Trump Calls on 'All Willing States' to Send National Guard Soldiers to Texas to politics – 384 points –
Trump Calls on 'All Willing States' to Send National Guard Soldiers to Texas

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Another instance of inciting insurrection.

This one's even better because he's calling for state governors to support a treasonous one. What saddens me is that if this does break out into full blown civil war, a lot of national guardsmen are going to be in the area of operations. Using people as human shields for his political agenda yet again.

The idealist in me wants to believe that the national guardsmen would be unwilling to kill their fellow Americans because a tangerine and governer hot wheels said so

Well, even if all of them went off the reservation, there's only 1500 of them. They'll never disobey a direct order from the Commander in Chief but if they did, they wouldn't pose too big of a threat.