Where will we all be(e) next year?

Chris Remington@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 50 points –

In this post I am speaking as a Beehaw fanatic and not as an admin. That is why it is placed in the chat community. To be clear, I am not speaking on behalf of the Beehaw admin team nor the community as a whole.

Currently, we have $5,430 that is in our collective purse to be used to further this endeavor. When I take a step back, and look at that amount of money, I am humbled. That is hope…it is an expression of where we want to go and what we want to preserve.

You may be wondering where we are with the testing of alternative platforms and any other considerations.

The testing phase, as far as I can tell, is over. We are, I believe, in a stage of digesting all of it. And, I have a feeling, that we are holding out hope that there could be other options we haven’t encountered yet.

I appreciate the patience of everyone involved and I don’t want to make a hasty decision.

Thankfully, we have had persons such as PenguinCoder to rescue us from the huge Reddit exodus and all the technical problems associated with the Lemmy software platform that we rely on right now.

There have been whispers that PenguinCoder could be working on a new platform for the Beehaw project.

Thank you all for grabbing onto our northern star, be(e) nice, and running with it.


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Just a few days ago, I posted that I’d leave Lemmy, if Beehaw leaves. Since then, I got temp-banned on lemmy.ml for calling fascists fascists, decided that it was the proverbial straw, deleted my instance after 4 months, my backup account, and created a new account on Beehaw that is not subscribing to anything federated, but only local communities. I used Lemmy not because I thought it was amazing, but because I simply hated spez more. But the quality of discourse was low.

One exception was usually posts in Beehaw communities. That, together with some comments in What is the current thinking about what platform Beehaw should be on? Stick with Lemmy or try something else? (the comment chain disappeared with my old account, though), made me create a new account on Beehaw after I left the "Fediverse".

A lot of words to say, I’ll follow Beehaw to whatever software is used, as I treat it like just another small discussion site like tildes or HN anyway.

yeah I was initially all for the fediverse but it seems the more and more I interact outside of beehaw, the less and less I seem to enjoy it. Even just browsing comment threads makes me almost pissed off the way people are talking to each other. It feels like a very recent trend too. I try sometimes to tell people that I'm not fighting them but for some reason people outside of beehaw that I talk to almost universally get extremely hostile when I just talk to them about things. It's such an odd reaction. People on beehaw seem to be fine though.

I guess people come on here just to fight and then get confused when somebody doesn't want to fight.

And not to wave fingers at people, but I have noticed that whenever posts on beehaw get sour it's often from the non-beehaw accounts.

It feels like a very recent trend too.

I’m disagreeing there. It was always common in large Reddit communities. And because so many people browse with All on Lemmy instead of subscribed, even small communities have that issue on Lemmy.

almost universally get extremely hostile when I just talk to them about things

There’s a great German word, "Streitkultur (German wikipedia)", roughly "argument culture", but with a positive tinge, about people having a positive argument about differing point of views. And sadly, that is lacking for most people. The lack thereof in politics made me get disgusted and leave politics alone over a decade ago.

I know it was always common but im trying to say it feels like there's been a recent spike in the hostility.

Maybe its from the Israel-Palestine stuff but I feel like it's been going on for a bit longer.

Some people on the fediverse do not want their views challenged and react with hostility. It's not like that all over, but it can certainly be frustrating if some users treat this as a walled garden of thought and lash out at others for challenging their viewpoints.

Most of the time I don't even challenge they're viewpoints, I just talk to people. Not even agreeing even, just chatting.

I think maybe some people want to throw out their thoughts into the void and get frustrated when they get replies on a site built around replying.

Sorry to hear that. Mileage probably varies a lot depending on the communities. I usually stick to a few tight but active communities, and discussion is pleasant

Man, a lot of what you said resonates with me even if I'm still sticking with this fediverse thing. It's like the transition from the hopeful vision of the internet from the 90s to the cluttered mess we got around late 2000s and so on.

Lemmy and fediverse can grow in size and popularity, but so does the potential for harmful accusations from outsiders, using instances embracing extremist views as source. As long as Lemmy has members holding onto that rose-tinted Freedom Max (TM) view, it can and will be an issue.