
9 Post – 619 Comments
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This is highly unrealistic. The working man has a cookie? A whole one? It's not believable. A fourth of a cookie, maybe.

Nice! Makes it even better.

Pun intended, I'm assuming?

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These two remind me of the early Apple fanboys, completely talking around all the bad parts and focusing only on perceived good parts. Except, here, they're fan-ing on a decision that was made a long time ago (using tempered glass on side windows) for exactly the reason they state is 'bad'--it explodes into a bunch of non-sharp shards. This decision was made, and agreed upon by auto manufacturers, to prevent people getting stuck in cars on fire. Internal mechanical releases do nothing when the person inside is unconscious or is a toddler, as is in this case.

If this was caused by actual inflation, Target wouldn't be able to just lower prices on 5,000 items just because we're struggling to survive. This isn't inflation. This is unchecked capitalist greed.

Edit. Fix autocorrect.

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In school I had to take Business Ethics. The processor officially renamed the course to Ethical Issues in Business, because, as he explained it in class, business has no ethics, but ethical issues arise all the time. I took it to mean that capitalism destroyed humanity, and those of us that are still left humane must deal with ethical issues in a business (ethicless) setting.

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Nintendo on their way to file a DMCA C&D letter.

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Maybe.... I don't know, just throwing ideas out there.... you shouldn't have Musked all over Twitter nor fired its core developers? Again, just thinking out loud....

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It's almost like making it nearly impossible to watch what we want and, at the same time, octupling our bills, while also increasing the cost of each would, somehow, force people into the desperation of piracy. Huh. Who woulda thunk it.

From the article:

"We work hard to build great products, and what consumers do with those tools is up to them β€” not Apple, and not broadband providers," Cynthia Hogan, VP of public policy at Apple

Prove it, then. Unlock the bootloader. Allow us to install our own apps. Let us install our own OS on the hardware. I get they don't want to open source their iOS, that's fine. They say "what consumers do with those tools is up to them", but then they lock those tools down TIGHT. Actions speak much louder than words. They say those tools are ours? They need to show us that this is true.

Google takes away our ability to block ads. Elon takes away our ability to block content. HP takes away our ability to print with ink we purchased, unless we also pay a subscription. Adobe takes away our ability to own software. Interesting world....

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That's literally everything. Every. Single. Thing. What an idiot.

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It's almost like privatizing public services is, somehow, a bad idea. But, but, but... capitalism....

E: jokes aside. The findings in these studies, while obvious to some (possibly most) people, are extremely important. Feelings without supporting data, are just opinions. Feeling with supporting data, are facts. Because of this study, we now have facts to fight against further privatization of public services.

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You wouldn't shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet. You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then STEAL IT AGAIN!

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A QR code created from the actual fault text would be super helpful. That way we can scan it and get the full error message (details and all) on another device without having to snap a picture or something. But not like windows does it, where it's a link to a defunct page. I'm taking about the actual text transcoded into a QR code.

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"I’m hoping you’re going to put a line in your story about how cost-efficient I am,” he continued. β€œThis is below minimum wage. No bathroom breaks, no meal breaks. This is a good investment, so please make sure that’s added to the story, okay?” [the mayor said]

The mayor was enthusiastic about the cost-effectiveness of the robot. β€œI want you guys to be extremely creative in your writing style to say β€˜Eric, job well done,’” he told reporters.

This guy is special, isn't he...

The whole article basically lights it as a waste of money, since "[the police robot's] effectiveness is unclear", how there's "no public evidence about actual crime reduction", and how the "robot [needs] to be accompanied by a human officer at all times", negating the need for the robot altogether.

That's not true. Try also destroyed really good things, like the internet as a whole.

Stop threatening, and just cancel already.

What happened to the vigor of society's cancel culture? Why are we not canceling corporate abuse like this? Or Microsoft's? Or Google's? Or Amazon's? Did we forget about cancel culture? Or are we just fine with being pawns in their dystopian capitalist games? Cancel culture had the potential to make real change, and we allowed corporations to cancel cancel culture for their capital gains.

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and there’s no way to opt out

Allow me to show you a way to opt out

"private chat history" on Facebook...

Go to Manage Notifications, and turn Suggestions off. Suggestions is what Microsoft calls ads.

Once, on bsd, I got, "you done messed up"

I destroyed the fs, so, to be fair, it wasn't wrong...

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Some countries have outlawed this behavior. If the seller/producer wants to decrease the package contents and keep the package size and price the same, they can (of course), but they must write on the package that the contents have decreased in large bright characters that are hard to miss. Something like this:

255g now 200g

I'm not sure where you are (assuming USA, based on the packaging), but it's not illegal in the USA, since consumer protection is near to nonexistent.

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A quick google search shows that this is fake....

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Att et al keeps throwing around the word 'unlimited'. I actually had a conversation with Verizon, before I dropped them, and actually used this exact quote to the guy...

He was like, "princess bride. Nice. But, yeah, I have to read the script."

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My original contract was anytime before 9 to whatever 9 hours after star was. So, if I decided to get to work at 9, my shift would end at 6. If I didn't take a lunch, it would 5. Now, I usually left anywhere between 7p and 9p (averaging on 7p), with some days at 11p. So, given the extra hours, I allowed myself to get it as close to 9 as possible, considering I'd likely stay 10+ hours anyway. Turds tended to hit the fans around 4p/5p, extending my hours. It was the nature of the job.

New manager comes. He doesn't like that his employees don't get there at 8, but doesn't bother to tell me. He just tries to writes me up. We have policies, where I have to be told and given an opportunity to improve before a write up, so he and HR do that. But what they say is, "if you don't think you'll get to work by 815am, call Mr. Manager". Ok, cool. So, I call him every morning. Then the write up. I ask why, and they said that I'm not at work by 815. I explain that I'm adhering to my contract AND I work WAY longer than anyone else, including Mr. Manager. "That contract was with the previous manager" they said. "With all due respect, it wasn't. It was with the Company. And Mr. Manager never attempted to renegotiate a new contract, nor would I have agreed to it anyway. So, let me get this straight... You care more about arrival time, than the hours I put in ensuring the lines never go down?". "Yes" they respond, "but you still have to make sure the lines don't go down". "Ok, so the extra hours and effort I put in, every single day, mean nothing and I'm still getting written up?" "Correct". "Ok. The consider this my two-week's notice"

Whoo. I thought I was over this, but reliving it just now pissed me off something fierce, I'll tell you that for free!

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Chances are that Reddit CTRL-Z'd your scorched earth.

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Here's the conversation. I wouldn't say "convinced", since he didn't. And the chatbot clearly states to verify everything with the dealer.

Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001

Not everything needs to be an acronym.

Add ls.bat in your windows directory with dir as the source. It basically acts as an alias.

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Firefly. Sons of Tucson.

I'm sure there are others.

What?? When was this? Aw, man!

When's the next one?

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Sheep come in many age groups. I have an iphone for work, and I have turned off iMessage.

"why don't you have an iPhone?"

"I do, unfortunately. But turned iMessage off because it's shit."

"But now your messages come in green bubbles. It's annoying!"

"Send your message in Teams"

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Kind of like adding a little chip to the charger cable of a cellphone that identifies the charger as a brand cable and without that chip, the phone won't charge or use the perfectly good cable for data transfer. If that sounds familiar, it's because that's what Apple did/does.

E: fixed autocorrect

Because you have to choose: children or Festool. Only the few elite can have both.

Here's a tool to permanently fix your windows installation from all this BS.

ᢠᡘˑˑ α΅ˆαΆ¦Λ’αΆœΛ‘α΅’Λ’α΅˜Κ³α΅‰ ⁻ αΆ¦α΅—β€˜Λ’ ᡃⁿ ᢦⁿ˒ᡗᡃˑˑᡃᡗᢦᡒⁿ α΅α΅˜αΆ¦α΅ˆα΅‰ α΅—α΅’ ᴸᢦⁿᡘˣ ᴹᢦⁿᡗ

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Run a live version, and see if everything works. Generally speaking, the TBs aren't made for consumer Linux. Even Windows kind of works with it, but the drivers are spotty. Search for a CF-33 with Linux from factory, and install that version, if that even exists. The TBs are laptops for a very specific use-case, and support for them on the consumer market is lacking. Good luck, though!

Edit: quick search found this for CF-33 but is not Ubuntu specifically, and this specifically for CF-31 but it may still be helpful.

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  • Capitalism: 192735261625
  • Society: 0

You can't post that. Racism at work is illegal.

What happens if we're racist at work?

You get fined.

So, legal, but just not for free.


Even if the symbol was a Pride display, they should be suing.