Cities: Skylines II Feature Highlight #2: Traffic AI - Paradox Interactive to – 42 points –
Cities: Skylines II Feature Highlight #2: Traffic AI - Paradox Interactive

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I'm glad to hear about parking. Pocket cars were really lame in my opinion. Traffic accidents sound super sick too! I can't wait for a traffic accident to block the only route out of a location and have a bunch of mad citizens, just like in real life.

I wonder if the accidents will be able to block sidewalks.

Finally, I can create a true American city filled with parking garages everywhere and a desolate downtown filled with office towers that sits vacant in the evening and weekends.

I hope we won’t get in too much trouble when an accident happens in a new town, haha! Amazing changes for the game, and it really makes it feel like a next generation of Cities Skylines.

Fingers crossed on them blocking sidewalks. They did mention cars being able to hit buildings though.