No wifi on Linux Mint. Macbook pro 2017 to – 32 points –

Finally decided to convert to the penguin. I have live booted mint from a usb, without installing it yet, on a macbook pro 2017. But none of the WiFi networks in my apartment are showing, except for a few weak ones. Help a newbie out :)

Edit: To clarify it is not installed yet. Just used it from a live usb.

Edit 2: Used phone as tether for internet and went through all managers. But none had any updates that worked. I also tried installing b43 and after that wl. But both did nothing on the live usb boot, I assume since modprobe doesn't do anything on a live boot. But I ain't installing if it won't even work on the live boot.

@RedNight left a link that suggests this macbook, version 14.2, wifi doesn’t work with linux.

Final edit: Fedora also didn't work. So it's a hardware compatibility issue.

TLDR: If u have a macbook 2017 version 14.2 the wifi won't work on linux so don't try.


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rmmod b43
rmmod bcma
rmmod wl
modprobe wl

None of these modules are found. It's a live boot so idk of these are only present after install?

I installed Arch on Macbook Air 2017 by applying this. I did these steps right after set keyboard, and after this I connect with iwd.