Brave browser quietly slips a VPN service onto your Windows PC

AlmightySnoo 🐢🇮🇱🇺🇦 to – 622 points –
Brave browser quietly slips a VPN service onto your Windows PC

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he uses this post as the sole way to access the internet. He is forever trapped here with no way out. He weeps for there are no memes to him but his condition, as he slowly falls into the pit of insanity. He is forever condemned to read about Brave browser quietly slippin VPN services, and the occasional comment. But eventually the activity will die, and he will be condemned to a lifetime of loneliness until bit-rot will consume the thread or death will free him of his pain.

It's like his personal version of when the sun dies for an immortal.

😆 How did I manage to do that? LMFAO