OBS live translations?

Mandy@sh.itjust.works to Linux@lemmy.ml – 19 points –

apologies for coming back with another question so quick, but im at a loss im trying to get a plugin that lets you show live translations of what you are saying on stream. I found a few but...its not working to say the least.

https://github.com/eddieoz/OBS-live-translation : uses two different sites and the second one doesnt allow the very files the guide wants you to upload https://github.com/occ-ai/obs-localvocal : uses deb files for some reason and doesnt work to install anywhere else (needs apt get) https://patrikzudel.me/ai-subtitles : uses openai, which i dont have access to http://www.sayonari.com/trans_asr/asr.html : only works for jap to eng and vice versa https://github.com/occ-ai/obs-polyglot : again, debs

any help would be very much appreciated


Since you've got two packaged only as debs, it may be worth trying to install them under an Ubuntu container made with Distrobox

distrobox feels overtly complicated, like, id rather have one system and one system only you know?

I understand that, it's definitely more of a headache than having a native package, but it is the next best thing you can do aside from waiting for the dev or someone else to package it for your distro of choice (you might be more lucky if you're on an Arch based system, I'm sure an AUR package will be made if it hasn't been done already).
The distrobox setup itself isn't really that crazy either, once you have everything ready you'll be able to run OBS as if it was installed on your host system since you can export the programs in your containers to have a desktop entry in your DE.

Now I was trying to get all that up and running, but I'm facing issues in the installation of the plugin and I don't know what's causing that exactly, it may be a mismatch in the distro I chose and which one the package was actually made for, I'll report back if I find a solution, in the meantime here's what I did:

## Creating the container
distrobox create \
    --image quay.io/toolbx-images/ubuntu-toolbox:latest \
    --name toolbox-ubuntu \
    --home ~/.local/share/box-homes/Toolbox-Ubuntu
distrobox enter toolbox-ubuntu

## Installing OBS Studio
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install obs-studio
qtwayland5 # to be able to launch OBS on my KDE Wayland

## Trying to install the plugin
curl -O https://github.com/occ-ai/obs-localvocal/releases/download/0.0.5/obs-localvocal-0.0.5-x86_64-linux-gnu.deb
sudo apt install ./obs-localvocal-0.0.5-x86_64-linux-gnu.deb # gives error, maybe not compatible with latest Ubuntu?

looking further into localvocal, its just captions and not translations, not like i got it working on a buntu variant either, currently trying to rip my hairs out with sayonari, it seems to support many languages, but the website for some reason is japanese only

i even followed tutorials but it just isnt working

Ah oops. Well, that second one looks very promising, I just saw the English setup video on it, but unfortunately it's missing the OBS part so idk

i got the japanese one working, the REALLY stupid part about it was it needs chrome, im not talking chromium, it LITERALLY needs chrome to work, guess it uses some internal apis or something only chrome has

Yikes, that's a strange requirement, but oh well, at least you got it working!
For reference, what guide did you end up following?