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The fact that these allegations come in quick succession is rather logical, I'd say. It's much harder to come out against someone who is a generally beloved public figure, so when the allegations finally start, many people see their chance to have their voice be taken seriously.

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Idk man that sounds pretty communist to me

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Lawmaking is a slow and tedious process full of compromises, and the EU is apparently the only governmental body that cares enough to actually do something against the wild west of digital tracking. I for one am happy about that, and contrary to public opinion the GDPR is actually being enforced (albeit not strictly enough).

Funny to be reading this in an open source community. For one, the fork's license is open source while Terraform's is not. The impact is mostly on businesses, but open source has always been for everyone - including business.

Furthermore, Terraform's new license is subject to interpretation and dynamic. It's so hazy and unclear that they created an FAQ website which is essentially a binding addendum to the license that can be updated anytime as Hashicorp pleases. Is your business competing with Hashicorp? Who knows, only Hashicorp can decide that.

Edit: Clarified phrasing

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But as the text says, this extortion began 5 days before the API changes were even announced. These criminals don't give a f*ck about the API and threaten to leak the data of those same users they're claiming to protect.

I think we should just ignore this, because it's a distraction for public pressure and will only make Reddit look better - either by delegitimising the protest or by making them look like a victim instead of the perpetrator they are.

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Let them eat cake

China isn't inherently unethical. Just because Apple's Chinese factories contain suicide nets, doesn't mean every Chinese factory does.

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It's called moderation and without it, discussions devolve into ad hominem - as you proved.

Just because you like Brave the search engine doesn't mean you have to use Brave the browser. The two have no inherent connection.

Edit: While we're on the subject of money, I'd be more worried about that Peter Thiel money Brave took. That man openly claims freedom and democracy to be incompatible and supports efforts to create independent libertarian societies on international waters and in space.

15 years.

You need to follow trusted sources like the IDF

Ah yes, there's nothing quite like trusting one side exclusively. No way they would ever lie for their own benefit!

I think git clean is more appropriate. With git stash you create a stash which you then have to drop.

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I guess the snarky headline might've been a bit too much for some people

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Everyone seems more interested in nitpicking

Actually, not everyone in that thread is nitpicking. There's one comment that's just a helpful hint.

But yes, nitpicking is fun. I'll see myself out.

Also, it's just a normal security measure. If pirating is illegal in your country it will always be better to encrypt the incriminating material in case of a search warrant.

Have you ever heard the terms "security update", "firmware" and "OS"? Then you should know why a "roadmap" or rather a support plan is necessary. Many other manufacturers aren't even providing concrete plans and simply stop providing security updates after just a few years.

The link doesn't explain what Taler is, you then also have to click through to the home page. How hard can it be to add literally a single sentence like

Taler is a payment system that makes privacy-friendly online transactions fast and easy.

Giving some real 1984 vibes

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

I'm skeptical given how confident many recent AI models are at making wrong claims. Fact checking seems to be a rather poor use case for current AI models IMO.

I don't know of any high end Android phone manufacturer that promises security updates for >5 years. If you want to keep your phone that long or even longer, there are few choices unless you want to be vulnerable.

Also, I have no idea what exactly "more durable" is supposed to mean, but I'm very much certain that Apple's and Samsung's batteries degrade the same and their screens also crack when dropped. A replacement part and the repair will be significantly cheaper with FairPhone, especially for people who don't want or dare to do it themselves because of anti-repair measures by the manufacturers.

For reference, a replacement screen for FP5 costs 100€ and comes with straightforward instructions from the manufacturer. An Apple screen replacement will cost you 340€ and there are no official ways to get replacement parts or do the repair yourself. You have to pay half a FP5's worth just for an iPhone screen repair.

Edit: Spelling correction

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So the actual solution to climate change is to light everything on fire so the smoke cover cools down earth

cataas - not to be confused with catass

Revenue is the wrong metric for this type of comparison. Last I heard even big tech didn't have a profit margin of 100%.

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I wouldn't call criticism of their strategic focus "shitting on" Nextcloud. It obviously still does a lot of things right or at least right enough to be useful and relevant to many people, or else we wouldn't be discussing it. But it has its issues and many of them have been unadressed for a long time, so why shouldn't people voice their displeasure with that?

I'm guessing they mean microSD and would like to use it for additional storage

How to write a package in R

Step 1: Use C++

I say let them be, there are (or soon were) many different third-party apps for Reddit as well and each has their own niche of users for whom it works just right. Jerboa has plenty of devs working on it, and if in doubt I'll always prefer having a choice between different apps. Let the free FOSS market decide!

If an attacker already has access to a system, they can use hitherto closed ports to communicate with C2 servers or attack other devices. In that case, a firewall that only allows known-good traffic will prevent further damage.

No problem. One more tip though: If you ever censor your public IP, don't just censor the last two digits. Otherwise it will be easily brute-forced.

Other economic systems aren't exactly protective of the environment either though, so I don't really get your point.

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Yeah, microplastics seem to be overlooked too often when people talk about plastic recycling "solutions". The worst one I've ever seen was a video where they cut a plastic bottle into strands and then made a broom out of them...

It shows that these people are populist leeches that will agitate against whatever the perceived establishment is doing. They're just anti-everything, whatever gets them the most attention at any point in time: Anti-immigration, anti-LGBTQ, anti-vaccination, anti-Israel, you name it.

Also, we should equally not forget that Hamas and their Palestinian, Arab and Islamic supporters are perpetrating a genocide against Israel and the Jewish people.

The EU has a larger population than the US, that's not a market you just leave. Also, Europe is not the same as the European Union.

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Publishing everything on a blockchain means that everybody who’s running a node has access to a copy

I'm not sure that's the case, although the article is rather vague. It says:

[...] the user must register with a node of their choice using their public key. Once registered, users can create channels and invite others to join. Each channel has a separate ledger hosted by the nodes. [...] The data in the ledgers are encrypted, and the secret key is managed by the users of the channel.

IIUC, nodes will not have access to private keys, neither those from users nor those from channels. Users could use their keys to exchange the channel's private key without the node getting to know it. I don't quite understand how user's would exchange their public keys without the node being able to play MITM, though...

Edit: Removed an irrelevant sentence from the quote

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Also, you should probably mark this as NSFW with a title like that.

Sounds like a "RAID is not a backup" situation.

And thus the enshittification cycle completes

Tbf, FP4 will still have replacement parts available for years to come. Not as good as having a (potentially indefinite) upgrade path, but FP4 isn't obsolete.

Wait till you find out what Russia and China are doing on Facebook

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The usual argument is "FP5 bad because no headphone jack, I choose Nokia or Samsung"... I guess if you're not even trying to have a fair and sustainable supply chain, that's totally fine.

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