1 Post – 204 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Your average Reddit escapee

Take note US. This is how we handle shitty practices in scandinavia.

Imagine if someone tried to implement tipping culture here.

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Still no proof capsaicin caused the death. I'm eagerly awaiting for what the autopsy unveils

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You can uninstall the Xbox app. Why that's not done by your work domain admin is peculiar, or are you using random consumer installations?

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With Sync you can just pre-emptively filter based on keywords.

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I mean, Spotify is a great service for the consumer. One reasonable monthly fee for most of the music in the world.

If a similar video streaming service existed for 40€/month, I'd pay for it in a heartbeat. Now I have a plethora of arr apps and a vpn, and Plex. But it's a hassle sometimes.

We're all aware of the issues it created for the artists, and I'd be willing to double the fee if that money directly went to the artists, but this is where the capitalist model fails, as that won't maximize the profits for shareholders.

If we ever come up with a way to fix the underlying greed models that come with publicly traded companies, that would be great.

As it stands, it is what it is, but I'm glad we have this, instead of a "different Spotify per music publisher".

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I am personally unaware of any serious reason to believe that Firefox’s numbers will improve soon.

Yeah about that. Manifest V3 will infuse Firefox userbase nicely come next summer.

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Not all queryparameters are tracking, so the option to copy the actual href of the hyperlink is useful.

Most of the time I appreciate a feature that strips them automatically

DuckDuckGo CEO apparently is just another CEO. I've been an early adopter that's been using their search engine long before there were apps or a browser.

What's stopping people from using DDG isn't switching to DDG, it's getting absolutely dogshit results 90% of time. As an advanced user I know I can prefix my search with "!g phrase" to use Google instead of DDG. The sad fact is that despite the ad-ridden result page and tracking, Google is still lightyears ahead in providing relevant, and especially timely results for a user that is both tech-savvy and critical.

They need to improve their product, users will follow a good adfree search engine, that's a given. Only a fraction of users will put up with degraded results in order to search without tracking.

I sincerely hope they will get their tech up to par. And that their browser on mobile reaches feature parity soon. (as a Z Fold user, DDG browser doesn't have tabs. Brave, Vivaldi and Firefox does).

The new kid on the block needs humility and good tech, not shittalk. Fuck that CEO,. he's undermining something very promising and important.

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The whole "article" was downright crap.

This, 100%. Americans were the people dumb enough to elect Trump. They haven't changed that much in 8 years. All bets are off.

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The admins don't owe any of us anything. This isn't how it works.

Vote with your feet if you dislike the instance, or roll out your own, but quit whinging.

Feel free to join Ukraine as a voluntary fighter. Many have done so. Or keep spouting shit here about others. Put your money where your mouth is, Sir Feckless.

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I'm not seeing the "insulting users of the community" point you stated OP, could you clarify? I did see one snarky response to a dude calling him an asshole, and I also saw posts stating he shouldn't be a mod, and generally very hostile responsens. Those in mind, I think his output was quite civil even though I disagree with his reasoning and opinion to large degree.

This feels like a witchhunt to me, and I for one don't think a volunteer moderators job should be in question if he has a hot take on something. He's just keeping the spam etc. clean, he's allowed to have differing opinions on subjects, as long as there is no misuse of his mod powers.

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I had the same issue with Google Workspace. Could not terminate my subscription until I "deleted all apps", and apps list was empty. My pre-cancelled tier did not have customer support privileges.

I had to cancel my credit card and have been getting warnings about being sued if I don't add a working payment card.

I'm using Instander, which is basically just altered version of the original, but with no ads and other extra features.

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Even if 100% of EV charging was by burning oil/coal, the power plants still manage this with greater efficiency than the internal combustion engine on your car. That means that even at it's worst, it's still way more environmentally friendly to drive an EV.

As a web developer who's worked in the industry for 16 years, every snowflake requiring me to work harder to support their "choices" is just an annoyance. I get wanting to reduce tracking etc, but in all honesty, the 0.0X% of users running tons of blockers and JS off are in reality just easier to track, in comparison to hiding in the mass of regular users who might be running an ad blocker (or nothing).

As long as your browser is making requests, you'll never be invisible.

The change needs to come from regulation level imho.

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Didn't expect the day to come when I can no longer use Chromium based browsers.

Oh well, anyway.

This is downright funny. Best way to lose your market share, simply put. I've used Googles family of products for around 13 years.

First they ruin Photos, then Google Workspace (12€/month drive price to almost 100€), and now the browser.

Soon it's back to gmail and everything else non-google. And I suppose that's a good thing.

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At least he's only ruining things for the party responsible for him.

Karma, I guess?

Grayjay. I'll just say that much. If you know Revanced, this will be up your alley.

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I 100% agree, just without the scummy PR-driven administrators, but a more community driven vibe to it. Just like Reddit in the olden days. (my account was 13 years old and once the API went, so did I).

Now if there are instances who don't want Lemmy to grow from what it is now, then by all means the admins are well within their rights to defederate their own community.

As for me personally, I gladly await when my default browsing sort is something else than Everything @ top day.

I should post more.

One of the most important things when buying a used EV is checking the base of the car for any punctures. One could happen due a plethora of reasons.

Combine a puncture with driving in heavy rain/puddles and water damage may occur.

I hate Musk and wouldn't buy Tesla ever, but this isn't necessarily just because of the shoddy quality control they have.

It does, but Valve doesn't spend money in taking any responsibility over it. Also I presume anticheat might not work properly.

In any scenario, the translation layer has a performance impact which for any competitive player is something that makes Apple a no-go.

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On the other hand, I'm glad these are the issues we're combatting against, instead of a corrupt bipartisan government.

It's not baseless rhetoric when a dev team has literally called it out as a big tech hurdle.

My life is now back to complete

What Hamas did requires a response from Israel, and no amount of "truce now, k?" will be work. It's sad, but the only course for Israel is to hit back, and hard. Anything less would be bending over and showing Hamas can do this again.

In other words, you can't stab a person, and then go "whoa stahp" when the bleeding guy pulls a bigger gun on you.

Bystanderd will be hurt, but I hope it will be over quick and afterwards there can be a path towards something better.

Before you engage with what I said, be sure to read up on

I wish Hamas could be eradicated, it would be the single best step for Palestine, and not far behind, Israel and the rest of the world.

You'd be quite wrong to think that.

Just remove the fullstack part. If there are any senior developers going through the CVs, that's an immediate red flag.

Why? The "stack" has grown so large, that when a dev claims to be fullstack, you know he either doesn't understand enough to know he cannot be a fullstack developer, or he does, and isn't really good at anything, because there's just too much to know these days.

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When you realize 90% of programming is reading, then you'll end up embarking on a journey to make code more readable. At some point you fall in love with ligatures.

In think that there's enough space here for differing opinions and discussion. Echo chambers are not good. Fyi: I'm against his idea, but I welcomed the discussion.

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Why do you think Halo never got split screen 💁‍♂️

"Product managers retooled an existing engine and reskinned it and..."

Jesus fuckin christ dude, stop making things up. As an actual developer, I can with confidence say what you just wrote is complete and absolute bullshit and you either made it up or are parroting something someone else said.

Tbh something you can only hear the last second is way scarier 99.9% of the time, because you can't expect to hear it's coming. Could happen anywhere any time.

Spotify isn't the only service currently.

Like I said in my op: it's good service for the consumer. It might not be if enshittification ensues.

But compared to video streaming, it's awesome.

The issue isn't the service model, but the capitalistic shit behind it, that attempts to maximize profits instead of paying artists fairly.

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The same way you can tell if you repainted a Banksy yourself. If you don't realize, and monetize, then you are liable for a copyright lawsuit regardless of the way you created the piece in question.

And if noone can detect similarities beyond influences, then it's not infringing anything.

Amen. We do provide text versions though, but a few JS-blocking users have complained about having a barebones experience.

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Your arguments didn't actually invalidate the comment you replied to. They are just arguments against nuclear being a short-term solution.

We need both, short and long term ones. Wind and water cannot be solely relies upon. Build both types.