13 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Yeah, I know when I get complete sleep I'm fine. But it just sucks that other people can go without much sleep and be fine but I can't. It's like that actually prevents me from being awake for as many hours at night than other people can.

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Use case example: You're busy doing something, but you send a message to someone and leave the chat open because you can't close it at that second. You look away from your phone and continue what you were doing. A message comes through but because the chat is open, you don't hear a sound. Then you get back to your phone 30 minutes later, and find that the person had already replied to you 27 minutes ago. If the sound still played even while the chat was open, you would have stopped what you were doing and responded to them as soon as you got their message.

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But I enjoy those mobile-only games 😅 How would I play them otherwise? And I think touch interfaces allow for some gameplay you wouldn't ever get anywhere else, like swipe actions and multi-finger gestures, which you can see in games like Infinity Blade or Fruit Ninja (or even True Skate, which seems to have quite a following, not my fave personally but I can't imagine that on any other device)

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"Even if the choice is only illusory, it's indistinguishable from free will in every other respect... So we will treat it as such"

I like that!

I think quote-unquote can have the same implications, unfortunately, but good one I hadn't thought of. Maybe there's more.

Very interesting, I really would like to know more about why that happens. A few people here said their migraines went away as they got older.

We're all just choosing to spend our time staring at pixels on a screen.

So true lol. Slightly unrelated but I had an epiphany once that we use our touch devices so frequently, and of course we're interacting with data in different ways, but physically we're just sliding our fingers around on a pane of glass with lights behind it all the time. Must look so weird to monkeys 😂

I did read about a long-sleeper gene and a short-sleeper gene, which made me curious if I could be a long-sleeper

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I'm sorry you were going through that, I take it by your use of past tense you no longer have that issue? If so I don't suppose you know what could have fixed it? Hope you're doing better now :)

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So then I have a different question:

Could a child learn everything they need to know just from watching YouTube without any other sources of education?

Thanks, but how silly is that!. I only noticed it recently but the idea is bugging me. It feels like I have to close the chat as soon as I look away from it. I don't need that kind of "stress".

I have a friend who moved to America for a short time then when they returned, they had an American accent. But people didn't believe it and mocked them saying "that's not your real accent". I'm kind of worried the same will happen for me..

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I've always wondered what stomach sleepers do with their face. Like don't you end up being unable to breathe or rubbing your nose and mouth on the blankets? Also is your neck not crooked to compensate for that?

I wish I were able to sleep on stomach or back so that I could sleep symmetrically, I think it would be better for me if I could fall asleep that way. But the sleep just doesn't come... unless I'm sideways in a fetal position, and only on one side (left side).

But in this case I wouldn't be spamming if I was just posting innocuous comments that happened to be formed with homoglyphs, right?

To be honest, I think when it happens it's too painful for any pain meds to work unless they were super strong like opiates, and even then. Basic pain meds do nothing. Sleep really is the only fix I've discovered... also it's always localised on the right side of my head, never the left.

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Watch "Lucky Hank", it's about a teacher or something. He probably does math at one point

It's absolutely technology. It's not the creators, they've confirmed to me that they're not doing it. It's an instant deletion thing, and it's just random comments that mention different products or things, or often not even that, just basic sentences. I never know when it's going to do it or not. For example any of the comments in this thread could easily be deleted for me. It's completely nonsensical, a broken system. How do you have so much faith in technology? Also, maybe it has other influence like YouTube or governments or vested interests, who knows. I'm not going to go conspiracy mode because I don't think like that. There could be some kind of criteria to it that I don't understand, but it's acting through auto-moderation bots on YouTube. I don't know why. I don't have the answers, that's why I'm asking for help.

I never drink caffeine, maybe I should :)

Appreciate your advice, but sometimes I'd actually rather go on little sleep if I were able to function properly. The pursuit of actually getting proper sleep is sort of a whole different ball game hahah, but sometimes I'd rather not try to if that makes sense, so that I have more hours to get things done.

Also, wet hands, texting someone while im in the shower. Leave the phone on the table after just managing to compose and send a text and cant click out of the chat or turn off the screen. No bueno

I'd love some console alternatives to certain classic mobile games for me, do you know of any good dual-stick shooters (like Minigore or Guerrilla Bob), or swordfight/strategic combat type games like the style of Infinity Blade/Epoch/Dark Meadow?

I should note I always love 3D graphics and can barely play any 2-dimensional games

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Thanks for the help, I will look into this :) I think I have low blood pressure but I'm trying to drink more water.

It happens instantly and I often know the creators personally, and they confirm that they're not deleting them. It's bots 100%. It also bypasses when I write things in different ways, with no real "rhyme or reason" to it.

Thanks for the tips. I think I have lower blood pressure in general, and I get a lot of neck pain. My sleeping position is awkward and I can't really get to sleep without being in a fetal position, and lying on my left side because lying the other way hurts my neck. That could have something to do with it, I'm not sure.

I actually don't use any pillow (I just prefer lying flat on a mattress), could that be a problem?

As I addressed in other comments, it's not creators. It's YouTube. Creators have confirmed to me they're not deleting comments. And by YouTube, I mean some kind of automated system because it's insta-removal for various random things I say. Like literally harmless things. What you just said could be deleted if you were me, for example. I don't know why. People won't believe me and that sucks. I wish someone would believe me. Well, a few people did.

Yeah, that's fine. If they want to delete comments that are actually problematic, I don't have a problem with that. But the system is actually broken. Nothing I'm saying is problematic. I'll give you an example. What you just said now could easily be deleted. What I'm saying right now could easily be deleted. Anything I say could be deleted for no apparent reason when there's nothing wrong with it at all. That's what people aren't understanding.

It's not channel specific at all. I know creators personally who have said they're not doing anything to my comments and they have no idea why my comments get removed.

When I game... I game hard 😎

No sound in public though, I would never be that obnoxious (or confident lol, too embarrassing)

I already addressed this here in another comment right after I posted because I know people always claim this lol (based on what I saw of Reddit threads discussing this issue). No it's not the creators, it's 100% YouTube bots. There's a slight possibility it could be people working for YouTube in certain cases on popular channels but mostly it's definitely bots. I often know the creators personally and they've confirmed they're not deleting them and they don't know why it happens.

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Okay thanks, I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your comments. It's hard to tell in this thread with a lot of people being mean to me and not wanting to help and just trying to find out what they've already decided that I'm saying something problematic when I'm really not. I might confuse someone who is actually trying to help so I apologise if that's the case.

I don't understand why if my account is flagged (which I don't know why it would be), I can still make some comments but not others, and if I change the wording or separate them into different comments, they can sometimes work. And for completely innocuous stuff.

But to be clear, you don't know of an alternate text script that might work? That would be really helpful.

Sorry, I meant an alternative text format. I don't think ChatGPT is capable of doing those. Like, variant text characters.

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Why do you choose to assume the worst and not believe people? I didn't say 50% of my comments are problematic and worth deleting. I said 50% GET deleted unfairly. You are putting supreme faith in the YouTube moderation system and assuming that it doesn't make mistakes when it clearly does. Unlike other people's comments which deserve to be removed but aren't, nothing I'm saying is problematic at all.

And again you're assuming I'm posting "conspiracy shit" and leaving no room for the possibility that YouTube's comment deletion system is completely broken in some cases. There's no reason to remove the completely normal harmless comments I'm posting. Having this much faith in technology and AI to do its job properly is really concerning more than anything tbh.

Numb3rs (2005)

"Don Eppes, an FBI agent, leads the Los Angeles Violent Crimes Squad and investigates various crimes with the help of his brother Charlie, a mathematical genius."

I did not say 50% of my comments are questionable. I said about that many get removed for no reason despite being harmless. It's you who is making negative assumptions about a human being and choosing to put all your faith in technology and AI to work correctly when it clearly doesn't. And no, again, it's not channels. Channel owners have confirmed to me they're not deleting my comments and they don't know why they get removed.

I understand you're saying the bots/algorithm might still delete it or flag me for it, but it would still be helpful to try it anyway since that's already happening for me so it can't really make it any worse than it already is. If you happen to know some of these "homoglyph" alternatives, that may be really helpful.

Exactly, everyone uses it. Otherwise I would 100% be using Oddysee or something like that. The problem is all the main content is on YouTube so I want to be able to comment on YouTube.

I don't know why that would be but it only happens on certain, random comments. Sometimes it's if I mention a brand or company or institution of some kind, without any criticism or anything, a mainstream company, other times just completely random stuff that's not even referencing anything in particular. Shadow deletion I guess, but I have no idea why.

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I don't know why you're saying that you need to know what things I've commented in order to help me find an alternate character text that doesnt get deleted. It's literally random innocuous things. Like for example I could say "Maybe one day electric cars will be much faster than gas powered cars" and it gets deleted.

Have you ever been in a situation where no one believes you even though you know you're innocent? That's what this is for me.

How is trying to explain that it happens on random comments and doing my best to produce examples of "average" "random" comments being evasive? "This channel has helped me feel sane lately." "Frogs are crazy how they move". If you don't believe me, whatever. It's literally just random stuff. If I change some words, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I don't know why that would be but it only happens on certain, random comments. Sometimes it's if I mention a brand or company or institution of some kind, without any criticism or anything, a mainstream company, other times just completely random stuff that's not even referencing anything in particular. Shadow deletion I guess, but I have no idea why.