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Joined 1 years ago

I tried to explain to one of these people Lemmy for piracy alone is easy, it's apparently more complicated to use, setup, or understamd than his current pirating methods or any methods he's ever done.

If it requires more than 4 button clicks and 10 minutes, you lose the lazy, disinterested, and unmotivated people.

Most people here are going to be pirates who were burned CDs and jacked channels or people who were raised by people burned CDs and learned about pirate bay before geometry (hi), im sure this community will cause many to pick up pirating, unfortunately, I think the loss is due to people who havent truly explored the internet/computers and checked out what piracy is.

Wait until reddit kills the piracy forums outright, they are going for an IPO, they will either clean house right before, or shortly after going public, pirates that want simple info will pay Netflix/Hulu, the ones who get more motivated will remember or find Lemmy.

Also worth pointing out in crimes of this manner intent also matters in many places.

If someone sends you that shit out of the blue, or you scroll by it while browsing the internet, there wasn't a damn thing you could do. If you saved the image now we have a problem, ideally you take steps to ensure you won't see that image or anything like it again but I don't even think that would be legally required in alot of places...

Yeah so far Lemmy has been pretty chill, I havent even felt the urge to call someone a dumb fuck yet and I've seen some dumb shit already.

Something about the way everyone else talks makes it a far more friendly atmosphere. Most people here are open and encouraging, on Reddit people were trying to defend their overflowing karma pile with a spoon, extreme violence of action was common because there was more karma to be gained than being civil (more people checkout a big fight than 2 people making up over a disagreement).

On lemmy, votes don't really matter beyond the discussion at hand, and have yet to see a comment/thread actually go negative, seems like not keeping score makes everyone friendlier.

As someone who used reddits app for a bit on apple and Android, the apple version felt like a special kind of shitty.

Apollo was really clean too.

Joey was my shit though, hope he makes one for Lemmy.

Yeah Im dusting off the surfer after a few years of just making sure the battery is good...

This instance reminded me one of the main reasons I cared about computers was sailing the seas.

Edit: sugarification

How does that work exactly?

Like they are direct competitors no? Wouldn't Mozilla be motivated to fuck google as hard as possible?

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Moving to Linux sounds cool and is cool until you realize 2 things, one, you can fuck yourself in ways you didn't know possible.

2, windows is dominant and you will lose access to a fair portion of games immediately upon switching.

Unless you really need to lower background bloat, develop code, or got something vehemently against windows, its not worth the swap for 90%+ of the population, you will go back.

I didn't mind the learning curve, realizing the sheer amount of programs and games that have no development plan for Linux was what made me swap back.

Didn't beehaw defederate from you guys last night?

Huh, seen this bug on Reddit and now Lemmy, weird.

Yeah that's why you gotta be an original individual.

Oh, so google has adopted the Microsoft strategy.

Strange, Id think their monopoly would be considered natural if they just let Firefox collapse and didn't buy out dying/barely competing companies.

Yeah I gotta actively be on the way out before I'm gonna hop in the ambulance willingly.

I'm just waiting for the CEO to have to explain they are netting an annual profit and aren't profitable over all yet.

Unless they are actually mismanaging money, they have to be netting profit.

Ehh, they are trained to try and find as much shit as possible, they want to pull you out of the car and search it when they pull you over if they even remotely think you have illegal shit.

Most want to put you in cuffs instead of write a ticket or give you a warning.

Keep your car crystal clear in the passenger compartment, be white, kiss their boots, and they might not try to pull you outta the car and waste an hour, depends where your at and who you got.

Done right and yeah you can't be scrambled eggs. Throw in some bacon, sausage, or other breakfast meet nd you got a good large breakfast that's pretty healthy.

Are you running on a work device? The USB method is only really for work devices, otherwise get vlc

Got through all of that to play with a friend cuz we played the beta together and thought it would be promising

We were so disappointed we spent less time playing together than we did the initial text/cutscenes.

Coffezilla on YouTube will help keep you in the loop on the big scams in that space.

So what's loading up a YouTube video like? 100% ram and CPU usage constantly?

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