1 Post – 245 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Typical response "they are being indoctrinated" instead of thinking that maybe they need to actually do things that appeal to their voter base, It's so ass backwards it's astonishing. Just the language used alone is all wrong, young voters aren't the issue, the issue is your ability to appeal to them.

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I actually really liked it as an exercise in reflection.

I probably wrote too much in mine, a good full paragraph for each. They really just need to create the slightest barrier to entry to make moderating 10x easier.

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One employer actually asked if I played war thunder in an interview, which I thought was strange until I remembered these stories.

I feel like if you tried to train an LLM on spoken conversational English the output would just be "yeah um yeah um yeah um"

But on a more serious note spoken English is very different than written.

Either way you can find validated sources of human written text it just won't be as easy.

I think in some cases there's a lot of merit to it, for example Red Dead Redemption, both games are pretty graphically intensive (if not cutting edge) but it's used to further the immersion of the game in a meaningful way. Red Dead Redemption 2 really sells this rich natural environment for you to explore and interact with and it wouldn't quite be the same game without it.

Also that example of Tomb Raider is really disingenuous, the level of fidelity in the environments is night and day between the two as well as the quality of animation. In your example the only real thing you can tell is the skin shaders, which are not even close between the two, SotTR really sells that you are looking at real people, something the 2013 game approached but never really achieved IMO.

if you don't care then good for you! My wallet wishes I didn't but it's a fun hobby nontheless to try and push things to their limits and I am personally fascinated by the technology. I always have some of the fastest hardware every other generation and I enjoy playing with it and doing stuff to make it all work as well as possible.

You are probably correct in thinking for the average person we are approaching a point where they just really don't care, I just wish they would push for more clarity in image presentation at this point, modern games are a bit of a muddy mess sometimes especially with FSR/DLSS

It mattered a lot more early on because doubling the polygon count on screen meant you could do a lot more gameplay wise, larger environments, more stuff on screen etc. these days you can pretty much do what you want if you are happy to drop a little fidelity in individual objects.

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pcgamesn is scraping the bottom of the barrel, they literally just find ways to say something with starfield in the title. This has been a thing since at least 2016 when FH3 came out.

It's a cool feature, always worth some mention, but baffling that they feel the need to generate a whole article out of this.

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That's why it's unscored.

Good work.

Have a non custom beer 🍻

Obviously it wasn't on the survey but I figure I should at least mention what I'd like to see directly, I would really love to have some kind of automotive community here. I'd be happy to pitch in and help develop it, but I do not think I could be a full time moderator.

Having a friendly supportive place to talk about cars, driving (high performance or otherwise), projects, and grassroots motorsports would be awesome.

This is probably a much later addition I don't know how much interest there is here. Just putting it in the suggestion box.

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To be slightly fair a decent number of those are redundant or were successfully merged into other projects while others were clearly very experimental in nature.

People just generally don't understand design or manufacturing at all it might as well be magic to the layman "all you gotta do is..." yeah sure that would make a better product in absolute quality terms, if it's possible at all, but you have to balance it against 100 other things.

There's a reason there are rooms full of relatively high paid individuals with fancy degrees or decades of experience.

Reject science return to monke.

it will just hand out random DUIs to RAM owners based on statistics and reckless driving tickets to black altimas with tinted windows and bedazzled plate frames.

No luftballons for you!

No? There's more color, but it's reasonable CSGO always had a kind of dull color grading/textures, though updates changed that A bit later on. A lot of players turn up saturation themselves for the (at least perceived) benefit of visibility so that might be what you saw, you also see CS players playing in 1024x768 stretched still because that's how they always played before.

They definitely gave it that trendy sunny slightly hazy day look. I'm not complaining it's a much nicer aesthetic than the original release of CSGO which felt like a Seattle afternoon in the middle of the desert.

Putting it in a bigger box with more cooling capacity will always make a much faster computer, so that's not going away anytime soon and someone will always find a way to use 20% more power than is available every time a faster computer is made. A lot of things just come down to how well you can cool something, engines, brakes, lights, computers, batteries... how hard do you want to go and how long do you want to do it often determines the form of things.

My computer fits on my desk as it is so making it smaller gains me nothing and just makes it less useful.

Maybe tower PCs will become slightly more niche again in the future, but they'll always be around for enthusiasts like me.

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How did this man find a lawyer to represent him? What a nightmare client he would be. Basically throwing around liability grenades like it's nothing.

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It's a pretty decent game, I still don't understand why everyone was so down on it. I had a lot of fun playing it, there was decent variety, the gunplay was good, and the silly storylines were entertaining.

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You are talking about people who have been consuming agitprop their whole life about why they should do this kind of thing for their country, and there's a good chance they were conscripted against their will, where the choice was go to war or die in a gulag. In the same way I wouldn't blame every American that went to Vietnam for the pointlessness and atrocities of that war either. (though I may be biased on that, my grandfather was drafted and was a cartographer during the war)

Yup makes sense to me, very much in line with my laymans understanding of contract law. It's very driven by social context as it is. I wonder how that differs somewhere like Japan where official seals are expected even for minor documents.

Sounds like everyone involved was making moves to commit to it initially which was probably the biggest factor here.

I am immediately irrationally upset about a cartoon bee cowpoke.

Much more appropriate logo though, I like it.

I think there's a good case that it's transformative entirely. It doesn't just spit out NYT articles. I feel like saying they "stole IP" from NYT doesn't really hunt because that would mean anyone who read the NYT and then wrote any kind of article at some point also engaged in IP theft because almost certainly their consumption of the NYT influenced their writing in some way. ( I think the same thing holds up to a weaker degree with generative image AI just seems a bit different sometimes directly copying the actual brushstrokes etc of real artists there's also only so many ways to arrange words)

It is however an entirely new thing, so it's up to judges for now to rule how that works.

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It's technically true either way, but yeah that doesn't read well and definitely wasn't the intent.

Also I'd like to add it's a massive shit sandwich for Biden to eat, it's gone over about as well as you'd expect with his party. I doubt there was anything approaching a viable alternative.

Also I will note that while these are still bad in no uncertain terms, the dud rate is under 2.5% versus the old school cluster munitions which had dud rates exceeding 40% (like the kind Russia is using now) if dropping ten of these prevents the Russians from dropping one of theirs you are coming out ahead in terms of UXO, not to mention any shortening of the conflict reducing the number of mines deployed by the Russian military who are a particular fan of the extremely problematic PFM-1 butterfly mines which are basically a way of dropping highly volatile UXO all over an area.

War is hell.

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This feels like the right move, at least for now. Ideally there would be a nicer more seamless way to solve the issue but that's not the situation right now.

I remember encountering those giants outside whiterun on launch and having one yet me practically to dawnstar. It was hilarious and I wasn't mad at all.

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on a modern PC doing that is almost entirely trivial if implemented correctly, I hate DRM but to be honest they may be right that it has no appreciable effect on the final performance of the product for the vast majority of users. Of course that's dependent on proper implementation, what are the odds these folks at Denuvo can do that? pretty low.

Activation limits and compatibility are the biggest issues for me.

Yeah but looking at what he showed it's not like a hoarder situation, it's a significant amount of stuff but it's not like there's literally a pile of tires and garbage back there, he's just got some car accessories and a few sets of tires for his cars by his house and stuff like that. It's a lot of stuff for the average person but nothing noteworthy generally pretty tame for a guy that's into old cars. Maybe he cleaned it up some for the news, but if they aren't showing their pictures it's his word against theirs and I'm more inclined to give this guy the benefit of the doubt.

I played Where's Waldo: Oakley Subdivision Edition seems pretty representative based on that. Also residents of Oakley seem to really like having cars and boats and shit in their side yards. if this guy is uninsurable then half the city is.

Need for Speed Unbound.

The stakes are just too high and the limit on time and funds you can safely earn just makes it feel stressful when it should be fun.

I can get the appeal of the risk/reward but it crosses the line from exciting and tense to anxiety inducing for me.

On top of that the game was kind of unstable on release and if you crashed it counted as losing the race and your wager etc and you cannot load an earlier save or anything, if that was the case the whole game would actually be decent apart from the lack of event variety.

I thought it was a given that Russia also can't win but I suppose you can look at it this way, Russia could end the war right now if they wanted. It's a whole can of worms but I think it's vital for global security and stability that Russia does not take over Ukraine. Long term a win for Russia will cause more pain and suffering for everyone including Russian civilians.

Correct it's labeled as unclassed sensitive info for law enforcement. That just means "don't share this shit on facebook if you want to keep your job"

I don't like that, it has a huge impact on who can and can't be here. Obviously most working adults can afford a few bucks here and there, but if you are trying to be inclusive removing any kind of monetary barrier is really important. Those on fixed income, minors, and from countries with extremely low wages would have to think twice about chipping in or may not have the means to actually do so even if they had the cash in hand.

I think it's very important that Beehaw remains free to use. Though I wouldn't mind if they nagged users a little for donations when needed.

Edit: to be clearer I'm for paying the people who run Beehaw if/when feasible but a mandatory fee is anathema to the purpose of this instance.

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Yeah consumer retail has implied contracts that override anything you write in a TOS or EULA. You can add certain things with those but there's still a basic commercial transaction happening that is bound to the rule of law.

Also fab production is a fundamental limitation to a greater degree than it was in the past, prices typically fell quickly as a process node gained better yields and could be made on less busy production lines but you have a much higher fixed cost just to convince TSMC or whoever to put you high enough up in priority to get your wafers made at all.

In theory it could use far less land, water, fuel, and pesticides to achieve a similar output of a superior quality product, In theory. There's a lot of labor resources and energy that goes into growing cotton. You could likely replace many hundreds of acres of cotton fields with a modest factory on 20 acres of land.

Thunder looks close to what I'd like interface wise.

"Everything else has too much chrome" - Diehard RIF user

enough in a pinch to get a call or some texts out order a rideshare/taxi from the bar etc. this would be more useful for topping up a rechargeable flashlight or... your other vapes.

Though back in the day I was doing exactly the opposite of this 🙃

I don't like weird fascist bingo, can we stop drawing balls?

The ability for these people to make anything an us vs them political fight is soul sucking and terrifying.

I would have not liked this but it would have been understandable and OK. $5 a month for something I got so much use out of is peanuts. That's the amount I'm contributing to Beehaw right now anyways.

It can also be read as just staunchly anti war.

Albeit the war is happening whether the US is involved or not. Though I feel it's more fair to characterize it as Russia escalating and the US trying to keep Ukraine in step and not get overwhelmed.