1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lighters were invented before matches! 1823 vs 1826

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And no link to the actual tool in the article? For shame!

Here it is so you can have a play around with it.

Just ask them if they are a bot. Remember, you can't lie on the internet...

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Mine is currently "Yer a WiFi Harry"

I think that if there is no one from your instance (which also happens to be my instance) is subscribed to a community on an instance other than your own then you have to search for it in the search bar (using the url or !community@lemmyinstance) before you will be able to interact with it. Lemmy doesn’t synchronize everything between all instances by default, only what is needed to save on resources.

This is wrong? Taking 20°C as an example. Following this formula gives 48°F when it should be 68. Could you perhaps be supposed to add 32 instead of 12?

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They're just banking on the fact that a ton of people either don't know that all their data is being collected or (even worse) don't care that this is the case.

You're missing out! Kiwis are great to eat whole. Way less messy as well (no need to dirty a knife or a spoon to eat them). Plus as an added bonus you get to freak out people who don't know that you can eat the skin!

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I still miss some of the more niche music subreddits, (updating this as I discover relevant communities)

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I used to browse /psychedelicrock , /krautrock and /nearprog fairly often as a source for new music and I haven't found anything to replace them yet.

As far as I can tell, Lemmy server update 0.18 will improve upon relative linking of instances so that a link such as /c/community@lemmyinstance (or the even simpler !community@lemmyinstance) will take everyone to their own instances' version of community@lemmyinstance (see this comment for a more detailed description)

I can confirm same on my fold 4 also.

You could always change your name to Lemmy?

Baconeater eat bacon. Bacon tasty!

Yes but you can't edit other people's posts...

Decided to re-watch the hobbit trilogy to see if they were as bad as I remember them being. Whilst there were some scenes I thought were well done (Bilbo's conversation with smaug for example) the films just aren't good in the way the Lord of the Rings movies are. The LOTR movies feel properly epic and the hobbit movies just feel so "Hollywood" for lack of a better term. All the fight scenes are stupid with excessive cgi but the worst part I feel is the acrobatics of them all with characters leaping off scenery and twirling around whilst slicing up enemies. None of the battles feel "real" or realistic in the way they do in LOTR. The dialogue in the hobbit movies also suffers from what feels like Joss Whedon-esque script writing with tons of witty quips and "humorous" observations on the situation.

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Same. I also own it on the switch and phone. Most re-playable game I own.

Please crosspost these to ! and ! Both are Slay the Spire communities that need more content!

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Frank Zappa's "You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore: Vol 2 is probably my favorite. At least for commercially released live albums. Choosing someone like Zappa or the Grateful Dead is somewhat cheating as an answer to this question though because they toured relentlessly and recorded all of their shows. So you have thousands of live recordings to choose from.

Absolutely. I've recommended it several times here on Lemmy in various best game/most played game type threads. I honestly cannot recommend Slay the Spire enough. It is an extremely easy game to learn (but like all the best games) tricky to master. Because of its Roguelike(ish) nature, it is infinitely re-playable with each run having a different feel.

Yeah I'm currently waiting for to update to 0.18 so I can use jerboa again to access it instead of having to use a web browser.

Such a great album opener. I love when people are hearing it for the first time and turn up the volume to hear the intro better and then, well, you know...

I guess underrated was the wrong choice of words. It certainly is less well known than it deserves. Slint only had 2 records and in fact had broken up before this album was actually released so the record label basically just gave up on promoting it. It certainly was an influential album and is now getting the praise it deserves (32 years after it was originally released).

I would certainly characterize myself as a tech-enthusiast rather than from a technical background. I have a Chemistry degree and work in a tangentially related field (Brewing industry) though mainly on the sales/retail side rather than production. I don't code but it's certainly something I am interested in. I've set up a Pi-hole on my home network and have a small Plex-Server streaming downloaded media (as I try in vain to disentangle myself from the myriad of streaming services that exist).

One of my favorite underrated albums!

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How does she feel about "The return of the son of monster magnet"

I have not. I thought about finding one of the fan edits that remove a ton of filler and so cut the 3 movies into 1 very long one but the pacing of the films wasn't my main complaint with them. There are totally scenes I would have been happy to have been cut and whilst that would have been an improvement, I just disliked so much of the actual movie part of the movies and I don't see how any fan edit could polish that turd into something I would happily re-watch over and over again like I do frequently with the LOTR movies (and don't get me wrong I still have some minor gripes with those movies too - such as how Faramir's interactions with Sam and Frodo differ from the books and how they turned Gimli into comedic relief for most of his scenes). But (despite being high fantasy) LOTR always feels real. The characters aren't just flanderised and walking one-liner machines. The battles are brutal and grounded in reality and don't feature any of this cinematic bullshit (goatshit?)

I have a Galaxy Fold 4 so I have both Swiftkey and Swiftkey Beta installed and use a Tasker profile to set the default keyboard to one or the other depending if I'm using the inner or outer screen. I did this so I could have a split keyboard when I'm using the inner screen (because I'm holding the phone with 2 hands and it's easier to type this way) and the regular keyboard when I'm using the outer screen. It was a little finicky to set up but truthfully I have become so used to it that I honestly forgot that I had 2 different keyboards until I started thinking about it because of this post.

  • Slay the Spire

  • Really Bad Chess

  • Ticket to Ride

  • Nonograms Katana

  • Atomas

  • One More Brick

Galaxy Fold 4

I never get tired of being able to use the front screen for simple browsing and quick access to things and then unfolding the phone to use the main screen for watching videos or playing games etc. I do have a few multi app pairs set up for certain specific scenarios (e.g. I have a Google calendar/Google keep app combo that is great for when I'm meal planning for the week and want to be able to add items to a grocery list at the same time). I truly don't think I would be happy going back to a non-folding phone in the future.

I dislike the battery life of the phone. That's probably my biggest complaint and honestly it's not unmanageable. I've always got a giant 21,000 mAh battery pack in my backpack anyway so charging the phone a bit during the day if I've been hammering the battery watching YouTube for example isn't a problem for me. I'm a ideal world the battery life would be better and this wouldn't be necessary but it's not the end of the world.

The under-display camera on the inner screen is truly terrible also but I almost exclusively use it for video chatting which already is bad quality usually just due to connectivity so it really doesn't bother me. If I were to take selfies (which I just don't do) I would use the camera on the front display. It is possible to unfold the screen and use the main cameras for selfies but as I said, I'm not a selfie taking kind of person.

That's a cool piece of musical history! You should crosspost this to ! and ! Both communities would find it interesting and just need more posts in general.

I've always been partial to Brain Records

Boo. No Kraftwerk 1 or 2.

Same. Cydia app store was a special kind of source of wonder