4 Post – 120 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Fortunately majority of games work on linux. The major pain point now is the anticheat used by multiplayer games. Single player games more or less work out of the box

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Check out protondb to see how your game collection fares on linux. I personally just buy games without checking these days and play on linux but then again I buy older games. Although AAA games also tend to work these days within days of release

What will they shove though¿? They don't control linux like how Microsoft controls windows. The only OS they have control over is SteamOS.

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Yes it counts and more than monetary contributions do

Are reddit paying contributors, moderators or people creating posts¿? If no then how are they claiming that buying a golden upvote supports contributors

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The gap between 6.5 launching and 6.6 launching seems smaller than normal.

Edit : looking back this is not the case. It is the same 2 months between releases. Man time flies

I am assuming you currently use linux. Do you currently use CUDA with freecad and solidworks(which I am assuming you use through WINE or a VM). AMD generally has better raw performance at same price but has nothing equivalent to CUDA at this point. There is ROCm and plans for CUDA through ROCm but GPU support for ROCm is hit or miss. You also have openCL but performance is nowhere near as good as using CUDA even if the GPU using CUDA is weaker. AMD. will provide a much better gaming and day to day usage experience though

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Valve is not forcing us to run steam. It can't do that. What it can do is offer a very good product which makes us use it. If in the future, valve starts doing shitty things with steam, most of the community will just move on.

Also what the hell do you mean by consumer linux is steam¿?

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Guy pays good money for a 4k tier Netflix subscription because he does not want to pirate. Has a home theatre linux machine because he is worried about the privacy risks of his smart tv and hence doesn't connect his TV to the internet. Finds that he can only get a low bitrate 720p stream on his PC . He is appalled at the fact he isn't getting the quality he paid for and amused at the fact that he would have gotten better quality if he had just pirated and concludes that piracy is just the better experience.

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So we are renting the game instead of buying it. Great /s

Debian 12. Mentioned in the article/blog

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Looks like you did not watch the video.

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What bootloader have you choosen during install?

Which option did you select from the options in the picture (keep in mind that systemd-boot is the default in case you did not change this setting)?

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This is not a Linux specific issue though it's worse on Linux because vulkan shader processing happens for almost every game. I remember people on windows complaining that The Last of Us was compiling shaders for several hours when first launched and that if shader compilation was skipped the game was laggy as hell(which is not a surprise considering how poor the game ran even after shader compilation)

I don't get wolfire's point here. Yes steam takes a hefty 30% cut but game developers are free to sell directly if they want to. Unlike apple who have completely locked down the iOS app ecosystem or Google who allow sideloading but scares and warns people against downloading apps from non Play Store sources, steam does nothing to hinder games not sold through it. If there was a competitor who was as good as steam but took a smaller cut, then that competitor would have been the market leader in place of steam.

I am a little slow - what exactly I am looking at here¿? Many of them seem to be playing modern warfare 2

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What do you mean by bored¿? Because you will be similarly bored by silverblue or kinoite. They are built to be stable and somewhat boring

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Somebody please teach the bot to just say Twitter instead of X, formerly known as Twitter. Will save 4 words

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How are gnome supposed to improve hardware support? Do gnome devs write drivers and such at the present time¿?

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And even after that KDE still has a crazy amount of customisation.

It is a very long article and the summary will not be able to properly catch the essence of it. Just take some time and read the article it is worth the read

Unfortunately gabe is also overweight and hence has the health risks associated with being overweight. So him only living till the average age has a higher possibility.

In the meantime please share that these issues exist on nvidia forums. Issues caused by nvidia drivrers shouldn't come under the purview of the kde devs.

but the 4080 and 4090 absolutely blow previous gens out of the water

Just the 4090, the 4080 is not is not that big a jump compared to the 3090Ti. Considering the 4080 trades blows with the 7900xtx, can't say that it blows previous gen out of the water

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What I don't like about the immutable approach is that it turns my PC into a dumb terminal locked by the distro Devs and updated at their will.

I think you are misunderstanding how immutable distros work. They can be just as configurable as regular distros and in the case of nixOS it is more configurable than popular distros. The point of immutability is to ensure that the system can't be broken during when it is running by a bad update or install or by user making configuration errors as these are applied during reboot. If the system is broken then a earlier snapshot is booted so you always have a working system. You can setup a regular distro with this atomicity and snapshots but it is not as easy as using immutable distros. Yes tinkering and using native packages is harder in most immutable distros but immutables never were a catch all solution. Use what suits you. I was just a little upset that you claimed that immutables are not in the spirit of FOSS. You can even make your own images(base OS) in distros like fedora silverblue and update your system with those images instead of using what the maintainers provide. It is what uBlue uses

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In the end, it is just an extra layer of testing. Silverblue only provides the base imgaes and confirms its stability. uBlue/bluefin adds the layers on top to the image and tests their stability with the base image before pushing the combined image to users. It is good for people who don't want to do the layering and want something with those defaults out of the box.

What was wrong with the old logo¿?

The good that steam does for linux currently outweighs the DRM issue present in steam. It why they are catching less heat than others for it.

If you find one on your travels please feel free to share ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The point I feel is that small phones have a small but vocal userbase and is not lucrative for smartphone manufacturers as more R&D is involved in the packaging for product which has a small audience

I like voyager on smartphones and Photon on laptops and desktops.

If you don't want to use a TUI or touch a terminal, try endeavoros.

Why are you recommending a terminal centric distro for someone who doesn't want to touch the terminal. Endeavour does not even ship with discover+packagekit so he has to most things with the terminal

I am guessing all of them is it was game running through proton

Edit : the game seems to have a linux native version

I don't know man. The companies have no respect for us as consumers. Why should we respect them and their copyright in that case.

"justify" stealing it from them.

In many cases, these services stream shows which they did not have a hand in creating but own the distribution rights to. In that case pirating seems like a weak case of stealing to me. The original crew have already been paid and rewarded for their work and now the streaming companies are just storing and streaming that content which is the same thing piracy websites do. On the other hand pirating newer content and content that is platform exclusive because they(HBO, Disney, etc) are the ones that made it seems a lot more like stealing to me. I am not going to feel guilty for pirating shit like friends or Seinfeld. I am also not going to feel guilty for pirating content which has been geoblocked in such a way that it is not available in my country through any legal means.

What I am trying to say with this is that there are situations where piracy is both convenient and justified

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For example according to ProtonDB Starfield (and yes I know, most people here don't like it - but I do) still doesn't work reliably, especially not on Nvidia cards

This is an nvidia driver issue more than a proton/wine issue. When amd releases terrible game drivers on windows, amd is blamed so why is linux blamed when it is nvidia's fault¿?

Funny that people are downvoting when this is what hybrid graphics in laptops do. The iGPU to drive the display and heavier tasks get offloaded to the dGPU

You are right for the top 1000 games as per protondb's numbers

Pop!_OS seems like it would suit this use case. Especially since I hear that a recent update to the pop shop has made it much more responsive. Also it has nvidia drivers pre-installed and you can update the nvidia drivers through the pop shop. Literally everything can be done through with a GUI

She was a dish when she was younger

What does this mean¿?

Just for future reference.

KDE NEON is a distribution maintained by the kde community so that you can enjoy the latest and greatest kde has to offer on an Ubuntu base.

KDE plasma is a Desktop Environment(DE). It controls the look of your desktop and to some degree how you interact with your computer. You can use kde plasma in almost any distribution. It is somewhat analogous to launchers in android with the caveat that DEs affect a lot of more of the system than launchers do in android.