1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Agree with everything expect for the viable alternative. Linux is viable for many people

Lemmy definitely showing the same symptoms as Reddit as it grows. Too many people trying to show off how technically smart they are and just come off as obnoxious dweebs

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I see that negative vote count has been removed and now the post just says "0". We're living in the thin-skin age.

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| Trump’ lawyers actually

I'm all for reducing the size of webpages with garbage bloat but a little CSS for readability on this site would have gone a long way.

Ps. thanks for sauce

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The American system has been tested and it lost. Now it’s in the aftermath where the race to the bottom is an open race instead of being something to be ashamed of.

Good luck to the world as we see what absolutely bonkers shit we experience

Can you elaborate on this? Which curves does it happen with? Is there some source that you’ve seen?

Good point. But I enjoyed “shush you” the most

They have a page in the repo describing some advantages

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I suspect there’s a disproportionately high number of users on the fediverse because of this decisions with X

Several comments making the some gun manufacturer analogy didn’t bother to read 3 sentences from article.

Lemmings showing their Redditage (Reddit heritage)

Sounds like you worked at Entertainment 720

Is this a creepypasta?

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Personally I’ve used traefik, Nginx and caddy. They’re all interesting in their own ways. My little docker setup is currently using caddy-docker-proxy. It’s been set and forget for me. You might need some adjustments based on your TLS requirements etc.

Lemmy is a hive-mind as much as Reddit is/was. Anyone who claims its somehow better here is either lurking or part of the hivemind (just find the downvoted comments in this thread and think about how you would vote)

Thanks for sharing this. I’m so sick of the data hungry “health” apps or overpriced apps stuffed with platitudes and pseudoscience/pseudo spiritual guides that never shut up

cyberdrop-dl also supports those two plus many others

Because its cool to hate Google on Lemmy

I just finished Sekiro, worked flawlessly. Currently replaying Hades without issue. I've been gaming on PopOS with an 3080 for at least 18 months and its my only workstation. I don't even have a dualboot to Windows

I don’t think some readers liked this comment. Care to elaborate on how you think memories is better than immich?

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I spent 5 seconds too long looking for a haiku

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I knew-jerk downvoted but then thought about your comment. I wish we had better research on the relative addiction of alcohol vs cocaine.

My immediate thought was “I know someone whose life was destroyed by cocaine” and then I realised the same is true of alcohol. If only the effort that went into illegally producing all this cocaine combined with the effort to seize and destroy it could be used to research and ultimately reduce harm from all drugs and stop fighting over legal vs illicit.

Anyway, time to ride my unicorn while I live in dreamland

Can you explain what role linuxloops fulfils?

This is one the best uses of irony (probably unintentional or trolling) I've ever seen. Thanks

Buy yourself a white noise machine. I’ve been using one for almost 10 years, it’s helped my sleep routine immensely. I prefer it to something with talking because the fluctuations of something like comedy would disrupt me. Also, I think that concentrating on something like comedy makes me want to watch it and I would woke up.

The next thing is an eye mask. Even if your room is mostly dark, I’ve found it helps me to stay asleep.

I’m not using immich in docker. Can you explain what this breaking is there to fix?

I can never remember the order and I’m using Wefwef which doesn’t offer markdown insert. Thanks :)

How does systemd solve this?

I've been using Planka for a while. Very stable, does one job very well. No complaints so far.

Very interesting response. Thanks for taking the time to write it out. I hope it’s useful to others too. Might just play 4 at this rate (if I ever get time, might need a steam deck)

What’s the best fallout game? I played 3 many years ago around the time out and I enjoyed it. Thinking of playing another one now

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This looks absolutely incredible! Looking forward to trying it out tomorrow

I opened this post to double I wasn’t in /c/lsd

Reddit mentality crying about people talking about Reddit. This anger at people just using the internet was a huge problem there. You could have typed two sentences to help instead of typing two sentences to cry.

AND, this is literally No Stupid Questions. Feel free to let yourself out

I really wanted to love Endeavour. I run it for about 2 days then it broke when systemd updated, literally couldn’t get past bios (thread here for the interested reader). The combination of Dracut and Systemd isn’t as stable as on arch. And then the recovery steps don’t seem to work so I just started again with arch.

Just a cautionary tale for arch based distros and their stability.

Cool. Don’t know if you replied to the wrong person but this context might be better suited to be a parent comment.

The person I replied to made a claim and I wanted them to back it up. Since you haven’t even tried “immich”, with an I, I’m not sure what you hoped to get out of this interaction.

It doesn’t really matter. She’ll wield her power, get her way and then go on living her toxic existence feeling like she won even though, quantitatively, more people think she’s a cunt.

But we can all tell ourselves this somehow makes a difference

I don’t see the poster explicitly complaining about getting downvoted. How I read it is that they think that downvoting encourages people to be negative and weaponise their downvote. And, given what you’ve said, they’re spot on and you inadvertently proved their point.