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Joined 1 years ago

You know I get that you don't see 100s or even 1000s of comments on each post but I've found that on lemmy people are actually willing to talk to you and listen. You don't have to worry no one will see you or reply to you because you don't have enough upvotes.

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Hey, don't know if you'll see this but thank you for all the work you've been putting into making sure this platform is not on fire :)

In my own life regarding similar conflict of needs and responsibilities, I've often found it useful to just decide what amount of time I'm comfortable commiting to a thing such that I still enjoy doing it and it doesn't ruin the rest of the things I want to do in my life, and stick to that hard time limit, come hell or high water. This might not suit you or might not help in this situation, but hopefully it helps a little.

Are we also getting DDoSd? I'm getting constant timeouts and json errors here over the last one hour or so.

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Pretty much. This is far beyond what an LLM can do as well.

Of course, if they went head to head, both cloudflare and Google would have the resources to fight back while quad9 is just a non-profit.

Honestly it is one of, if not the most, valuable communities on reddit. The fact that it just exists makes me feel a sense of wonder.

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Jebora. The other one appears to be unmaintained.

It is like any of these people have not seen any sci-fi released over the last 50 years.

It's an ethinic conflict that erupted a few months ago and has escalated since.

I'm not one of those people, especially since I don't live in the US but is it so hard to envision having different views on different issues?

All of the stances taken by one side need not resonate with you.

I for example am not in support of social media witch hunts when someone is accused of being racist/sexist/classist and and so on. I firmly believe that we should be instituting bodies that have the power to investigate issues like this and take appropriate actions, with more freedom than the typical judicial process. This however does not mean that I don't support gender equality, climate action or social welfare measures.

Another example would be affirmative action. I find it horrible that the supreme court gutted it the way it did but I also find it quite unpleasant that the elected representatives, in all this time, did not try to replace it with grassroot level measure such as food security, free tuition, books etc. higher school and teacher density in lower income or low performing areas. I feel that affirmative action was a stop gap measure, but it ended up being the prop used by politicians to not act on more fundamental issues.

Honestly, I would rather forgo the label altogether. In my experience label makes people into tribes and tribes aren't really conducive to nuanced dialogue or individual opinions, rather, they're good at collective action.

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Also there definitely isn't a VPN called cryptostorm that offers a nice free tier.

Reading this right now during a blackout in extreme heat. Sadly many suggestions don't work in high humidity.

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You login once, you're set for years. Combined inbox from all your accounts so that you can see everything in one place. You only need to familiarise yourself with one interface.

lapce is a vscode replacement that has all the sugar that people love and it's blazingly fast. It's still in alpha but I'm very hopeful for it's future.

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Who wanted soldiers when elephants and catapults were so much cooler? Ooo flaming archers!

I would rather go with it is illegal to leave a home unoccupied unless you stay there for more than X days an year, say 100.

Yeah, as a male sexual assault victim, this made my skin crawl honestly.

Radio waves are light too. The article says that they're planning to use near infrared range for Lo-Fi. It will basically be mostly limited to short distances and line of sight. I also wonder how natural light in those frequencies from cooking, exhaust etc. would affect the signal.

Yes. Unlike ground war, two entire metro full of people were killed and countless more suffered long term damages. Whatever the strategic value, this isn't a decision that I find ethical in any way.

Hey! You sound like a pretty tough person. Hang in there!

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All the apps except connect are open source. I've tried jeroba, thunder and liftoff so far and liftoff has been the most robust.

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First rule of the sea:

Never place your rear end on a pirate's face.

The blackout is a way to engage in a way that makes things inconvenient for people not informed about the issue so that awareness is generated. Like picketting the mayor's office or blocking a public intersection.

Thanks :) Using an electric fan right now. The main problem is that we have 80% or more humidity so the water based steps are not really working. Even sweat isn't evaporating.

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I'm really glad you asked this question. I'm older than you but fits similar description, cishet with some friends and colleagues who are LGBTQ+ , dated a girl once who was bi. I also would stand up for any of my friends if they were treated poorly or unjustly, or if their identities or preferences were badly talked about i.e. my parents had very negative impression of gay people due to prevalence of drug use and STDs in the local scene until I sat down and talked to them.

Unfortunately I'm also pretty neurodivergent so I don't understand a lot of stuff about LGBTQ+ because it isn't structured in a way that I can understand. I wish someone made a programmers guide to LGBTQ+ or something :)

The upshot is that I struggle with the same dilemma as you do. A while back one of my favourite programs changed their icon to a rainbow one in support of LGBTQ community. I heavily criticized for a) saying that I wish they had told this before hand or given an option to retain the old one because I found the change jarring b) could they be transparent about what they're doing for LGBTQ+ people in terms of donating money or workplace policy because it felt a little bit like an empty gesture.

The upshot is that I have no clue how people in this community would view me in the context of how hard it would be for me to interact with them (I already struggle with you're creepy/emotionless bias when meeting new people, if I'm doing something to offend them on top of that then it's going to be even more of a struggle).

The answers here have been really illuminating whr varied. So thank you to all the people who answered as well :)

The devs also seem really responsive. I hope they can keep it up.

After reading the article I'm thinking of trying to grow some. Anyone have experience with it and also on how it tastes? 😁

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All of those seem reasonable 🤷🏾‍♂️


Please share some pictures here :)

I have, though it ended up with that person disappearing and trying to commit suicide. It took me a long time to get over the associated trauma.

The way I see it now is that love isn't something that will bind people to you and keep them with you forever. If you love someone, let them go, let them be free. If they still choose to be with you, then they love you too. If not, you couldn't have held on to that person without causing resentment and pain to both of you.

I hope some of this helps :)

Holy shit you're the guy from the meme

Yeah I totally am you know.

Despite the fact that I have never had a Twitter account.

Or despite the fact that I work in a charity teaching and facilitating teaching of the same children covered by affirmative action equivalent in my poor third world country earning bare minimum.

Or despite the fact that I've know and participated in research programs aimed at assessing the impact of such measures.

I get that because we're online, people feel certain freedom to say whatever they want but please be mindful of the fact that a real person is at the other end in the future.

I agree completely. What makes me irrationally angry is when people say stuff like it's there's no correlation between being fat and being unhealthy. Like if I went to work drunk or started smoking cigarettes or doing weed, people find it acceptable to be concerned and try and help me be more healthy but you can't mention it at all if I'm stuffing myself with unhealthy crap.

Everything is super old, so you can be assured that people died and probably were killed. I come from a part of world with similarly old buildings. The house my grandparents lived in is where all of my ancestors until maybe 50 years ago died or committed suicide. Throw in few murders over 300ish years.

I want to love kopia but the command line syntax feels unnatural to me. I don't know why either. For the whole month I test drove it, I had to look up every single time how to do something. Contrast this with restic which is less featureful in some ways but a few days in it felt like I was just using git.

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Can you elaborate? Worried about my services after the switch.


🤗 I get what you mean. I have PTSD which sometimes makes me feel like it has taken over my life.

I apologize. It wasn't my intention to hurt people in any way. An attempt at communicating how different realities might be based on where you're from. I've tried to add spoiler tags to it, though I don't know how successful it was.

In a way I'm sorry I asked this question as well.