2 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, at my company we switched to allow/block listed last year. Whitelisted and blacklisted are verboten

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Even better.

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I REALLY liked the Inbox app they made for gmail. Sadly, like all the best things google makes, it went the way of the dinosaurs.

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Am a developer, and there's a few patterns to make this sort of thing easier, but Lemmy/kbin is pretty different than the reddit APIs as I understand it with the federation aspects, so swapping wouldn't be THAT easy. Doable, but not a drop in replacement.

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Commenting because I'd love to know the same.

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Smoking pork butt for the first time! I anticipate mediocre results but hey I've never done it before.

I think the better question is why didn't everyone else choose wisely by picking /s

But for real, it's just like the Jeep wave. See someone else on your instance in the wild? Say hello to each other and say you're the best instance! Maybe the wave wasn't the best comparison, but I have a Jeep so I was contractually forced to say so. I think that's how it works anyway.

Boom. I just installed jerboa a few minutes ago and am replying to you with it now.

I do like how it kinda/sorta looks like how I had Boost setup before.

Boost hasn't failed me yet, but aside from checking to see if it's down, I'm being careful and popping away without browsing. I don't want the dev to get slammed with more API fees because of me.

Obligatory "not a vegan" but post those munchies. I love munches.

Recently a video tape surfaced of my friends and I tazing each other for fun.

Yes, I lived in bumfuck Florida at the time.

Edit: typo

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Agreed. I'm liking Jerboa quite a bit so far. Feels similar to Boost a long while back.


8 months in and it's great :) we will see how it fares longer term, but aside from Discord being wonky when moving between resolutions, it's largely been great. I was nervous about screen issues originally, but maybe I'm just lucky.

Does StreamOS count?

It'd be a "vulnerability" of anything public. There's nothing stopping me from building a bot that pulls posts/threads from any instance and storing all the comments, their owners, the posts and their owners, yadda yadda.

I suspect the up/downvotes are "private" but on any instance, the owners will have access to that. I can't imagine all the data is encrypted at rest by default. But, don't take my word on that as I haven't read any of the specs. But, I'm pretty sure we're just looking at the protocol, not the implementation with regards to how a federated instance works.

So, same precautions as anywhere else really. Your data that's public WILL be tracked by someone and Meta is a damn likely culprit who absolutely would do that. I'm a total privacy nerd myself, but you'd be amazed at the things I want to track at work related to what/how/why people use the tools I work on. Granted, it's 100% exclusively used to improve user experience, weed out bugs, and see what is used most frequently to focus on that stuff. But if it can be tracked, somebody is tracking it.

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Oh man I love mine so much

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Good bot

RIGHT. Yeah, with all the BS and the blackout on Reddit right now, I decided it was the time to check out lemmy and kbin. Liking jerboa so far! Haven't really figured out the difference besides how the "subs" are laid out yet though. But, onward and upward.

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We had one of the magnet screen door dealios and it worked really well. Until the cat discovered he could just go out on the porch to try and escape.

Oh holy shit I am in. Even if you charge me $50 one time, I'm so in. Boost has been my bread and butter for YEARS, ive purchased on multiple devices and I will 1000% support the dev on this.

Edit: Just presubscribed or whatever. Also emailed our dear savior asking about donating in the meantime. I'll drop a link here if he gets back to me so we can all celebrate with our wallets.

Yeah that sucks. I really liked using them for quick clips of videos I took. Booooooo

Aaaah, those were the days. Not good ones, but days for sure. Remember before download resuming was a thing?

I am producing content with this comment! Oh and links I've shared.

  1. Morbius
  2. Morbius: Crimson Redemption
  3. Morbius: Dark Descent
  4. Morbius: Nightfall Chronicles
  5. Morbius: The Immortal Hunger

Leto's performance is genuinely captivating and the storytelling is top-tier. The film strikes a perfect balance between deep emotional resonance and stunning visuals. It's not just a superhero movie, it's a profound exploration of the human condition. Highly recommend it to anyone looking for more than just escapism.

Oh I definitely get that too. Did not realize there was another option for focus. Either do all the things or none of the things. I should ask my doc about that.

Dude. I definitely skinnied up before and I guarantee it'll happen again. I mean, I could use a little less though. So - win win I guess.

TypeError: Cannot read property of undefined

You're a genius.

My colonists beg to differ. There is nothing happy about their lifestyle.

You're not supposed to take pictures of the bean!

(Just looked it up, apparently they'll allow it these days unless you're obviously a crew)

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I saw The Decemberists in that open grass area there back in ... 2007? It's been a while. That was a good day. I loved Chicago summers.

It would come with a removable hoodie, but the only other clothes you can buy are also hoodies

did you hear about the guy who stole a calendar? He got 12 months! Talk about a timely heist!

Worst pun I can do. That'll be 200 schrute bucks.

180k now!!

You mean you don't drone on for 10 minutes focused on the details instead of the main point? Maybe that's just me and my kids then :)

It's the progressive web app you "download" as an app. Think of it more like a bookmark that hides the rest of the browser for a single website.

Ah shit. No I can't go by that moniker. It was the weirdest there. Now I'm crying alligator tears. I escaped to the west coast for a reason.

It's always time to start a new colony.

chatGPT has entered the room (but only about a step in, has a good bit to go to complete it's entrance)

Always a good choice. Boost, once I paid to remove the ads, has been absolutely worth it to me though. Bought it twice so far since I started using it. Easily my favorite and every few months I'd go explore other options. I know people loooove Apollo on iOS, but I never could get used to it. Boost was my baby though. The dev was always really responsive as well, so he's got my trust.