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For those looking for the latest Yuzu and Citra releases: Yuzu Win/Linux Early Access, Yuzu Android, Citra Win/Mac/Linux/Android.

To be fair, if the mother/daughter communicated through WhatsApp they'd not be caught, because it's an end-to-end encrypted messaging platform. But as they chose FB Messenger, they got vulnerable to a court order forcing Facebook to hand over data.

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Ironically, the link to this as article is offline for me. "Cached" surely would solve my problem.

That's an awful decision by Twilo. I deliberately only install Authy on my Desktop computers because they're always at home and cannot be easily stolen/lost like my phone.

WhatsApp was not created by Facebook. It used to be an independent company which major selling point was offering free encrypted messaging to the masses, which was mostly relevant to non-US users as they're charged for SMS usage more directly (it doesn't come free and unlimited on most plans).

It was bought by Facebook in 2014 and by 2016 they implement end-to-end encryption. There's already various cases of courts around the world trying to compel WhatsApp to hand over messages but they didn't because they simply don't store the messages on their servers, and when the messages pass through their servers they're encrypted by design.

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This article only mentions old quotes from develpers. Nothing new to see here...

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That's something I failed to consider when reading the headline. 😅

I'm baffled Google is so uninterested in making a serious effort in combating this practice, in their own add-on store no less. The suggestions outlined by this developer seems like a good start, and are not too hard to enforce.

I read a variation of this news in the past where there was some major controversy about Google accounts that have active YouTube channels with videos uploaded to it. The solution is that Google would not delete inactive accounts if they have uploaded YouTube videos on it. I just don't know of this policy still stands or if they changed their minds.

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Perhaps it's a little too late for YouTube to ride this trend. TikTok is even pivoting to long videos, as they know where the money is.

What's being proposed is that the extension would modify the page to add a Lemmy frame for commenting. This frame is autonomous in the sense the user must provide his Lemmy login information for it to work, which is different from Google login information. Google is not even aware the page is being modified by an external comment section, and even if it could detect it, it wouldn't be able to track individual users.

If I may ask, what's the difference between those two you mentioned and "Active"?

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I've seen some people recommend using RedReader, which is an app whitelisted by Reddit for being accessibility-friendly. I've tried and it is not too bad. I simply don't have much patience to play cat and mouse with Reddit's inevitable crackdown.

However I'm only using it to access NSFW subs. For everything else, I'm sticking to Lemmy. It's possible to bypass the API's blockage of NSFW content by creating a subreddit (it can stay in private mode), which in turn will turn the user into a moderator, and mods are given free access to NSFW content for moderation purposes. 😎

Jack Ma being a Chinese national sure didn't help him avoid persecution.

Recently LinusTechTips posted a video vouching for Roku TVs. It seems they have a really snappy UI with no ads.

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Allowing games that use AI is one thing. But in case of lawsuits, will they defend those devs' right to keep their games published?

It seems they're already gone when I went to check. Does anyone know what these games are about? Are they PC exclusives or do we have the emulation option for them?

2023 - 30 = 1993. If your year of reference is this, then most SNES games would not be considered "retro". Pokemon Green was only released in 1996.

If there's some re-encoding, would the file still be considerd "WEB-DL" at this point?

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She said she regrets not having publicized her opinions on this subject earlier, so if her likes wouldn't have exposed her, her subsequent retweets certainly would.

I guess what he meant is that, at the moment, Reddit Gold revenue goes 100% into Reddit's pockets. But if they start funneling part of this money into contributor's pockets, it means Reddit is effectively paying them from a money pool that was previously exclusively theirs. Thus, Reddit is "paying them".

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I would understand your argument if you were talking about a Smart TV app like Netflix, in which they have to assure API backwards compatibility for TV OSes that are slow to approve app updates (or won't accept at all once the TV is old enough).

But in the case of Reddit which app is on mobile phones, I find it hard to believe they'd be too worried about blocking access to older versions of their API. If someone can access Reddit's app, then this person has internet access, and so is able to update the app.

If Piped is basically a proxy to access YouTube videos, who pays for this proxy (which shouldn't be cheap)?

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If they're aiming to build an open source ecosystem, without selling user data and thus not being over-reliant on advertising, then why they chose to use their own protocol instead of ActivityPub? In what way their philosophy differs from Mastodon so to make sense of that?

It really depends if they're pushing it through Instagram app, which given the numbers it's likely.

Except for the vocal minority, most people don't really care about Musk to give a damn and move from Twitter to Threads.

If the company's private, which means its stocks are not tradeable anymore, what's the point in measuring the company value at this point?

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Perhaps these communities you follow from remote instances are not very active, so your subscriptions from (which tend to be larger and more active communities) are obscuring them.

I suggest you change the sorting order to "New". I found that the default "Active" sorting always shows the same trending topics for days. Reddit also had this lazy refresh cadence with its "Hot" sorting, but to a lesser extent.

I'm out of the loop on this subject. I know Onedrive previously offered 15GB to free users, then strunk it to 5GB, but kept the larger amount to legacy users.

Have they made another reduction recently?

In general, movie piracy is more targeted by rightsholders, so if OP is not interested in this category he's pretty safe in a country the doesn't care.

Moral of the story: it only took one social media site to start being more lax on cersorship for the other ones to follow suit. Maybe this is indicative that spending a lot of money on censorship measures is useless.

I remember playing the first Golden Sun very close to its release thanks to emulation. But my rom was bugged so the game crashed when the final boss used his ultimate attack. At the time I didn't know I could transfer my .sav file from one rom to another, and that it would probably work if the roms are from the same game/region. I was just a teenager. 😅

The second game I played on cartridge and the wait was very painful because, contrary to what's costumary nowadays, Golden Sun The Lost Age released on the west a few months after its japanese release date. The japanese rom was floating around the web, with some very preliminary stopgap fan-translations, but it was not a good experience and most people chose to wait.

This article's writing style is all over the place. 😤

As for Musk, I expect him to backpedal sooner than later. If advertisers go away due to reduced eyeballs, how's he gonna pay the dept he incurred when buying Twitter?

I'm out of the loop on this one... What's the purpose of an Intermediate Graphics Library? Don't we have Vulkan already?

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My email is mostly used to receive confirmation messages when creating online accounts, recovery links to forgotten passwords, confirmation of purchases, confirmation of banking transactions, etc. These are all cases of mails that arrive as an immediate response to some action I took, so I know they're legit and don't fear clicking on their links if necessary to complete my task.

However, I'm more suspecious of mails that I receive unprompted. In these cases I see no reason to go clicking anything, especially if it's from a company that I have no previous relationship.

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I expect the growing availability of portable PC gaming systems to further boost this growth. It's known the japanese public is very biased towards portable gaming devices, which is why the Nintendo Switch dominates by market share.

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My history log has been shit lately. When I search this log, it seems many of the videos I've watched are missing, but if I search my browser history I can find them normally. That's the only reason I turn on my watch history, as my browser's history gets deleted automatically after 6 months.

Ars Technica recently published an article very critical of Mastodon. The main takeaway is the argument that Mastodon won't scale well to a large userbase, as the more instances there are, the bigger the server burden to everyone. And as most users are against corporate funded instances (they'd defederate from any that emerge), it may be unsustainable mid/long-term.

I wonder if these scaling-issues apply to Lemmy too? The instances make copies of posts/comments from other instances. They copy images too? And videos? If so, I imagine a future where only the bigger and wealthiest instances will survive.

And concerning moderation tools, I know they'll improve with time. But how can a federated system like Lemmy do certain tasks that Reddit's Pushshift enabled? Example: bots detecting and deleting re-posts, spam, bad actors across multiple communities, etc.

He's good, but lately some of his videos don't add much considering their lenght. His best type of video is when he dissects the discovery process of console's vulnerabilities to enable jailbreaks.

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The first Far Cry wasn't developed by Ubisoft like the rest of the franchise. Does anyone know what prompted the franchise changing hands?

Let's hope not. But I think they'd prefer a dedicated voice actor to replace him, as the logistics of Chris Pratt recording his voice lines between his acting commitments would cost too much for Nintendo.