Israel Committing 'Textbook Case of Genocide,' Holocaust Historian Says to World – 954 points –
Israel committing "textbook case of genocide," holocaust historian says



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It's heartbreaking seeing shell shocked children covered in dust and blood or parents weeping for their dead kids. There is no sanctuary for these people. Then Israelis call them "human animals" while claiming to be the "most moral army in the world" without any sense of shame. They are depraved.

You saw the shell shocked kid? That was horrific. If you watch that video and still support Israel you are a sociopath. Here is the kid.

Its heart breaking. If they played these videos on national news rather than parroting "Israel's right to defend itself" propaganda then this massacre would be stopped.

Or, we might find the so called “centrists” aren’t really that moderate after all.

Absolutely heartbreaking. And on the other side, there are IDF soldiers partying because they killed children. On the hills, there are Israeli citizens throwing watch parties of Palestinians’ houses being bombed. If an orthodox Jewish, Israeli journalist expresses basic empathy with Palestinians, other Israelis go surround his house and threaten him for being a decent human being. HOW are zionists victims of ANYTHING??? And to ward off any accusation of anti-semitism: this behavior has NOTHING to do with what Judaism actually says. No religion actually says this type of dehumanization is right. This has NOTHING to do with Judaism, it has everything to do with pure racism and colonialism. Nazism in short which, it seems, some Jewish people in Israel forgot everything about - and that’s the worst part.

The adults saying "don't be afraid," it's like gaslighting. I know that's not what they intend. But that little kid just learned what shelling is and there's no "don't be afraid," after that.

When I get to be in charge, Israel will be sanctioned, little kids won't suffer violence, and housing will be free. Until then, this is fucked and I don't like it.

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