7 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I tried it twice and hated it. Maybe it's because I'm in love with KDE but that's not the only reason.

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Maybe Reddit won't die but I think it will die for who read this article.

I have a Nook First Edition and still use it occasionally.

"Before the Hamas incursion and subsequent Israeli military response, it was believed that Israel and Saudi Arabia, driven by a common animus toward Iran, were working toward a normalization of relations, a development that could have shifted the dynamic in the Middle East."

Who wants the dynamic in the Middle East to remain unchanged?

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You can sync Floorp with Firefox Android or Mull.

rmmod b43
rmmod bcma
rmmod wl
modprobe wl
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Thank you.

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I use Zotero for reading and annotating, Master Pdf Editor for editing. There is full version of Master on Aur.

By the way give a chance to Zotero. It can annotate and extract annotations as markdown.

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Neo Store was already doing this.

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I wonder what the answer is for Linux.

We never knew. Fortunately electric tootbrushes saved us.

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I had to uninstall thermal monitor applet. Is there a thermal applet for Plasma 6?

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This wasn't a joke. I'm serious about my time. I don't want to spend my time on social media. I don't even have an Instagram or Twitter account. Lemmy shouldn't be what I spend my time on. I wasn't serious about going back to Reddit, by the way. I don't like big companies like most of us do. I think the novelty of Lemmy and the blackout thing made me waste my time. I'll be on Lemmy less from now on, I can do that. Thank you to everyone who responded or gave advice.

Will infinite scroll come?

I tried both with same question and found them both good. I'm not actively using them for now, but if they give the same results I'll prioritize Bard. I hate Microsoft more than Google.

I couldn't speak English at that time, I can't speak now, though. :)

If you do this, how can I leave you? :)


I like it. Thank you.

I have a friend who sets his alarms one hour earleir just for snoozing.

I use RSS for some specific accounts.

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Nice trick, thanks.

Floorp is not bad but I think it delays in receiving updates. I get "no ad blockers allowed" warnings on YouTube.

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This the first time I have seen someone say apt is better than pacman.

I want to thank whoever behind this app. It's getting better everyday.

I open the account in browser and paste the adress to feedbro.


I didn't know that. Thank you.

I tried different commands but none of them worked, I think it's not about assigned command.

I don't know how to trigger SP actions with external commands. That's why I asked.

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I searched but couldn't find because of my poor English. Thank you very much.

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Can't read. It says you need an account.

I installed Arch on Macbook Air 2017 by applying this. I did these steps right after set keyboard, and after this I connect with iwd.

I realisad when I was trying to install a package, I don't remember what package I wanted to install.

Thank you.

Open sidebar, touch "Anonymous", you'll see "Add Account"

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Spez have to make money. He need me. :)

The whole instances shown in the "communities" that next to your instance name above. I subscribe from there.