5 Post – 235 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Another instance of inciting insurrection.

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Let me tell you too.

But seriously, I'm sick of these stupid headlines. Write an article when you know the details not when you are speculating on them. There is nothing new here.

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On Lemmy you can edit your post titles.

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This guy should be hanging from the gallows as a public example.

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It is hilarious to me how this guy thinks he is entitled to have advertisers on his platform. I don't understand why he thinks he can coerce them back with insults and claiming they will bankrupt his company. Why do they have any responsibility to save your rotten company? Delusional!

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They are trying to create a "Safe and friendly place".

Another fine example of police officers hard at work. Only the best and brightest.

This doesn't even feel like an article - more like one long advertisement. The second paragraph of the article launches into a review of the "Erect Horse Penis - Concept LoRA"

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Automated money laundering.

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I guess we can make some assumptions about the school board members and funding sources.

I love having a keyboard where every key is programmable.

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Lol, as if I could trust anything published in China to have a critical view of China. It's not like there is any history of press freedom in that country. This article is paywalled as well.

This is why we take the "peaceful protest" straight to the supreme Court where the real seat of conservative political power lies.

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Would you let some 1000 people stash their stolen goods in your house? Do you think the police would give you a break? Think about it. If is forced to shut down because it hosted illegal materials where will the plus side be?

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Dude thought that meat and flavorful food caused sexual desire and lead to masturbation. He was an anti-masturbation crusader and invented his breakfast cereal to help decrease sexual desire.

Why he is even allowed work in government/politics after the Nixon incident is a huge mystery to me.

B.S., I demand a picture.

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Gymnasium Jordan

I get that "enshitification" is the hot new buzzword but cold we please give it a rest. Reading this community you start to think that people can't express that the Internet is not to their liking in any other way.

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Forget the backend! I just want the frontend not to crap itself whenever it can't fetch the site icon!

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If you are just exposing port 80 and 443 (standard web ports) cloudflare proxy is free and will work well to hide your IP.

Get yourself a domain name then use Cloudflare DNS to set an A record pointing to your home IP. If you have a dynamic IP (one that occasionally changes) you'll want to read this:

According to that chart GenX is still a problem and they'll be around for a while. The thing that gets me worried is the huge number of "Independents" in Millennials and GenZ. How many of those are Liberal Independents and how many of those are Conservative Independents? I wish there was a followup question whenever people where given the option of Independent.

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Fresh Graphene. In order to get stock Android back you would need to install it back on your phone. A factory reset removes all data, settings, and apps that were put on the phone by the user.

Israel has killed 1% of their population, thats insane! Anyone who says this isn't genocide is an idiot or evil.

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If you post to a community that isn't local, the content of the post is stored on your local server and the remote server just makes a copy. The posters home server is where the illegal content is hosted.

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Not to make light of this story - I thought I was clicking on a story about somebody with three arms. Its too early.

Private in this context means that it is isolated. If you want it to be private in the sense that it's only for you to use the you just close registrations.

Anonymity and federation are kind of oxymoronic.

I understand what you are saying, but the US constitution is pretty clear about the federal government being in control of the borders while it says nothing about drugs and the laws around them.

It costs 48k for every ship in the game. The most expensive single ship that I've seen was about 1.2k.

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What is a "feg"?

I don't know enough about ActivityPub to say for sure but I believe that in order to federate properly (grab posts and comments from other servers as well as sending posts and comments to other servers) you need to have a publicly accessible domain with SSL. Hosting on localhost ( the computer you want to access from) is pointless if you don't have a reverse proxy set up to actually let others see your server online.

I recommend using a real domain name so you can pull SSL certificates that don't require the visitor to accept a self-signed certificate.

The ISP is going to keep those important network security settings far away from its clients. Owning your own router or ONT will not let you change anything other than your internal network settings.

I think it's the judges who should be worried about "running out of time"

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Still showing month old posts with 0 comments for me. Maybe need to wait for all the servers to update before we see a real improvement?

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Is this not the exact same thing as vasalgel? How is this new or different?

Still just one app store. The others are media stores.

I tried it and didn't think it was much different from any other Lemmy app right now. Seems like they are only trying to differentiate with visuals at the moment.

Some things I would like to see in future apps and versions of existing apps.

  • Integration of the Lemmy community browser or something similar. Basic search takes too long and you need to know what your looking for
  • Ability to view top communities posts from the community browser in a separate view alongside "local" and "All" and "subscribed" and could even stand in as a user's subscribed view before they have customized it to their own liking
  • Ability to "force pull" comments and posts from a particular remote community. Or at least compare the number of comments a post has locally to the number it has on its remote instance and present some kind of indicator if they differ.
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Pretty much all Lemmy instances are a private entity... I don't know any that are run by a collective or in a democratic way.

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Id say that the obvious answer is the Linux community with the most members. ! has more than double the number of subscribers of the next most active Linux community.

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