Is there any way to get Firefox to use the native color picker? to – 169 points –

I use KDE Plasma, and much prefer the KDE color picker over the GTK one that Firefox uses, with input type=color.

I know that I can set GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 to make Firefox use the native file picker, is there a way to make it use the native color picker as well?

I know there probably isn't a way, but I figured it's worth a shot asking.


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Do you actually use Linux? The purpose of FOSS is to make it whatever you want it to be. It can be a step away, a step towards, a step multiple by the square root of negative one to MS Windows. The entire point is that you get to dictate the path you want to take.

Yes, I've been running Linux Mint since 2016, thank you for asking.