1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hello, I'm terribly introverted but trying my best to be social. Feel free to help me out!



โ€ข herbalism
โ€ข mycology 
โ€ข botany
โ€ข bushcraft
โ€ข nature
โ€ข paganism
โ€ข witchcraft
โ€ข druidism
โ€ข anthropology

I personally don't want reddit #2.

Beehaw is all the rave and currently single handedly destroying [insert newest thing here] everywhere all at once, apparently.

It's weird to me people are upset they can't come crap it up with their vitriol when there are endless other places to do that. I realize it's definitely not everyone doing that, but still...

"Lemme in so I can be needlessly hostile while enjoying your nice community but also ignoring everything it stands for / is about."

No, go away. ๐Ÿคจ

If that's what brings you joy and how you like to play games, more power to you.

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100% agree and I just can't understand why so many are going nuts over it the way they are. They're so reactionary and ridiculous it makes me wonder if they read the actual reasons why (or even understood them.)

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"There is no climate change! It's China and liberals trying to take more of our money!"

My brain... ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

Trying to remain sympathetic, but this is exactly what the side she was supporting would've wanted to happen to her. Or worse. Either way, absolute yikes...

I understand, and appreciate the move.

My very first post on was raided by trolls from an alt-right instance(?). It was not a good experience, and a big reason why I immediately migrated here to beehaw.

Anyone who dislikes animals.

It's always "for the best interest of children" first. Then they take it away from everyone else, too. They aren't even hiding what they're up to.

I've had the complete opposite experience, which is why I migrated to beehaw. I'm glad you're not having any issues over there so far.

Alliance? Please. They've been creating this crisis with their actions/inaction and now it's the homeless peoples' faults? Where are they gonna f*ckin go??

It's bait to attract and create a negative space.

MX Linux is my daily atm. I tend to hop around every few months (normally I use Mint.). Honestly, I'm enjoying it far more than Mint and don't see that changing.

Dunno about what's up with distrowatch; just chiming in as that one MX Linux person.

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Social media all the way.

The only thing that helped me was seeing a good ENT. It took several different visits to different ENTs, because while they all identified my issues were structural, I was told surgery wouldn't help.

I finally was able to get reconstructive surgery, which included removing a bone spur that had grown big enough to almost completely block my left sinus, as well as a reduction of the turbinates on either side.

Probably the most brutal recovery period I've ever experienced, because I was breathing through tubes that were basically airline hose for about two weeks, but when they took everything out and my first breath of cold air hit the back of my sinuses for the first time... all worth it.

No on/off sinus infections or sinus issues since then.

Just another heathen who likes plants and mushrooms tbh.

Adding to this, also make sure to floss gently.

My hygienist told me I was flossing too hard lol.

Surprise, surprise!

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UGH that is awful.

Thanks for posting that. Goodbye Nova.

Are there any launchers that are recommended?

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I didn't know this existed or that I needed it, but now I know. Cannot wait for this!!

I'm glad to see apps being made for Lemmy, but being open source for me is a must.

Fresh lemon juice / zest. Just wow.

I struggle to get basic thoughts out of my head and into words. Do you teach this class online? I'd be interested in looking into it.

I love all cats, but I'm especially fond of how goofy black cats look. Like eyes floating in a shadow. They're hilarious.

Hello, I'm green_witch!

I'm a travel-weary drifter from the festering ruins of "that place", where I spent most of my time lurking.

I enjoy herbalism, mycology, bushcraft, botany, nature, and consider myself a student therein. I'm unfortunately pretty timid, and my grasp on language is tenuous at best, but I'm trying to open up more and (hopefully) be a part of a community.

I hope we can all treat each other well and make something neat together.

Seconding this. It's pretty general, and allows lots of topics to be covered.

A board for witches / pagans etc is something I'd definitely support.

Thank you!
My eyes saw some arcane algebraic formula and my brain immediately shut off.

I've been to a few with friends, although I'll say I'm more of a casual anime dabbler than a full on fan. Normally, I don't much care for social gatherings or large of events of any kind. I found I didn't have much issue with the conventions though, as everyone was really focused on their own things, costumes, interests, etc.

There was one time I went in cosplay with a friend, as a sort of pair. It was not a cosplay I created, but a really well-made loaner. Anyway, while walking down a hallway someone sprinted, running up to me and jumping completely onto my back... clung to me like a wild gibbon or something! I had no idea who they were, what they wanted, and just sort of stood there confused / shocked.

So anyway, that's when I learned what a "glomp" was and that some people get really into the anime characters and stuff. ๐Ÿ˜…

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Sound advice, and makes a huge difference when everyone collectively does it!

I never liked beer, growing up. That being said, I never cared for liquor either. I cannot stand the bitterness, or the heavy carbonation.

I tried all sorts of good beers, bad beers, etc and simply never understood the point. I had/have no desire to be drunk or in any sort of altered mood, so there was no incentive for me.

In recent years (idk maybe because I'm getting old lol) I started to casually try beer here and there with friends and such, at outtings and such.

What I discovered is I do not like "beer" as a whole, but there are specific beers I really enjoy. There's maybe only 2-3 beers out of the hundreds I've tried which I find taste good, and actively will enjoy.

Just dropping in to say FreeTube is excellent. Carry on.

I second f-droid. It's really good!

I'm using NewPipe for a YouTube replacement, but I hear good things about ReVanced!

homelander has entered the chat

No but really, that's pretty interesting. I've heard that infants who were breastfed longer (idk what longer entails exactly) are "healthier?"

Wonder if any of that is true and/or correlates.

Just about everything, really. I'm not a Linux wizard or anything, just to preface.

I like the amount of control it lets me have over everything while also not allowing me to "accidentally" the whole everything. I like that it's fast and not resource intensive. Love that I can run it on my crunchy old netbook, and yet also my gaming desktop. Also like that it's Xfce which I'm fond of.

I guess most of that can also apply to many other distros, too. To summarize, suppose I just prefer it.

I know, right?! It's always such a weird mood booster lol.

Brain small; not understand. ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

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Oh gosh, that's unfortunate.

Good thing I've been using NewPipe! I'm reading the post for other alternatives, but feel free to suggest some to me directly, if you'd like.

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Mushrooms are crazy neat!

Did you know that mushrooms actually breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide, too?


It all just seems like a fantastical distraction. This keeps popping up over and ever, and there's never any meat to it. Would be pretty interesting, albeit terrifying, if there was.

I have to take notes on paper, or it's completely out of my head. Phone, computer, etc is so ingrained in my day-to-day it becomes lost in an afterthought, so physically jotting stuff down engages my brain in a different (arguably better, for me) way.