Telework Reform Act (S. 3015): Sign Of Senate's Remote Work Acceptance? to – 16 points –
Telework Reform Act (S. 3015): Sign Of Senate's Remote Work Acceptance?

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Doesn't look like it.

it dictates that teleworkers should travel to their primary workplace at least twice within their pay cycle

Broader context is Biden is trying to force RTO on all federal workers

Which make this bill a shock

And this bill mandates RTO.

You are right

It does mandate 2 days out of a pay period, the bill does suck

What is interesting, is while the MAGA wants full RTO and Biden via Executive Order is also trying to push full RTO (just ask the EPA staff). The Senate has this bill pushing for some not full RTO. I don't support this bill, but I can't help but wonder if the Senate is admitting some weakness here