring to it anymore you know?

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Ou for fucks sake people, games dont have to be perfect tens Its okay to be a 8/10 or 7/10

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if it makes you feel any better, you dealt psychic damage to me as well

LMAO yeah right, eat shit take two

Weren't these jobs like, feared already cause they treat you less like a machine, they treated you like shit to the point youd have a good chance that you have to step over a dead body eventually?

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The fact someone finds it valuable enough to make this mod at all just is further proof that most people have no damn standards and just willingly spread their cheeks for this dystopian nightmare of an industry.

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I started on beehaw but left for the current one, as I felt it was less about being nice and more about toxic positivity, very retrictive.

And since than I have not even once seen a beehaw community.

So id say go ahead, neither side likely will miss much, if anything.

wait, warm? cuddly? can you show me this magical fairy-tale corner of lemmy?

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Ill be killed for this but...Lord of the rings. Like, im sorry book purists but even after reading the books twice. Tolkien, is and always will be, THE high fantasy author, the one who basically made things we take for granted today. But the music from Howard Shore. So many scenes like from how fellowship began, to DEEEAAAATTTTHHH to Sam just being the broest bro to ever exist. I dont mind all of the cuts and changes they did, i happily return to the movies all year every year, the books? not so much.

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Flashbang white, looks so sterile and unappealing

Wasted space, fucking everywhere now

And thanks to smartphones, everything gotta have the same shitty uniform design

The longer the internet exists the more shit like this confuses me, like come on that's 80% of the reason the internet is as big as it is, porn

Than again I have at least some kind of a moral compass so i might never understand

my good sir, have you ever had the displeasure of playing League of legends?

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Gee, I wonder why

a glorified tablet has an inferior version of a game from other systems, who could have thunken?

more news at 8

read it again, slower this time

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ah yes, just like how the oh so mighty mods pissed their panties with the blackouts, really killed reddit too that one huh

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On no, poor man, how he can survive on this small Salaray which is more money than all of us in the comments will collectively see in our life in this miserably dystopia.

My cold dead heart goes out to the reptile.

so little people use adblockers already, the few sheckles they'd get form those willing to turn them off, is that really worth it?

Or is it about power? its about power isnt it