Anyone else use their crappy old laptops to host servers? lol to – 192 points –

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So what's loading up a YouTube video like? 100% ram and CPU usage constantly?

youtube is older than most of his/her machines ;)

The website maybe, but not the browsers and their video players.. >;)

browsers are not the only way to watch YouTube ... mpv is older than most of his machines ;)

but yeah - i get the point

nevertheless there is a lot you can do with aged hardware - there are lots of desktops/windowmanagers which will happily run as well

mpv is older than most of his machines ;)

As someone who first started to load programs into his computer with a cassette tape recorder, I'm aware of that.

browsers are not the only way to watch YouTube

Between that and apps on a phone, nothing else comes even close in the percentage of usage for viewing a video on the internet.

but yeah - i get the point

Thanks. ]:D