When I get a lack of sleep, I often have a splitting headache the next day. Other people never get any headaches. What's wrong with me?

PlogLod@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 66 points –

When I get a lack of sleep (or especially multiple nights of bad sleep), I often have a splitting headache the next day that makes me unfunctional and worsens until I get more sleep. Other people I'm with have the exact same sleeping routines and never get any headaches, and can still function despite being tired. What's wrong with me?


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For a decent chunk of my early 20s i had to take amitriptyline a couple of hours before bedtime to prevent migraines. It also makes you sleep on cloud 9. I was on call at nights and there was no snapping out of the sleep pull, thats the only scenario I can think that it may not help.

Talk to a doctor about it. I have had a couple of brain scans and don't have anything up there that looks bad. It just happens to some people.

I'm sorry you were going through that, I take it by your use of past tense you no longer have that issue? If so I don't suppose you know what could have fixed it? Hope you're doing better now :)

Yeah I think it went away at the start of my 30s. Definitely glad it's not a worry anymore.

I can still get stress or dehydration headaches, but no constant small one that breaks through to eye stabbing with my heartbeat.

I have heard it is common for them to go away by 30s.

Very interesting, I really would like to know more about why that happens. A few people here said their migraines went away as they got older.