Chris Remington

296 Post – 412 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Volunteer amateur systems administrator for Beehaw. Stay-at-home dad. Outdoor enthusiast.


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The Dude abides

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I'm proud of the state I live in.

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We believe it is time to consider not just how online spaces can be governed efficiently and in service to corporate bottom lines, but how they can be governed fairly and legitimately. Giving communities more control over the spaces they participate in is a proven way to do just that.


I stopped moderating all of the niche subs (that I created) except for two and have, basically, let the mod team run things. I only dip in to check modmail in case a mod needs me. Otherwise, I don't use Reddit at all. Beehaw!

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I got an email and TWO direct messages on Reddit. LMAO nope.

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Personally, I don't need the money. Feel free to pay it forward to your favorite charity. Thanks for your kind words as well.


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The 'r' word is considered a slur and is NOT nice...Please. be(e) nice at Beehaw. Thanks.

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I can, personally, attest to the incredible amount of attention that both and have given to Beehaw. They both have done mountains of work for this space.

Name-calling (accusing someone of being an antisemite) is NOT nice. We have one rule, here at Beehaw, to be(e) nice. This is your only warning. Enjoy your seven day vacation from Beehaw.

Fix for Beeper Cloud is done, rolling out patch to all users now (3.5 hours remaining til everyone is fixed). No need to contact Beeper Help regarding this issue.

Testing fix for Mini now. Will require app update.

We realize how incredibly inconvenient this is for you. It's super annoying that Apple is penalizing their own customers and Android users who just want secure and encrypted chats.

We understand if you choose to disable the iMessage bridge at this time. We'll try to stabilize this and get you back in future.

  • Eric Migicovsky (Beeper Founder)


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This is absolute insanity. Hopefully, the entire Russian LGBTQ+ community will move from that awful place.

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Happy cake day!

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As soon as I saw whoever that person was that said 'beehaw', I immediately went to Namecheap and purchased ''.

I appreciate the support. We are doing our due diligence to find a better path for Beehaw. It may not be perfect, in the eyes of every participant, but it will be better.

The rules would reclassify broadband access as an essential service on par with other utilities like water or power.

Well, it is a fucking public utility and has been for a long time!

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Found a very good video about this.

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Nothing will be done about it (not in the immediate future) because this shit has been going on for, at least, one hundred years. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote about this as "diseased dragons laying on mountains of gold" and it is perfectly captured by Wealth Shown to Scale. The first time that I tried to make it through that website (five years ago), I became so fucking sick to my stomach, I couldn't get through the first 1/3.

TL;DR there are, currently, around 400 disgusting diseased dragons (<- these are real humans) that control almost everything that happens on Earth. They don't give a flying fuck about anything except getting more money and power.

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Thank you.

The corruption and income inequality, in this country, disgusts me.

Thank you for being an active (i.e. moderator) part of the Beehaw project. It means a lot to me considering what you are going through.

When I was going through the toughest part of my life (I'll spare everyone the details), a friend of mine said to me: "This too shall pass". At the time, I felt like their statement was trite and dismissive.

Once I made it out into the other side of that shit, I realized that this was one of the best things that was said to me.

What you are going through is temporary. You will overcome this. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

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The problem with this, in my opinion, is Lemmy is written in Rust. From what I can tell, there aren't enough Rust developers to pitch in AND there are better languages to use in a web application.

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But the fediverse isn’t ready. Not by a long shot.

I, really, do not believe in the strength of this statement. There has been a huge injection of people into the Fediverse and this will continue. This wave has brought in an enormous amount of highly qualified programmers, sysadmins and the like. And these people are contributing to Lemmy and a bunch of mobile apps for the Fediverse.

I am excited to participate and watch as the Fediverse explodes.

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One idea that I believe could use some discussion is Beehaw merchandise.

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I'm not sure about all of the features but you could look into

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You applied to be(e) here, and by using this space, you agreed to abide by our philosophy. Your comment is not nice.

...they seem to think they are the best instance and are better than everyone else...

So incredibly childish.

We are still evaluating other platforms such as this one.

If you can access counselling for this, that might be a good option. Vicarious trauma is a real phenomenon.

Thank you for the advice. I'm not sure that I'll need counseling but I'm open to it if need be. Time will tell.

We aren't moving to Tildes. Tildes is a site run by Chad Birch (a former Reddit administrator).

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Right now, Beehaw/Lemmy needs better moderation tools. That takes time/effort (possibly money) in order to build these.


So many people have experienced this on Reddit for example. What makes these platforms most successful, for ALL the users, is better moderation tools. Where Reddit failed in this regard, third party volunteers stepped in to create things like Toolbox. Lemmy platforms, such as Beehaw, need these tools available in the software itself.

Luckily I have well water...probably some of the cleanest water on Earth...I've tested it several times with kits.

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Your comment was not nice. Please, abide by this rule when using Beehaw.

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Please, don't use the 'r' word at Beehaw. It isn't nice and it's considered a slur.

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Also guilty.

Why would you feel this way...most of us were born into this world not knowing anything about climate change...I only learned about it in 2007...Scientists have known about this problem, at least, since the 1950s....It has been shown, many times over, that the primary responsibility (of no longer burning fossil fuels) falls onto a handful (or so) of very large corporations...Of course, they want the every day person to feel guilty and have been pushing green-washing propaganda for decades onto all of us...propaganda works in their favor to deflect the blame off of themselves and onto you and I.

Right now, China and India must get on board quickly in order for the future populations to subvert the worst case scenarios.

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The Beehaw project is not affiliated with any religion and neither is the Ask Bible Scholars project. Ask Bible Scholars has always been concerned with textual criticism inside the greater field of humanities.

Mango Mussolini

I've removed it.

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