USA leftists in favor of voting for Biden: What other direct action should we do? to – 90 points –

A few things that are accessible within the USA include:

  • Participating in mutual aid programs
  • Campaigning on the local level, including for positions like poll watchers
  • Making your voice heard in community events in general
  • Joining your local DSA, networking

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He appointed Lina Kahn as probably the strongest antitrust chair of the FTC in a long time.

Sure, he could do more than just wag the finger at shrinkflation, but Khan stopped a lot of mergers already.

Thanks for pointing this out. Didnt know before.

There's been a very deliberate effort to downplay Khan's success from those with a vested interest in her failure. She had a few very prominent "failures" (which really just means she pushed back against a merger but the merger went through, which IMO isn't really a failure but just the system doing what it should do) and those have been pushed to the fore of public discourse very deliberately by the media and Republicans.

Exactly. You can't lose if you don't fight. Khan fights.. and sometimes loses

Yeah I'm kind of surprised this is the complaint because the Biden admin has been particularly strong on workers rights issues

Yeah, on that front he is surprisingly good and it shouldn't be minimized. But even on workers rights he's not perfect. Who is though?

It was my understanding as well but I‘m not directly involved so I try to keep to the sidelines.