FYI: You all know (instance) is consistently failing to send to other instances, right?locked to No Stupid – 31 points –

Just in case anyone is using their account here to post to off-instance communities: those posts and comments seem to have a very high failure rate. There is a lot of activity and accounts on this instance. This is to raise awareness, not to pull people away or break up the lemmyverse. Quite the opposite really: there is a technical problem on this instance that might be preventing the lemmyverse from functioning as it should.


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It's a known issue:

Seems to be growing pains from Lemmy having to scale up in a very short amount of time so hopefully they are able to find a workaround soon.

It's not happening everywhere and all the time but it happens enough for you to think a post or comment has no engagement when it does just not on your instance.

It's a known issue, but if you look at the issues, the reason for it is "could be lots of things." Relying on a FOSS project to fix the problems of the community is kind of naive. If the admins don't step up then I've no sympathy for them when the whole thing crumbles.

Why did this get downvoted? Something being an "issue" on GitHub is about as meaningless as something can be. Unengaged developers are usually the result of unengaged users. I'm saying IF your admin (not that they did,) submitted an issue and then is just sitting back and waiting, that's shitty.

That isn’t at all what is happening, the world admin team has been very engaged with the project on GitHub with a ton of back and forth and various code pushes to fix the captcha pullback that’s in 0.18. The issue you are seeing is known and the belief is it should get better with the update to 0.18.1 that the devs have said is coming in the next few days. It seems to be partly due to the size of the world instance and the problems with web sockets. You’re likely being downvoted for appearing to be authoritative about this and blaming the world admin team (it’s more than a single person) when they know this is a symptom and have a plan they think will fix it that a little more digging into the history of why they’ve chosen to forgo the 0.18.0 update would have answered your questions.

I was meaning to be authoritative, and I am low-key blaming the admin team. I grant them the benefit of the doubt though. I still don't think it has anything to do with the 0.18.0 upgrade.

EDIT: I don't care what the admin team does, how loyal or dedicated they are, or anything like that. I just want the reddit alternative to not suck.