New Lemmy app "Connect for Lemmy" to – 392 points –

Does anyone else use the android app Connect for Lemmy? It reminds me of Infinity for Reddit. If you use it, do you like it better than Jerboa? I also found another new Lemmy app called Liftoff.

Connect for Lemmy:



Anyone else just using whatever is FOSS feom f-droid?

Of course the more apps the merrier, but personally open code = a more trustworthy use for me

Jerboa was the first showing up on F-Droid and so far it's great: minimalistic, responsive, lightweight (only 2MB or so). Don't know why so many people are developing apps and not simply joining efforts. Makes me think they're doing it for the purpose of doing it, and because they're happy to work on an app and get their software engineering brain occupied by their own little project. But what will happen once this sentiment passes? Who's gonna maintain these apps? What we need is one robust app everyone is working on together.

I say let them be, there are (or soon were) many different third-party apps for Reddit as well and each has their own niche of users for whom it works just right. Jerboa has plenty of devs working on it, and if in doubt I'll always prefer having a choice between different apps. Let the free FOSS market decide!

The UI of this app honestly makes be feel a bit braindead at times, the process of finding the drop down necessary to even log in made be feel like I unlocked an easter egg in a point and click adventure game. It could use some more thought considering the backend of it is otherwise very well put together.

haha upvoting because your rant made me laugh

All the apps except connect are open source. I've tried jeroba, thunder and liftoff so far and liftoff has been the most robust.

Liftoff is great, has a lot of potential too. Devs in their Matrix room are cool.

Yeah. I love the fact that it can aggregate feeds from multiple accounts. It is also the client that has been giving the least amount of timeouts for me.

Same here, installed what was available in F-Droid.

Will check again in a few months, as I assume different flavors will be created.

Looks cool but if it's not on F-Droid I ain't using it.

I think Connect looks nicer so I've been using it - very excited for Sync for Lemmy though

Just tried and it's much more impressive than Jerboa. No laggy scrolling, UI and UX are nicer. Feels more like RiF.

Only (minor) nitpicks I have are:

  • dark theme could be darker
  • I'd prefer the comment form shows as a popup/overlay (like RiF does) so you can kind of glance at the context while commenting
  • list view items need more padding and less margin

Jerboa is absolutely not laggy on my side. Find it super responsive and lightweight instead. it's only 2MB

I'm guessing what they're referring to is that it waits to fetch the next page of the timeline until relatively "late". There's a definite hitch in scrolling for me when it's fetching more posts.

That said, I'm perfectly satisfied with Jerboa.

Probably depends on your connection and how fast your instance is

true, i do have that same hitch that you describe when it's fetching more posts. but that's not too big of an issue for me either. i guess adding a bit of pre-fetching would solve it.

dark theme could be darker

Try the "Amoled" theme in the settings (remember to click save at the bottom of the page, I initially missed that). It's a much darker theme on my phone.

Connect seems cool, but I was using Infinity because it was open source. This one doesn't seem open source (correct me if I'm wrong) so I'll stick with Liftoff or Jerboa for now

Thanks for the recommendation of Liftoff! I really didn't like Jerboa but liftoff seems like a nice app.

The lack of picture downloading got me fucked up lol. I'm interested to see jerbora development and liftoff. Will almost certainly jump ship to sync if its anywhere near the quality of the reddit version

That is a very good point. I just found it by accident a few minutes ago and didn't even realize that.

I am missing the comment collapse option on all apps except gerboa. Hope they fix it.

It's there with a long press. I missed it too at first.

Thank you so much!! This has been driving me crazy. idk why "long press" just never occurs to me as an option!

Thunder has been the most featured for me so far. It does collapse by time, and i am also able to subscribe to communities from new instances following the !community@instance.tld formatting.

Check out liftoff too

I saw the announcement for that one, but I figured I'd leave off testing more for a little bit they mostly seem to be behind jerboa. Does liftoff support subscribing from instances your instance hasn't seen before already?

It has been the most polished experience so far for me, probably because they had the lemmur code base to begin with. As for adding communities, I'm not sure. The community search works like in Jerboa but I haven't tried it with new communities not indexed yet.

Just tried it out, but couldn't login since they don't have 2FA support yet. I don't think any of them really do yet, but if you logged in before setting it up the current apps still work. They got a PR for it so I guess I'll wait till that merges to try it out.

on Jerboa it was long press but they fixed it in recent releases. now just press once on the comment and it collapses. i was missing that but now the UX is great

I'm seriously missing the ability to jump to the current/next/previous parent comment. I make heavy use of that and only Jerboa has it right now, I think.

Interesting, I'm waiting for Sync for Lemmy, is this one open source?

No, I dont think it is unfortunately. Another commenter said it was full of trackers, although I have not verified that. I didn't realize that when I made the post

Where is this post? I tried connect and it works fine, the guy made it in a week, it's impressive

Here is the post:

I cannot verify if that comment is true or not, or how they found out the information.

I tried to reply and ask, but for some reason my comment will not post! I have tried using the website and several Lemmy apps.

That comment seems to be an attempt at disinformation. I have not detected any of those trackers. You should also run your own checks just to be sure.

If I had to take a guess: he's opening posts that use the internal browser, and sites he's browsing are the ones i initiating those connections. The app opening the webview doesn't have much in the way to prevent that.

Don't open external links if you don't know what that entails.

Connect dev here, we use 0 trackers of any kind beyond what the Play store tracks by default.

If I had to take a guess: he's opening posts that use the internal browser, and sites he's browsing are the ones i initiating those connections. The app opening the webview doesn't have much in the way to prevent that.

Don't open external links if you don't know what that entails.

That screenshot is from the DuckDuckGo app when set up to blocking trackers, that means that while it was running it tried to connect to known tracker addresses and the DDG app stopped it and logged the attempts.

We would need somebody else that uses DDG as blocker too to install this app and run it for a bit and see if they can replicate this result

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I'm glad to see apps being made for Lemmy, but being open source for me is a must.

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This app looks really good. It looks almost exactly how I have my kbin account set up with scripts in a browser, and the gestures are very nice. - I hope it adds kbin support or one of the kbin apps ends up looking like this or better.

Jerboa has been crashing on me lately so I've been using Connect while it gets fixed. No complaints so far.

Have you tried thunder? Super slick UI, if minimalism is your thing, but also WIP.

Wow, this is actually awesome. I've been using Jerboa for a couple of weeks now, but Thunder feels much more inline with what a was hoping for. Good lookin out man.

Edit: precompiled APK download link so I don't have to do it myself is very appreciated.

Oh wow I haven't heard of this! Just downloaded it.

Very nice, it has the swipe like funcion.

Thunder is hot! It is making me want to actually try developing in Flutter, which seems to be the "new hotness."

Same here, Jerboa won't even open on my phone without crashing. :/ Connect for Lemmy has all the basic functionality down, so it's okay to use.

Using Connect because Jerboa just kept crashing on me at startup. Never got to test it out. Problems do exist in Connect, as e.g. I could not comment on this post in the app. Will check out Thunder and Lift off as well, so thanks for the suggestions!

Edit: I literally just found out that you have to hit the huge plus-button at the bottom right to add a comment.. I always thought it was for creating a new post ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Good feedback! I'll change the plus icon to something more obvious in the next release.

Any comment re:tracking that others have raised ITT and any plans to open the source code? Loving the UI thus far but like others here would very much prefer FOSS applications

Upvoting this post from Connect for Lemmy. Actually I think I still prefer Jerboa. Unfortunately it has stopped working since I updated my instance to 0.18 so this will have to do for now.

Yeah I prefer the look and feel of Jerboa. It's working fine for me now but I have experienced some glitches in the past.

Exactly the same error I received as well, which led me to find Connect

Feels and looks good for my instance '' on the web mode. Gestures and actions come second nature almost like, I like it.

Worth noting that the Jerboa app pushed a major update today and it's massively improved. Definitely suggest giving it another try after today, it feels like an entirely new app.

I'll be honest, don't notice many changes? Feels and looks the same to me.

Where did you download it? From what Ive heard the Play Store version lags behind a bit. I got it via f-droid and now have buttons to jump between top level comments (this isnt the only change but it is the most obvious on first glance). A lot of instances arent on the newest version of lemmy yet though, since the sign up captchas were temporarily removed and preventing bots to sign up is way harder without it. I dont know if there will be software conflicts due to this mismatch though.

The entire UI got a refresh. There's an actual search button now too.

Jerboa has been very buggy for me the last few days: account switching doesn't work, jerboa ignores my settings for what feeds to load at default, randomly losing my accounts and crashing.

I tried Connect and didn't like its UI. The PWA isn't very useful as the feed reloads from the top when I back out of a post by swiping from the edge.

Didn't notice anything different. In fact, I can't change to "All" anymore (coincidence?). That's why I'm exploring Connect right now.

All is definitely still there. Not sure the issue on your side.

Jerboa has been worse for me since the update. It won't follow my feed or sorting selections.

Literally here on connect from Jerboa because today's update has caused it to stop sorting anything, at all. The only view it will give me is Local by Hot, no matter how many times I try to change to Subscribed or All.

Tbh, Connect isn't vibing with me yet eithet, but I'll play with the settings before I decide it's not right for me.

Jerboa won't even let me log in, says server is too outdated :(

There were big api change with lemmy 0.18 which the updated jerboa is compatible with. The instance you were trying to log into is outdated.

Using it to make this answer, and loving it Jerboa just keeps crashing instantly for me (android 12, Fairphone 4). Not sure why. But connect has just worked out of the box.

Jerboa works just fine for me. I'm also on a Fairphone 4, but running CalyxOS with Android 13. Maybe you can try Jerboa from another source like F-droid instead of Google Play or vice versa. You can also try the IzzyOnDroid repository on F-droid.

My jerboa was crashing so I tried to install it from Fdroid, and now I can't sign into either version. (Server isn't updated because of captcha issues with new update. Jerboa is preventing login because of this.)

So that prevented me from using jerboa.

Connect works still, shame jerboa is having issues.

The F-Droid version is now updated. Give it a shot.

I wish. I've updated it from both F droid and the play store and both say my instance version isnt on the current update so I can't sign in at all.

My instance isn't updated because the new update is fucky with captchas idk the fine details

These kind of growing pains certainly suck. I hope it settles down for you soon.

Mine has been crashing ever since the recent update specifically when I try to switch my filter from hot to new it seems to only happen if you do it right as you open the app

I tried it and didn't think it was much different from any other Lemmy app right now. Seems like they are only trying to differentiate with visuals at the moment.

Some things I would like to see in future apps and versions of existing apps.

  • Integration of the Lemmy community browser or something similar. Basic search takes too long and you need to know what your looking for
  • Ability to view top communities posts from the community browser in a separate view alongside "local" and "All" and "subscribed" and could even stand in as a user's subscribed view before they have customized it to their own liking
  • Ability to "force pull" comments and posts from a particular remote community. Or at least compare the number of comments a post has locally to the number it has on its remote instance and present some kind of indicator if they differ.

These are all great suggestions. Is there an official place different app developers could look for these types of feature requests? That would be nice.

I feel like they should be looking here if they want to make an app that the community will appreciate.they should spend some time talking to people in the technology subs and maybe even do some polls.

Connect dev here! I'm watching this thread! ๐Ÿ‘€

The community for the app:

I'm also happily using it, it's the only app which works on my old phone, haha :D

Same. I prefer it to Jerboa. But I am disquieted by the currently unverified post stating that it might be full of trackers.

The developer himself responded further down the comment and said there are no trackers, and the Aurora store verifies that - it scans the app source and also found zero trackers.

Most likely the trackers the commenter was referring to were from browsing many external websites from within the app itself like when clicking links.

Tested Connect using three different privacy apps and none of them found any trackers. I don't know if I can trust the source of that post. Instead of blindly taking my word for it you should also conduct your own tests.

you might want to re-evaluate how you are scanning for trackers. I am running duck duck go's app tracking protection on Android and this is it's summary of connect for lemmy from the past 22 hours.

1175 tracking attempts blocked from 40 different companies(trackers)

I think this comes down to the difference in how you and I secure our phones. I get no tracker pings on any of my apps. Not even with that DuckDuckGo app running for an hour.

Based on your sample results, Connect isn't the problem. Your phone seems to be horribly compromised.

I installed connect for 10 minutes and found 45 requests of the same. Jerboa on the other hand raised no flags.

Thanks for the heads up. A shame since it looks decent. But I think I'll pass now.

Using it right now, and I'm enjoying it so far. I was using jerboa before, but it crashed everytime I clicked on a link for a post or community on another instance, and when I tried to add this account (on instance) it would crash instantly.

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Connect is pretty good. Stil missing some important features, like block, and the instance name is missing from usernames and communities, which is a pretty major oversight, but other than that it's solid and being developped surprisingly fast.

If I am logged into, can I reply in other instances' posts like in any one of beehaw's?

Looks like you can.

Thanks for confirming. I am new here and thought others can't see my comments haha.

I use it, but some things are lacking. I find the mobile site better at the moment

I'm currently keeping a close eye on both Thunder and Liftoff.

Both have been really nice and interesting so far :) I would recommend trying both out and see of one fits your needs.

Thunder looks close to what I'd like interface wise.

"Everything else has too much chrome" - Diehard RIF user

Yeah, it feels very much like a bare bones sync, which I'm using for reddit, I'm looking so much forward to sync coming out :)

unfortunately liftoff is not at all working for me currently.

I logged in and now my subscribed community posts are just empty, which is the whole point.

I do wanna see where they go tho.

Liftoff looks slick, thanks for the heads up.

We Lemmians are spoiled for choice right now you just gotta love it!

Do you install the mobile site as a web app to your home screen? Otherwise it gets lost in a million tabs in my browser.

Aurora Store is working for you? I always get the Oops, This Account is rate limited no matter how much new sessions I request. The main screen seems to be loading though so idk.

You now have to log in with a Google user for it to work

That's sad, because the anonimity was the reason I was using it. Well, it was expectable with Google being Google.

Only just found Connect and its very good IMO

I tried to sign up on with Jerboa and it would give me constant server error messages...but Connect is great so far. Like the layout better as well ๐Ÿ‘

I'm missing the ability to collapse threads, but otherwise it's very sleek Edit: nevermind you just need to hold the top comment for one second

Hi, there's also a setting to make comments collapse on single tap instead of long press.

I take it you're the developer! Well done! As a Sync for Reddit user, this one is making me feel at home on my phone. ๐Ÿ‘

Awesome to hear! I started working on Connect when the subreddits went private and I couldn't find any Lemmy apps that matched the experience I was used to (Sync and Apollo). So I'm glad you feel at home!

I'm using it, Jerboa, and standard mobile site. They each leave something to be desired, but each have their good points. I don't know why, but Connect seems slower, with images loading slower than the other two. Don't know why.

I have since discovered

It is amazing. Basically an open-source clone of Apollo for reddit.

I really want to like wefwef, but it jutters so much while scrolling and opening threads. Not sure if that's just the nature of being a web or or because it's poorly optimized.

I'm on a pixel 7 so I don't think it's just my phone.

Thats strange. I am using a Pixel 5 and it has been butter smooth. I am using GrapheneOS/Vanadium.

I'll have to give it another try then. Maybe my phone was just having a bad day lol

They all look cool, hopefully they add support for kbin in the future.

Just trying it right now, great app

I'm enjoying it. If the programmer is in this thread- it appears that when you try to save your password from your password manager, it places it in the instance field not password ,when you're signing into a new account.

This is for connect the Android app, not whatever the other one was

It's awesome. I can tell I'll be anxious for each release to watch it mature.

Been using it since yesterday after I saw this post. I like it! Not sure if I'll stick with this or Jerboa yet (or go to Sync when it's ready for Lemmy).

I've been using Connect for the last few days and so far really enjoy it. it's still missing a few features but I really like the UI.

Connect works way better for me than Jerboa. My only irk is that it only runs at 60 Hz instead of 90 or 120, so scrolling feels sluggish compared to other apps.

I saw a "high refresh rate" option in the settings. Have you tried enabling it?

Won't even open up on my galaxy fold 4 :(

It's probably something to do with the tablet interface. It works fine on my S23, but immediately crashes on my Xiaomi pad 4

This has to be the best looking Lemmy app I've used to far. Great job!

Thank you! Glad you are enjoying it!

Much better! Feels more similar to the old app I was using for reddit.

Crashes on startup on my galaxy fold 4

Hi, this will be fixed in the next release (tonight)!

It was! Posting this from my fold-4 as we speak. I'm loving the app so far. Great job on this!

Same. I'm using a Surface Duo 2 and I saw a 1 star review for a Z Flip with a startup crash. So I think it's an issue with nonstandard screen ratios/resolutions.

I made a post on it in the app's community. May want to post there so the developer knows.


Wow. This app is really nice at first glance. I like the gesture to swipe left on a comment to upvote. Reminds me of Sync for Reddit!

I like the general look of Connect, but the dark mode needs some work. When I click through a web link to a WebView, the web page's background and text are both dark, making the article basically impossible to read.

Hi Connect dev here. I'll see what I can do about fixing that! Thank you for the feedback.

Thanks, I really appreciate it! Let me know if you need any more details.

Hi, this issue should now be fixed on the latest release (1.0.41). Cheers!

I just got the update and it looks great to me. Thanks so much for the fix!

I just got the update and it looks great to me. Thanks for the fix!

Well done to whoever is behind this app. Been using it a couple of days now, and it's hard to fault it. You must have worked your butt off.

I used Infinity up until yesterday, it's going to be offered as a subscription app starting July 1. Connect is very similar, I like the way it works. I have Jerboa, haven't used it yet.

I've been using in for a few days alongside with jerboa and I'm not sure which one I prefer yet, I really like both. I prefer jerboa look wise, but I like some of the little shortcuts connect has.

Connect comes up on duckduckgo tracking attempt block list, the only tracker is google so far, Jerboa has yet to show up.