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Hmmm, we have a company who's success has been largely due to it's large network of developers and the outgoing CEO tried to destroy that community.... Who should replace them? Oh, I know, someone who took another company who's success was based on a large network of developers and successfully killed that community

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I wouldn't say no one is paying attention. Rather, we learned that 40% of the country agrees with that language and actively wants a violent dictator

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Also, assuming this is the same one that gets posted constantly, it was a joint project between the two countries

Which I get - I'm starting the candidate gathering stage for a fairly senior role and the pool of candidates I have to choose from is already quite small given the requirements and niche product and of course I am going to defer to those I have worked with in the past as I know what they can do. I just find it funny that when faced with a very specific issue that unity picked someone who has a track record of fumbling that exact issue

Much like yourself I always try and use FOSS first and haven't pirated software since my teena

The first half of the first page is all ads now on Google. It's utter shit - the things it's a lot better at than DDG is NLP, being able to understand questions, and anything news related. If you know exactly what you're searching for though, using the old style of search words works great on DDG

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You described most CA laws - don't get me started on CARB and how is just pushing us toward bigger, less efficient cars while killing innovation by smaller engineering shops

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As a manager, I don't give a flying fuck why my team wants to take time off. Wanna sit on your ass and play video games for a week straight, cool all good by me : just let me know the dates, check their PTO balance, and ensure it doesn't conflict with key deliverables and if so either work out a plan for coverage or suggest they look for a different time to take off if possible

This is about Saudi Arabia and Iran's proxy war in Yemen, not Israel

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Lol, and we are to believe BRICS is an actual threat to the west and to USD dominance?

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We'll see how the Saudis feel about him pissing away their money. Gonna be taking that Tesla stock from him

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What issues are you having with your reverse proxy? Home Assistant is light-years ahead of any other option

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Where are you struggling to eliminate or reduce single use plastics?

My approach is I avoid buying things with lots of single use plastics in their packaging. If you shop Amazon you can opt to prefer paper/cardboard packaging (it's not always used though). I use reusable or no bags at the grocery store. Don't use straws or use metal / silicone. But that just scratches the surface of common sources of single use plastics - I'm also into 3D printing which can be a bear to reign in plastics use, luckily more companies are moving to cardboard spools for example.

US and international date standards all suck : ISO8601 on the other hand is beautiful

If you're going to be put to death, this is absolutely how you'd want to go. This may buy a little time but the alternatives are what is truly cruel and unusual

Did no one learn anything from Atlanta and the I-85 bridge fire?

Dell and Lenovo also offer laptops with Ubuntu pre-installed and supported.

It's just funny given the community backlash both companies have faced in recent days

I'm not sure your quote is having the impact you think - yes, we give aid not just for moral reasons but to further extend our influence in region. That's a big part of what has made the US the absolute powerhouse that it is - through hegemony, soft power, and hard power. Hard power in the ME has failed, so now we are trying soft power and hegemony

On a more serious note, how the hell do people use GitHub? I was the Gitlab admin at my prior employer (and self-host my own instance) and now I am just a user of GitHub in my new role and jesus does it lack any organization whatsoever, it's actions are crap compared to Gitlab CI/CD, and it's projects are a flaming pile or garbage

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My Google homes have gotten progressively worse over the years. Half the time it will say it's setting a timer but nope, no timer. Recently I'll tell it to play music and it will reply that I don't have any devices with that feature.... they're all Google homes or Chromecast which absolutely play music. Really like the hardware but the software is utter shit

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The Android Auto client is still utter trash. Want to search for an artist or song - too fucking bad, it better be in a playlist or you're SOL

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What confused the fuck outta me as someone who has been in the crypto space since 2010 is that it wasn't new or novel in any way. Colored Coins was virtually the same thing and it flopped in a similar fashion and there were several similar projects that did the same or never made it off the ground. Then, some shitty monkey drawings come along, are backed by virtually the same thing I had seen before and suddenly people I knew from my hometown who barely had two brain cells to rub together were claiming to be financial and tech gurus while peppering "block chain" into conversation. The one thing that brings me solace is that they all lost their investments

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As someone with an Audi that will adjust your cruise control automatically based on speed limit (or rather what it thinks the speed limit is) I couldn't be more against this. I had to disable the feature after multiple times where it thought I was on some 15mph ramp rather than the freeway and slammed on the brakes in the middle of traffic going 70mph.

It's funny you joke about Quibi because those people all went over to Airtable and what do you know, they have turned a great product into a loser because they have no idea how to get their shit together and actually go public. They're past their series F - they've got nowhere to go and the CFO only knows how to fund raise and she gutted their finance department that was actually working to get them compliant enough to go public. A couple years ago or so they fired their controller who specializes in taking companies public and it's been downhill since.

Sorry for the rant but this is the world and people I work with and have had a front row seat to the shit show (well, more like a few rows back)

I wouldn't hold my breath - Boulder is big on telegraphing very liberal policies but they always fall apart due to NIMBYs. Home prices in Boulder aren't even driven by corporate RE investment, it's just expensive as fuck in general with a ton of tech companies having campuses there, the university, and well-to-do people from the Bay Area that have been flowing there for decades

Seems FigJam is somewhat popular in the space? It's an Adobe product now since they acquired Figma. There's also Miro and LucidChart that are popular

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The latter

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You seem to be ignoring where profits are going - shareholders have, for decades, taken far more than their fair share of things and wages absolutely can go up without driving companies out of business it's just that one group has to take less and that's the shareholders. Employers will continue to do anything in their power to keep shareholders happy over employees and that absolutely includes bringing in cheaper, migrant labor. It's not a labor shortage, it's a wage shortage and investing in productivity doesn't reduce jobs, it creates new ones - often that require a different skill set than the one it replaced and that's one reason we are failing, we aren't helping people acquire new skills en mass

Curious what tooling you're using. I think they all have the 1000 post limit but I at least found BDFRX easy to use to back up my sub's 1000 most recent posts and am just looking to host that and link to it in a future community here on lemmy

Gets people riled up

He slashed damn near 2/3 of the company, their HRIS systems were in disarray, they removed much of the force that made it advertiser friendly, came up with obscene API pricing (no doubt to try and cash in on LLM companies), and have failed to pay rent and server costs. Elon took a flawed business model and made it significantly worse all while giving a middle finger to their advertisers which is overwhelmingly their primary revenue source.

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I can assure you this goes back well before capitalism

Doing work with government, I understand why - ten billion different stakeholders to wrangle, strained budgets (probably not as big of an issue in defense but rampant throughout the rest of gov't), lawmakers changing things mid-project that have a material effect on how the project is carried out, and endless redtape throughout the process. I don't propose FF for gov projects either because inevitably they violate our assumptions by not getting their shit in order which kills the timeline, adds a ton of overhead, and results in a change order anyway which then just starts the whole process of approvals all over again.

He seems to be capitalizing on the GA supreme court refusing to stop the Fulton county probe into his election shenanigans and is whipping his base into a frenzy to raise money. He may or may not know that an indictment is actually coming but in the meantime will use the event to continue to fleece the MAGA crowd

Fuck around and find out, India

That should show under bounce rate though, right? I can't imagine a user being able to click 'back' before an http request gets sent to the analytics server

Just computer languages for me - I am absolutely horrible with any spoken language besides my native tongue nor do they interest me. Meanwhile picking up new computer languages, libraries, and frameworks is a blast

OpenSCAD and Gitlab. I can quickly iterate on designs through code, push it to my Gitlab instance, and have my CI/CD pipelines pick it up, render it, and automatically slice it in some common profiles to send to Octoprint

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