New Lemmy app "Connect for Lemmy" to – 392 points –

Does anyone else use the android app Connect for Lemmy? It reminds me of Infinity for Reddit. If you use it, do you like it better than Jerboa? I also found another new Lemmy app called Liftoff.

Connect for Lemmy:



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Connect seems cool, but I was using Infinity because it was open source. This one doesn't seem open source (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'll stick with Liftoff or Jerboa for now

Thanks for the recommendation of Liftoff! I really didn't like Jerboa but liftoff seems like a nice app.

The lack of picture downloading got me fucked up lol. I'm interested to see jerbora development and liftoff. Will almost certainly jump ship to sync if its anywhere near the quality of the reddit version

That is a very good point. I just found it by accident a few minutes ago and didn't even realize that.