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It's blatant anti-competitive behavior and anybody who cares about antitrust should be outraged about this and similar efforts. Getting legal protection for such decisions is nothing but regulatory capture.

The only clothes I wear multiple days are pants and sweaters. Only on days when I barely used socks I may wear them two days in a row.

Am I the only one old enough to remember that no 3D GTA ever released on PC first? This should have been expected.

Why not? Do you think US donations come with conditions?

while the belligerent actions of the country make every Jew inside and outside of Israel less safe.

A recent one I watched started with 10minutes bad, fake reality TV scenes of an employee stealing from his company. It was hilarious and fun. I also appreciated the exact details about how he stole money. I did get confused however when 250k apparently got him a house, a ship and a new car.

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More on 2: even though it's also transmitted via blood transfusions and other "innocent" ways, the main transmission risks are unprotected sex and shared needles when using drugs.

No way conservative, religious countries are putting up a grand effort to find a vaccine for promiscuous young people and drug users either, even if they aren't gay.

How can they even compare them? Nobody even suggested that COVID is similar to the other two. Cancer isn't even a virus and left to their own devices COVID is probably the less dangerous one.

Also cancer isn't just a single disease, there are multiple conditions that can lead to cancer and they all have different chances of survival.

And one of them enjoys unconditional support from the most powerful military in the world. It's completely asymmetrical.

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It's why Republicans want women to marry quickly and early. Single women are a huge demography that is not voting for them... I doubt just getting married is actually solving this for Republicans though.

Netanyahu the holocaust revisionist of all people.

The problem with that argument is that the Israelis have also voted for the fascist, corrupt leader Netanyahu who needed to change the law to not land in prison and completely failed to protect Israel or to deescalate the situation in any way. You wouldn't want to justify the killing of Israeli civilians either, so you shouldn't try and do that with Palestinian ones.

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Had the same thing happen. They found out he logged into the company VPN from China.

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He appointed Lina Kahn as probably the strongest antitrust chair of the FTC in a long time.

Sure, he could do more than just wag the finger at shrinkflation, but Khan stopped a lot of mergers already.

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"Terrorists" as in "every male person over 18 + 40% women and children as collateral damage".

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Quite a bold claim coming from a technology that so far has suffered from input/output delay causing nausea, warping at close range and noise in low light. I've tested both the XR-3 and the Quest 3 and while the pass-through technology has come far, I would never confuse it with my own sight.

Good to see direct competition to Apple's headset though.

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But shouldn't it be easier to adjust the lifestyle of 80 million people rather than 8 billion?

And there are a few easy ones almost everyone in the 1% can chip in: reduce meat consumption, don't fly, buy local and don't buy single use items

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Wouldn't be surprised if they did.

And with 9/11 a lot of people have talked of blowback. Are you saying the same can be said about Israel?

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This is our natural AC overheating slowly..

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This time SVP didn't even hide or deny their connections to known neo nazi groups. They openly posted so on IG. One parliament member even got one of these groups organize her campaign.

But to provide context: Many countries in Europe are shifting to the right at the moment. Not a huge surprise unfortunately.

How does it distinguish itself from GitLab?

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Dude, the other day I was reading some rag because there was nothing else to do in the train... One article was just Trump's agenda without any commentary. How is that news if you don't put it in perspective and with the context that Trump barely reached any of his goals in the first term. Unbelievable.

And Israel needs to do something against its bad reputation at this point. They hope a 2-months break will make people forget whose been brutally bombing schools and refugee centers. And if Hamas or whoever breaks the 2-months ceasefire, it's clear Israel isn't the aggressor.

Covid made me completely lose trust in society (they couldn't even follow basic measures), the government (completely unprepared, constantly lying to the people), the economy (suply line issues for years show that any safety or redundancy was optimized away), even family members (half of them anti-vaxxers now).

How are we going to manage the far larger crisis of a climate collapse? We won't.

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I was interviewed by a reporter about my family breaking apart during covid due to conspiracy fairytails. When she asked me about my view for the future I told her it's very grim: If humanity struggles with a challenge with a known solution (social distancing, vaccine, protect the elderly etc.) how are we going to fare with a challenge with an unknown solution (how to sequester enough CO2? How to produce enough sustainable energy reliably? How to store enough energy? etc.)?

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Trump's inviting the invasion. Let's not get things twisted. The US has plenty of ways to pressure other member states to contribute more spending to the alliance than threatening publicly to break the treaty and winking towards Russia.

The US demonstrates themselves as an unreliable partner. That's not in the interest of the US as they lose power globally, when countries rethink their dependence on them.

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But then you can't call the US a liberal democracy in any way as they aren't hands-off at all. Time and time again they meddle in other countries' business to exert influence and power and to advance their interests.

Israel itself was created by the West as Palestine was a British colony before and the US has since given more support to Israel than they would usually grant an ally. The continuous protection (political and militaristic) makes Israel almost a vassal state of the US. This is the real reason why "liberal democracies" have not reacted much (yet, hopefully).

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The only allowed expression from now on is "fabulous".

Unfortunately propaganda is done by both sides and neither source can't be trusted. Should be journalism 101 that official numbers from extremist governments shouldn't be reported as truths.

How much longer can this still be excused by anybody?

Yup, they are trying to establish easy precedence. Quad9 has not enough funds to battle the suit, even tough they are probably the least guilty party.

Targeting DNS services is an interesting strategy, but if you know how the technology works it's also a silly one. Attacking those who only translate your request to access a site hosting copy righted content instead of the operator or host... or users for that matter.

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tbh, I doubt they would federate with anyone they don't have at least some control over. Like a contract or terms agreement or something.

Just wait for the replacable battery in the iPhone 16. They'll sell it as an innovation.

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Israel's response is not a force of nature.

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Can't his ideology be explained as right-wing and anti-establishment. That would explain most of zhe lyrics and why he's opposed the song is being used by the RNC. Only candidate with clear anti-establishment rhethoric is Trump. That's why he got so popular in the first place.

Tell me why this will not end in a massacre? The Western nations are already electing fascist leaders with a minor refugee crisis. When the situation worsens, borders will be closed, people will be shot or otherwise "taken care of". I wish it weren't so, but with our history and current trajectory, why is it not going to end like that?

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I shared Naomi Klein's support for the "No Label" party on Facebook many years ago. It was of course satire.

Since then I really look into the things people share before I share them myself. Even though I generally trust these people.

Her funeral was attacked by Israeli police because they supposedly carried her coffin to the wrong place. Horrible story.

It's free trade when they need/want market access and everything else when they need to defend their lead. The semi-conductor business in Taiwan is similar.