Elon Musk tells advertisers: ‘Go fuck yourself’ - The Verge

BobTheBoozer@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 507 points –
Elon Musk tells advertisers: ‘Go fuck yourself’

he said. “We’ll be gone, and it’ll be gone because of an advertiser boycott.”... eeer, no.


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It is hilarious to me how this guy thinks he is entitled to have advertisers on his platform. I don't understand why he thinks he can coerce them back with insults and claiming they will bankrupt his company. Why do they have any responsibility to save your rotten company? Delusional!

Typical conservative victim mentality. It can't be a result of his actions, no. It's not his fault the company is crashing and burning. It's those darn blackmailing advertisers!

In 7th grade, many years ago, my school had an excited young teacher who convinced management to let them teach a Logic class. I can’t even remember if the teacher was male or female, but I use the shit I learned in that class constantly, particularly the fallacies and biases we memorized (and then promptly weaponized against teachers, parents, and pastors).

When billionaires attribute their success entirely to their own virtues, skills, or talents, and blame others or external circumstances for their failings, they are demonstrating a self-serving bias, a specific form of the fundamental attribution error. They fail to acknowledge external factors like market conditions, socio-economic advantages, or the efforts of their teams that may have contributed to their success. Conversely, they externalize blame for failures, ignoring any personal shortcomings or misjudgments.

He's just using abusive partner/parent tricks to manipulate people. I doubt they have any real basis in logic.