Boiling tap water can remove 90 percent of microplastics to – 124 points –
Boiling tap water can remove 90 percent of microplastics

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Luckily I have well water...probably some of the cleanest water on Earth...I've tested it several times with kits.

For now.

Probably for a very long time...we live in a very remote the wilderness of Maine...our county has never allowed commercial development...the only things here are camps/cabins/homes.

There is microplastic in Antarctica. Unless your well feeds on an ancient aquifer instead of groundwater it will still be contaminated.

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You tested it for microplastics? They're everywhere. Even on top of mountains

The Marianna Trench contains microplastics. (not a meme)

The eggs of all newly born children contain microplastics. (not a meme)

But this person's water-well. Free and clear. I think the key is this their well is outside of the environment. (meme)

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