How Ubuntu Linux snuck into high-end Dell laptops (and why it's called 'Project Sputnik') to – 287 points –
How Ubuntu Linux snuck into high-end Dell laptops (and why it's called 'Project Sputnik')

Today, the Dell XPS-13 with Ubuntu Linux is easily the most well-known Linux laptop. Many users, especially developers -- including Linus Torvalds -- love it. As Torvalds recently said, "Normally, I wouldn't name names, but I'm making an exception for the XPS 13 just because I liked it so much that I also ended up buying one for my daughter when she went off to college."

So, how did Dell -- best known for good-quality, mass-produced PCs -- end up building top-of-the-line Ubuntu Linux laptops? Well, Barton George, Dell Technologies' Developer Community manager, shared the "Project Sputnik" story this week in a presentation at the popular Linux and open-source community show, All Things Open.


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Do you have a source for this that I can read more about?

Just me. It was my job for a while at Canonical, until the work was moved to China.

Oof, is canonical fully offshore now?

Just that work, and frankly doing it near the factories makes sense. We were "offshore" doing it from the US. Canonical is global, headquartered in the UK.