6 Post – 272 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ads being everywhere.

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No but at this age you should probably ask yourself at what point in life did you stoop so low as to want to communicate with the French.


That goes to show it was never about gettimg paid to use the AI, it was just to shut down all 3rd party apps. Even those who wnated to cooperate

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Surprised anyone can use the internet without uBlock Origin tbh

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Honestly he is talking out of his ass, torrents are neither dead nor slow nor used by nobody. They're very much alive.

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As if the anti-cheat even worked.

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Lasted less than Liz Truss lmaooo

Is that even legal according to the GDPR?

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God bless the EU.

Remember to vote to keep this up next June, my fellow Europeans

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I mean, you literally described 99,999% of distros tbf.

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Well, let's do a pros vs cons


  • I wasn't banned for saying Putin should die after he invaded a country
  • It's a decent time killer
  • It's growing
  • Idk I just like it


  • /c/NCD and some other instances are too small and not even close to their counterparts levels
  • Jerboa for Lemmy has not been behaving too well for me
  • It's still fairly small and new so communities need to consolidate still

Overall I like it better than reddit tho.

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Good on them.

I had a similiar experience with Mount and Blade warband, I pirated to try it, bought it after and when it didn't work the folks at TaleWorlds helped me out fix the issue. Absolute lads.

Please do

I see you post a lot about security so I just wanted to chime in and say that maybe just use what works well for you because there's nothing inherently safe, only stuff that is easier to break and stuff that takes more time. The only real way to be safe is to be prudent with what you download and what you do on the internet.

There's no age limit. Adulthood isn't about not being whimsical it's about being whimsical and not caring that losers are judging you for being happy

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Or easier even: Linux.

Strap Linux Mint, Pop_OS!, or your favourite Linux distro on your PC (I personally tend to recommend Linux Mint, it automatically installs the nuveau open source Nvidia drivers but will prompt you to choose which Nvidia drivers you want in the post-installation menu). For media piracy you're good to go, for gaming, honestly I'd rather recommend just using steam whenever you can but if you have to pirate a game see if you can find it for linux first, otherwise go for Lutris/Wine or a virtual machine, worst case scenario you can do a dual boot with a windows copy but honestly if you don't want any hassle just stick with Linux and games running on it.

it's actually spelled film

oh no, I only have 2 feet

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It's not the only way tho. You can also get politically active about it, pressure your representatives into signing legislation in favor of the open web or even join a party or an organization and become the representative yourself and change it from the inside if you can.

Let's stop pretending individual actions are the only thing we can do to stop corporations, that's how they win. We need to act politically.

15 sticks of dynamite should do the trick

he uses this post as the sole way to access the internet. He is forever trapped here with no way out. He weeps for there are no memes to him but his condition, as he slowly falls into the pit of insanity. He is forever condemned to read about Brave browser quietly slippin VPN services, and the occasional comment. But eventually the activity will die, and he will be condemned to a lifetime of loneliness until bit-rot will consume the thread or death will free him of his pain.

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Rip out its flesh, destroy it in vengeance and replace it with some raspberry pi running pi-hole or turn it into a retro-gaming console

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OP I don't think this is what they meant when they said "don't be a party pooper"

Well, it helped me boot into USB drives so I can remove windows and swap it with Linux on some annoying computers that would boot windows very fast...

these countless scientists (accounting for less than 2% of the scientific community), are they in the room with us right now?

Also Greta doesn't control literally anyone, doesn't require unwavering devotion and most importantly it is not a spiritual belief that human-made climate change is a thing. In fact it's a well established fact by now.

Because 1 moron screaming that the sky is green does not make the sky green just because he's "providing an alternative" to what the other 99 people are saying after looking up at the sky and seeing it is blue. Scientists are also not telling people to repent, they're telling people there needs to be a system change and they're also telling politicians that they need to enact policies to contrast climate change, and the same is what activists ask for. You'd know if you spent some time looking at what they say rather than what the media says about them.

You know who actually is both telling people to repent for their own emissions and also spreading misinformation about climate change and financing those "alternative science"? Oil companies. I wonder why.

I mean to be fair what he said is exactly how the milk industry works.

I say this as a meat eater, that intensive production shit should be illegal even at the cost of reducing meat supply as traditional, more ethical, methods are insufficient to meet our (unsustainable) meat demand. Well at least until lab-grown meat becomes mainstream enough.

Gonna be honest with you I'm an intermediate user and understood jack shit of what you just said. A beginner and average user would have probably been scared off by Linux by this point rewding this.

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I definitely didn't read 'international twink-tanks"

That's why I take it to the next step and never buy a car altogether. Miss me woth that shit I'll just live in a cool city, and either bike or walk wherever I want.

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why would you buy a laptop that beats your wife's laptop? That seems abusive.

I'd wager AI models have an easier time solving those captchas than humans.

I'd also wager captchas' only real purpose is to train AI models

And if using this licensed music it'd be nice to use music from smaller bands if they don't add an expiry.

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I'd rather deal with the ads until they make me go insane than do that.

how about YYMDMDYY

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Ah good old oil company propaganda where it's every single individual's responsibility to fix climate change.

You're incredibly naive if you think we can solve climate change with your wishful thinking instead of political action to regulate production, circularize the economy, build cities that don't make you need to drive a car if you want to get anywhere, etc etc etc.

There's no such thing as fixing a systemic issue without animosity with the people who profit from said system.

Not really, it's more people who identify as Marxist-Leninists or leftist in general who deny, downplay, or outright praise the genocidal actions of totalitarian regimes like the USSR, the PRC, etc, and/or who today will support countries like Russia in the ukraine-russia conflict (explicitly or more overtly) simply because they hate the US and NATO.

The origins actually predate Tiananmen square, but I can't exactly remember if it was people who praised the actions of the USSR during the Prague spring or the Hungarian revolution.

This. A lot of our lab's instruments are proprietary garbage. I wish the people buy these extremely expensive instruments would actually research if there's open source alternatives or help pressure the government's into forcing the code to be open. A lot of (public) spending for research is due to this sort of bs "instruments which only works with its own proprietary software" btw. The other good portion is eaten up by scumbags like Elsevier and other publishers.

As long as that machine is disconnected from the internet it's OK but as soon as you connect it you are cooked.

If this gets annoying it looks like I will be switching to piped

This is just a guess but I think the Thought Emporium, which is probably the guy you watched for the neuron stuff, may also do these as actual research and publish papers about this and therefore gets funding from institutions or companies. It could also be he built it with money from other jobs or hot a loan to invest in this at the start then as the YT channel grew and people donated to him he expanded. Or maybe the lab is shared with others. Tbh idk but it's not as unreasonable as you think for a single person to own a lab like that.