Do you do any mindfulness practices? to – 43 points –

I've realised this is something I drastically need to implement into my life. I've had minor successes with meditation in the past but it never really sticks. I'm not great at sitting still and I also have back issues so struggle to sit up straight for long periods.

So I'm wondering if you do any mindfulness practices, what has worked for you?


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Honestly, sometimes I lie down on my back when doing mindfulness. I've only just started trying to make it a regular practice, but I've been using an app called Medito. It's an app developed by a nonprofit organisation, that you can donate to. I really like the daily meditations on there. You can start doing daily meditations for as short as 3 minutes, as you can select different time lengths that you would like to use that day. With starting a new habit, its always good to start small and build up, to make it more achievable to do on a consistent basis. I am also in a position where I really need this, as my attention has been so bad lately.

Non profit mindfulness apps are so much nicer when you don't have the ads or pressure to go premium. Healthy Minds is another one by a non profit that I use.

Thanks for sharing this. I’m so sick of the data hungry “health” apps or overpriced apps stuffed with platitudes and pseudoscience/pseudo spiritual guides that never shut up