Mark Post as Read? to – 17 points –

Is there currently a way on Lemmy-ui to mark a post as "read" so that it no longer shows up in the feed? As the admin of my personal server I know I can remove the post but I'm looking for a solution that doesn't affect others on my instance. I see a setting for hiding read posts but I don't see a way to mark a post as being read.


If you vote in it or open it, it's marked read in most apps (the default web UI included).

Right ... so it seems a button to simply mark as read without opening or voting would be appreciated. Even marking all posts on the current page as read would be nice.

It would be nice if there were a way to hide a post directly. As it currently works I am either required to actually view the post or vote on it. That's fine by itself, but the majority of the posts I choose to view are posts that I would prefer they stick around for a while so I could reread or share with others. Same thing goes with upvotes, don't want a post to disappear because I liked it. Maybe the behavior of hiding on voting should only work with down votes so we don't have to bookmark every post out of a fear of losing it. Honestly, I just want a hide button.

I'm using the Voyager app, and it has the option to automatically hide all the read posts.

You can even set it up to automatically mark posts as read as you scroll by them.
