2 Post – 358 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

France Canada

Old article posted by a bot

uhoh, and wait for the time when the user will update his BIOS, that resets TPM2, and at reboot bitlocker asks for the 48 digits key to decrypt hard drive, that the user never saved...

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When I save an image, I want the exact same binary 1:1, not a recompressed one or whatever, I want the original picture, be it jpeg/png/webp, every graphics program can open webp, nothing wrong with it.

At least if you hate webp, convert them to png, but not jpeg...

Jokes and Humour

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We can't go anymore, first, tickets are expensive, like starting at $200-300 in Canada. Then the minute they go on sale, they are all sold to scalpers who resell them $2000 on kijiji. Madonna tickets reached $6000.

So I stopped caring about live concerts.

yeah, it's a feature required by CCP

Just WOW! I'm using SyncPro for 9+ years, I'll support this app for sure!!!

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In Canada it's tap to pay for ~8 years now, never saw a QR code to pay. However when I go in USA, every stores is tap to pay, except one, there's one store in USA where there is no tap, it's Walmart, inconcevable.

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I often did this for years, using -march=corei7 and -mtune=skylake or whatever was the best option for my cpu, patching with brainfuck scheduler, etc.

Now I don't care really πŸ˜‘

It's always cool to tinker with kernel and config, congrats πŸŽ‰

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Have you seen their attempt for 3rd r/place? Lol what a shame!

It was free, I could not afford a Sun workstation and Minix had problems, so when this Finnish guy wrote in Usenet that he was working on a free kernel/OS, it was cool!

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Title bullshit, we have multicore machine for years, I can guarantee you this had about no impact else people running Xeon or Threadripper would have saw it at first try 15 years ago.

This looks like to have an impact on the scheduler but not on how many cores are used.

I remember the 1st one it was magic! Second one was ok but censorship and bots killed it

3rd one? I dunno I quit Reddit last month after 13 years...

It works only with Samsung devices, it's dull

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Buy another 8 or 4TB, format it as ext4, copy everything from the ntfs HD to ext4 HD, swap drive, that's it. Keep the old HD to do some backup, put it in a usb3 encolusre.

S0idle is a real problem.

Years ago you put your laptop in sleep S3 mode at 5PM, put in the backpack, resume it at 9AM the next morning and it lost maybe 10% battery.

Now S0idle is like a cellphone, always powered, so you put your laptop in a backpack, windows/Linux half support a botched S0 so some devices are still powered, either your laptop overheat or dies because battery reach 0% during the night.

I'm using nala for some time now, it is pretty πŸ˜€ (it is a frontend for apt, with colours, history, undo, etc)

Hibernation or suspend? 2 different things. For hibernation you need a swap space at least the size of your RAM, and then the laptop is powered off after this.

For suspend, in your dmesg, see if you have:

ACPI: PM: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)

if you have S3 your laptop should lost only a few percent.

do a:

cat /sys/power/mem_sleep

what does it says?

New CPU/BIOS/PC/Laptop only support something called "s0 idle" meaning it is like a cellphone, everything is running, and each drivers/components/os should enter low power themselves, if they do not, well, your battery is draining.

S3 means "suspend to RAM", only RAM is powered and everything else is off, your laptop can stay like this for days. I don't know who decided that this is bad and your laptop should be like your cellphone, always running?!?

You can find communities here

Not all of them on every instances, but it's a good start

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openssh-server, how can you connect to your PC from elsewhere without sshd ?!?

There is so much bots who repost on reddit it's a nightmare...

You're kidding right? IKEA is recognized to make top notch USB chargers, someone on the net buy all kind of USB chargers, disassemble them, reverse their schematic, and test them. And the IKEA ones are super safe especially because they respect all american, european, and basically every countries laws/certifications.

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Good luck if you can, on some new motherboards you cannot disable S0x in the BIOS and cannot enable S3 as it does not exist anymore.

You can only use this "S0 idle" which is like your cellphone sleeping, meaning everything runs and/or is somewhat disabled in background. Instead of the BIOS disabling things, it's the OS and the applications and drivers that have to take steps to go sleeping but it's way from perfect and takes power anyway.

Problem is with laptop. A laptop in S3 (suspend to RAM) can last a few days, a laptop in S0 idle will last a few hours.

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it should be in your MS online account as someone wrote, but in case of, I always save it on a USB key, hidden somewhere. You can also print it, or take a picture of it with your phone. Because there is no way to get it back.

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Oh god I remember voat... Like OP I had an account there, but it was full of racists extremist! Far right.

Lemmy ml are Marxists Leninist, the other extremists, far left...

Beehaw is cool and the right place

me hugs Firefox

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In a previous life (in the 90s) I was a un*x sysadmin, and ACL is nightmarish in big company, I hated it and avoided it

Ubuntu for sure, about every companies I worked at were using Ubuntu as main dev. And now in the new company I work for, it's WSL2 in Windows, using Ubuntu too.

Only non-Ubuntu I used in companies was CentOS.

So pretty sure Ubuntu is the most popular/used.

I still have my HP Mini311, it has a 11.6" screen, 1366x768, discrete GPU, can decode 1080p in hardware and output on tv via HDMI. In 2009 it was a beast!

I changed the 2.4bg with a 2.4/5n wifi, upgraded to 3GB of ddr3 ram, SSD, overclocked to 2GHz, and installed MX Linux on it, works perfect.

Maybe I'm old school, but I have 100% native and 0% flatpak

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Oh, in the 90s I worked at a big defense contractor, one of a shell script had a suid on it, so just by creating a symbolic link named "-x" pointing to the script, and executing it, you entered in a root shell ☺️

At an old place of work, someone wrote an awk script that parsed strings using regex from a CSV file, and it generated JavaScript code automatically. It was ~5000 lines of awk script, it was beautiful. I understood it after a couple of weeks, I was in charge of maintaining it, super interesting.

I don't really care, for me "linux" is a kernel, a bunch of gnu utilities, and I take Xfce as desktop. I can use firefox? an editor? cmake? gcc? I'm in business.

All distros are the same. The main diff is apt/yum/pacman/etc. to distribute packages.


I was using Norton Commander in DOS in the 90s, then WindowsCommander in Windows 3, which was renamed TotalCommander. Using this for maybe 35 years. I don't know how to use Windows gui to copy/paste or explore multiple folders etc.

Xfce is the default one in MX Linux, which is #1 entry on distrowatch for years, I don't know how many install there is of MX, but I'm using it for years, I like Xfce, it's simple, it works

I agree, we are already defederated from big instance like LW. If beehaw isolates itself it would just be a forum with a few thousands more or less inactive people and would die.

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Yeah, Linux is just the kernel, and android a layer on top of it with a GUI, anyway you can easily have a terminal open on a cellphone or even from a PC do a "adb shell" command and you're in it, top, mkdir, cd, etc. If you are root, install busybox and all.

I guess OP wants to install a full distro on his cellphone?

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Why not good old Australia?

Reboot your router/DHCP server