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use this one instead: https://www.troddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/14f252g/end_of_an_era

let's not give them more clicks.

anyway, what a sad way to end, I just hope the mods are doing ok. Every volunteer deserves a break, and maybe we'll see them on lemmy at some point :D

what a weak derogatory term. "You sly filthy mutants. You are just like those Teenage Turtles or that weird Wolverine guy."

honestly wear it as a badge of honor. Having comic book series made about your character traits is kind of sick. Ngl even for trump thats weak.

It's so impressive to see how the whole community is coming together to basically rebuild Reddit, but open source, and with all the feature everyone needed.

I'll stay here forever if we keep it up.

Mmm yes, let the snake oil flow through you.

They'd do better finally fixing teams. We're talking years after release, and there's still no option to change my status behaviour. It forces DnD when I get called, it puts me afk after only 5min, ...

Their software does not fundamentally work very well. So even if this bs would be talking about an actual feature, that's some stone age project management right there.

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There are a lot of reasons for this general trend, but let me add my two cents to make a case for the sudden influx of user-opposed changes:

I don't have a source for this, but I remember that Linus spoke about this on the LTT WAN-Show. Basically, abunch of big silicon valley investors are pulling out of all of the big platforms, therefore leaving them with a huge hole in their profitability. This means, that right now a lot of them are scrambling to scrape together more money over time, so all of those platforms are sustainable.

Obviously this has to observed in conjunction with all of those are trends that are already mentioned by other comments, but this gives more basis as to why now, and why to this extent.

If someone else knows what I'm talking about please add quotes and sources because I don't like the good old 'dude trust me' guarantee one bit.

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That's a big yikes and I hope they will find another way...

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It's brilliant.

...and this is why you don't betray the mercenaries you hire.

It is. GDPR in the EU dictates that every user which requests their information has to get it in 30 days, and every user who removes their information has to be able to get it removed (I think the time span for that is even shorter, so more pressure for the server admins)

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That is incredible. It's hilarious, it's satirical, it's a sharp criticism and it absolutely hammers the stupidity of every Reddit statement home.

What a great team.

I am itching so much for the perfect episode of John Oliver's Last Week Tonight commemorating the most absurd but effective protest in histor, sounding off the whole mess of a situation and poking some more at spez. It'll be a feast.

Who knew the best "celebrity" endorsement for the fediverse comes from the CEO of Reddit...

Yeah ppl already predicted it's probably gonna be a battle of who can place the most shorts in the least amount of time on Reddit stock when they go IPO. There's no reason to go through with it any longer, it will only hurt his company more.

Exactly this.

This might sound stupid, I just heard an interview with the Apollo app dev and I would love to have him adjust the backend to make it work with lemmy.

In the interview he said he really wants to continue working on it if possible in any way and I've heard somewhere that out of convenience the API is basically the same as Reddit, so that would make adjusting it much easier.

The only thing we need is his attention, his motivation, and maybe a little bit of a budget for him. Maybe if we could crowdfund his development this could kickstart something...

Yeah you never know what their research looked like. Maybe they checked and got a whole bench of oil execs in there.

Sounds like they knew what they were doing.

Tbf since trump even a trash panda would make have a good impact on the US if it became president. Trump kind of stole our expectations of what a competent president should look like.

Omg that was the Reddit client I used

All my dreams are coming true. This was worth seeing Reddit crash and burn. Yes. I like this new age.

unfortunately my dad who has a diploma in engineering and is working in that field for probably 30y now is still prone to it.

Whoever spread those conspiracies should die a slow and painful death to experience a fraction of what they brought on to a lot of families and friends.

3 is the best one

what a brilliant write up. Really neutral, but straight to the point.

I would give you reddit gold, but... reasons....

I mean he always has the power to strongarm everyone else.

But the consequence is giant boycotts and decay. Idk if winning is the right word. It's like going to war and declaring a win because both nations are destroyed.

try oceanofpdf maybe...

I have good feeling for the effects on environment tbh, because it changes a lot of ethical and environmental concerns. Some of them will definitely be gone for good.

That's a little bit confusing to idiots like me...

that is giving me deja vu

he already hinted to pulling out of EU Code of Practice


I'm very interested what his game plan is, because he kind fucked himself by firing too many law compliance employees, at least thats what I remember.

Yeah that's the bad stuff.

"subreddits belong to the community of users who come to the for support" good way to justify kicking a mod with a passion for such a community and forcing people to post only the things you want.

Because if you force people to have fun they'll be happy, of course.

Mhm I just got info that a certain Poo the bear wants to talk to you about strongarming communities. But don't worry, his methods definitely work.

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That's one of the things that this platform's name is appearently based on. Just FYI; so you and the main developer have something in common :)

The dream.

They should make Reddit pay 20mio per month per third app they killed off. Sweet revenge.

As if bbc wouldn't get you upvoted to oblivion

unfortunately liftoff is not at all working for me currently.

I logged in and now my subscribed community posts are just empty, which is the whole point.

I do wanna see where they go tho.

and it is those mythical lizards with just above average intelligence that we need to fear.


Why the hell washe not awarded his whole fees? Maybe the jury didn't think he'd been spending that much money? Well what an annoying outcome.

it's kind of impressive in the worst way possible

Very interesting

I knew something was brewing but for Russia to go ham on Wagner Group means either they are really desperate, or Wagner Group fucked them up in midst of their power struggle so they have a vendetta.

I am not a tactician so idk what that means for the war but I presume confidence morale in Russia is sinking even more and they suscept themselves to more sabotage.

Imagine we could build a sub for annual fediverse competition and everyone is participating under the flag of their instance.

That could be so cool and it would match the vibe of this whole community.

For some reason, this whole chaos is more true to the Reddit I know than everything has been for the last years.

I mean I know why ppl are scared it will kill off the fediverse, but the only thing that can kill off the fediverse is the Devs. As long as they don't sell it or start involving a bigger company in the development, we are fine. And pull requests are transparent and therefore not a thread with enough common sense.

I see the risk but I don't think it's that imminent.

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Now is the time

I already said somewhere else that all we need is his attention, his motivation, and some basic funding to start, and for the latter we now have a PERFECT opportunity to raise some money for him to start migrating.

Legal eagle basically said prosecution hinted to a ton of directly incriminating evidence at the indictment. The sentencing will be fireworks and rainbows and you should definitely buy some booze when it happens. And yes I'm saying when, not if.