
1 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I was wondering the same thing recently when I saw a person walking outdoors wearing a lose fitting fabric mask covering only their mouth, not their nose. The conclusion I came to is that person must be aware that their breath smells terrible, so they wear the mask to prevent others from smelling their breath. And the mask is worn under their nose so they don't have to smell their own breath.

Nothing. I don't want random junk and I don't want to feel obligated to buy random junk for others.

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I'd be hesitant to buy anything of the sort off Amazon due to the higher possiblity of fake products. I checked target.com, and I think this is the blue gel, but there's a handful of reviewers noting burns also.

Not the person you responded to, but my vet strongly urged me to transition my cats to primarily wet food, saying that the cheapest wet food is still better than the best dry food. I could go on and on and on, but to be brief, they provide different ratios of carbs:protein (cats are obligate carnivores and require almost zero carbs) and cats that eat primarily wet food are much more likely to be adequately hydrated.

I don't know if "rarely" is quite the right description, but I foster kittens. I meet lots of people who are excited to hear about it on a surface level and see pictures/videos/play with them, but it's been challenging to connect with other people who also foster. I'm desperate to trade stories, learn from, and teach other foster parents. I even started a community on Kbin and have posted there a few times, but haven't gotten any engagement (other than votes) so far.
In case anyone is curious, I'm still confused about how to properly link cross platform, but it's at fosteranimals@kbin.social

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I let my cats sniff almost everything, and they usually walk away. For example, today I let them sniff some both raw chicken that I was preparing for my own dinner, and both gave it a few good sniffs before walking away. Most recently, I discovered that my youngest enjoys peanut butter! I believe it was the same cat who has also tried to eat my dried mango on multiple occasions. It was either my oldest or a friend's cat who repeatedly took me up on the offer of banana chips.

I think many people may view those sort of costs differently than the monthly subscription costs of Netflix, etc. Hardware is generally seen as a "one time" cost, and the added electricity costs are difficult to tease out from all the other variable electricity costs.
My personal argument is that I pay a monthly subscription ($15/mo) for a seed box, which is roughly the same cost as subscribing to a single streaming service.
Back before the password sharing crackdown, I had access to my parents' Netflix account, and every once in a while, I'd try it out, but I'd always quickly get annoyed and would finish watching whatever I was watching via my Plex server.

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The only reason I check Reddit with any regularity anymore is for content local to where I live. There's a few communities on the fediverse for my area, but with only minimal, sporadic activity.

I would love to see more activity around fostering animals, particularly cats. I started !fosteranimals and have participated over at !fosterkittens, but it seems there's not many of us so far.

Edit: No clue why I can only get 1 of the 2 links to work correctly, but FosterAnimals is on kbin.social, and FosterKittens is on lemmy.world.

I just take my meds then stare at my phone for an hour. Lol.

Not sure if Ritalin has similar effects in this sense as Adderall, but I used to run into a problem where I'd wake up, take my meds, get ready and head out the door, then suddenly the most urgent need to #2. I was attending community college at the time, and parking was beyond terrible there, so I'd arrive at like 6:30a, only to find most of the restrooms still locked! Fun times.

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I don't have any experience with Usenet or any current DDL sources. I generally check public trackers first, then private trackers, and mostly use private trackers when I can't find something on public trackers.
My selfish reasoning is that with public trackers, I don't have to worry about my seed ratio, etc. I generally seed to a 3.0 ratio, and I do have some older/more niche stuff set to infinity, but when I need to clear some space in my seed box, it's nice to be able to delete stuff without worrying I'll be penalized.
From a less selfish perspective, if it exists in decent quality on public trackers, I'd rather contribute to keeping it alive there, where more people can access it.

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Have you considered a completely different style of table? This style might be an option:

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Cons: The side effects. It wasn't always this bad, but they increase my tendency to clench my teeth, which can lead to enough pain by early afternoon that I can no longer focus on anything but the pain. I'm on a relatively low dose (10mg XR), and didn't notice any benefit when I tried a non-stimulant medication.

Edit: I just need to shout into the void about this for a moment. No Adderall for at least 5 days, and no coffee/soda/energy drinks for even longer. It's the weekend and I'm just vegging, so not a whole lot to be stressing about, but for some fucking reason I'm clenching and my jaw fucking hurts. 😬

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I'm in the US and my (generic) Adderall XR is delivered via USPS, so it's definitely possible.

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What happens with your cat on the weekends? Sorry, I realize that's not the point of the post, but I'm so worried about the cat being left alone all weekend!

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Right as cold/flu season was taking off, the location near me went and removed over half of the equipment cleaning stations (paper towel dispensers & spray bottles), so I decided to cancel my membership. After hearing so many horror stores like yours, I was shocked at how easy it was, since I was able to cancel mine online.
Although, I did quickly learn that I had also effectively prepaid for another 3 months, so even though I cancelled on October 31st, and was not charged for anything after that date, my access didn't end until January 31st. I think part of it was credits from the COVID times, but I never went back to test it, so if anyone reading this is thinking about cancelling, be aware that you may have access for quite some time after cancelling!

Yup. Use an instance that makes that data visible, such as kbin. It takes a few clicks, but it's there for anyone to see.

Are you guys browsing by new? Do you moderate active communities? I'm just curious to understand why we seem to have such different experiences since I only encounter spam once or twice per week, but I definitely spend way too many hours scrolling.

Also using whatbox.ca for a long time now. I remember quite a few years ago I received an email notification about them making changes to my plan, and I panicked for a moment until I finished reading and realized they were increasing my storage by 5x and my traffic limit by 2x, but my monthly price would remain the same.

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Whenever I fall out of my exercise routine, I rebuild it in small chunks. At my peak, I was waking up at 4a, walking to the gym, doing 60+ minutes of weight lifting, 30+ minutes of cardio, then walking back home.

So, when I'm starting from zero again, my first goal is just to walk to the gym and back each day. I don't even go in, I just force myself to get up (probably not quite as early), and go through the motions of walking there and back.
Once I have that down, I start trying to get myself up a little earlier so that I can go in the gym and actually do something. That something should initially still be something easy, so it might just be walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes before heading back home. Every day/week, I try to increase the duration/intensity until I get back to my ideal routine.
Some days I have a serious case of the "I don't wanna"s, and on those days, I tell myself that I just need to walk there, and if once I'm there I still want nothing to do with it, I can leave, but I usually end up staying for most to all of my typical routine.

I find that setting myself small, incremental goals is way more effective than setting one big goal, because with one big goal, if I can't do the whole thing, then I failed, so why do anything at all?

Once I get into the routine, I find that it really helps me in so many ways, and definitely helps my ADHD. I really like morning workouts, but my friend does much better with evening workouts. Try different times of day to see what works best for you.

I'm definitely not an expert, but I've been using Whatbox for many years without any issues. I'm based in the US and have it set up to autocharge the same card that I use for everything else. I do not use a VPN or anything else to access Whatbox.

I have received plenty of DMCA notices from Whatbox over the years, and they just require you to delete the offending content within 24 hours or your account will be locked until you do.

In fact, I vaguely recall them increasing my storage allowance a few years ago without raising my rate, so that was pretty cool.

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While I definitely lean towards not letting cats roam free (not even possible in our current living situation), I'd say that FeLV and FIP scare me way more than FIV. FIV+ cats can live relatively normal, long lives when living in safe, caring homes with some very basic precautions

FIV is primarily transmitted via saliva in deep bite wounds when one cat bites another, and the majority of those bites occur when an intact male cat bites another intact male cat, so if your cats are spayed/neutered, the risk of contracting FIV drops significantly. With proper slow introductions between altered cats, FIV+ and FIV- cats can live together with minimal risk of transmission.

I only mention this because there's so many FIV+ cats that get stuck in the shelters due to stigma, and wish I could save them all.


I've actually found weightlifting to be surprisingly satisfying. I really enjoy it because I get to compete against myself, and tracking the weights & reps gives me a very clear sense of progress. Weightlifting (and some low intensity cardio options) also allows me to do plenty of scrolling during my workout if I want to. The trick for me has been to find something that I can make a routine, and whenever I lose my routine, I work to build it incrementally. I'm actually really struggling right now because my gym made some changes that led me to cancel my membership, but having a physical location to go to seems to be a key factor for me.

Anyway, when I've needed to rebuild my routine in the past, step 1 was walking to the gym, but not going inside, and just walking back home. Since that entire process took about 30 minutes, it wasn't too difficult to squeeze in if I overslept. Step 2 meant I had to actually enter the gym and do something. Usually it was just walking on a treadmill for up to 30 minutes, depending on how much time I had available. From there, I'd start adding some time in the weight room and increasing the intensity of my cardio time (running or stairs), and eventually I'd work myself up to an hour of weights plus 30 minutes of running.

Since I've cancelled my gym membership, I'm really struggling to stick to a routine. Going to a certain location at the same time every day seems to be important in keeping me focused. One thing I did find that I'm hoping will motivate me is a running meetup. They have routes of varying difficulties, and often grab a beer together after, so I'm currently trying to build enough stamina to feel confident participating in their easiest runs, and hoping I'll eventually feel confident in their more challenging runs too. If running isn't your thing, I'm sure there's other groups for activities that you would enjoy.

Last time I tried Linux was about 10 years ago. I installed multiple different combinations until I found one I liked (I forget which though). I was attending university at the time (chemistry) and had it dual booting so I could switch back to Windows as needed. I really tried, but everything on the Linux side was just so buggy or complicated.
I was using Open Office or something similar, mainly for spreadsheets, and I just kept needing to switch back to Windows so I could spend my time getting the actual work done, rather than trying to figure out how to make the computer work. It was so long ago that I don't remember the details, but I vaguely remember it repeatedly freezing up on me for relatively simple spreadsheet tasks.. the kind of stuff they teach in beginners or maaaaybe intermediate Excel tutorials with 10-50 rows of data.
Eventually, I gave up on trying to do any of my work in Linux and figured I'd come back to it when I had some free time. When I finally had some free time, I decided to wipe the current Linux install and try something else. I had gone through the installation process so many times before that I thought I remembered the steps. Well, I didn't, and I managed to delete something super critical and couldn't even boot to Windows anymore. After much trial and error, some kind internet stranger offered to help walk me through it.. the only problem was that they were only familiar with Arch (?), so that was the distro we were going to use to get me back up and running. We got it fixed so that my computer dual boots, but I have to supervise the boot process every time since the default boot is Arch, and I'm just not ready to deal with that.
I've casually looked a few times to see if I can figure out how to change the boot order, but I'm too scared I'll end up worse off, so I've just left well enough alone since then.

I have an Android phone and rooting it is always the first thing I do, so it hasn't scared me off tinkering altogether, but I hardly touch a PC outside of work anymore, so there's just no motivation to try again.

I'm pretty sure microplastics have even been detected in rainwater.

Only thing I've run into so far that I still wasn't happy with after 3 tries is French macarons. They were definitely edible, but still not close enough to the real thing.

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Oh good! Typical cat with multiple families. Glad to hear you're both doing well!

Where do you get groceries? The only grocery store near me without any self checkout is Trader Joe's, and while I usually shop there first, there's always something I need that they don't carry.

The WebMD article does indicate that the specifics vary by state, but it sounds to me that delivery of a 1 month supply is legal in all 50 states.

Because they’re schedule II drugs, you may not be able to get a bulk delivery. State regulations on prescribing these types of medications vary, so you may be able to get only a month’s worth of your ADHD medication at a time and need a new prescription for each refill. Some states also require an electronic prescription be submitted by the doctor.


I miss the regional/local subs. While there's technically a few for my region spread across different instances, none of them have much, if any, activity.

Of the more "niche" communities, the one I miss the most is r/fosteranimals. I started one here, and have posted a few times, but given the already limited audience, plus my inexperience at growing/moderating a community, and my tendency to be mostly a lurker, I have not managed any engagement in the community beyond up/down votes.

As I read other people's comments, my diagnosis experience seems somewhat unique. I may be misremembering the exact sequence of events, but I'll try my best.

As a young kid, I did okay in school. My report cards often noted that I did really well on the tests, but I often forgot to do my homework, and since homework was a large portion of the grade, I had lots of Bs and Cs. On the standardized testing we did each year, I'd score well above my grade level on everything except the listening portion, which was just average. In junior year of high school, I made it a point to have no missing assignments. Even if I didn't finish my homework, I'd still turn something in, and suddenly I had straight As.

Around the time I was 18, I began trying a variety of antidepressants, mostly SSRIs.

I was probably 20 years old when my parents suggested that I see "Dr. Feel Good". In their experience, he handed out prescriptions like candy, so he'd probably give me whatever I asked for. When I went to him and explained my struggles and how I felt they were indicative of ADHD, he told me that I couldn't possibly have ADHD since people with ADHD don't get depressed. I think he did end up giving me a 30 day prescription though, and suggested I find a more specialized doctor.

I think it was after that that I began seeing a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist again put me on an SSRI, I think Zoloft. I took it for a while, but eventually got fed up and just stopped taking it. I think it was when I told him that I stopped taking it that he finally gave me a prescription for Adderall. Or maybe my time with him overlapped with the next paragraph.

Somewhere around that same time, I had dropped out of university and decided to take classes at the local community college while I figured things out. Somehow, I learned that the community college offered learning disability testing, so I signed up. From what I remembered, I did really well on everything except (surprise, surprise) the listening portion. I was told that my results indicated that I have an "auditory processing deficit". I eventually wound up taking the test results to a new psychiatrist, and they put me on Adderall right away.

Honestly, I'm still not totally sure if I'm "officially" diagnosed as ADHD, but I've moved around a bit and changed doctors a few times, and 15ish years later, I'm still getting ADHD meds.

All this is to say that there's lots of doctors out there that won't take you seriously, and/or have outdated understanding of mental health, so whether or not you have ADHD or anything else, don't give up until you find a solution that works for you.

In the US and currently fully WFH, but if I need to go into the office for some reason, it's a 10-15 minute walk.

Walkability is pretty important to me, so I moved to a city with decent public transportation and don't currently own a car. I use ride sharing apps or traditional car rentals on the rare occasion that I need a car, and even though they feel expensive, my annual car expenses are still significantly less than what I'd pay for parking alone if I owned a car.

TIL that I'm a man.

I pay $15/month for a seedbox because I prefer the overall experience compared to Netflix, etc. My parents have given me their login details for the services they subscribe to, and every so often, I check them out, but end up going back to my seedbox + Plex setup. Some of the reasons I prefer my piracy-based setup:

  • I often set up a queue/playlist of shows, not necessarily all from the same series. As far as I'm aware, the streaming services let you do that.

  • My shows never pause to ask me if I'm still watching.

  • I can access an unlimited library of content without switching apps.

  • Content won't become unavailable if I try to access it from a different country or totally disappear when a contract expires.

  • Some episodes of some shows have been edited/censored, or removed completely, from whatever streaming service hosts it, but those episodes are available in their original form via torrents.

Oh, the irony! I'm trying to upvote your comment, but keep getting an error.

I signed up here and Lemmy.world (same username), at roughly the same time, and have mostly used this account. Only in the past few days have I been leaning on lemmy.world, and giving some thoughts as to where my new backup might be. I really do appreciate the added benefits of 3rd party apps, but I'm definitely going to keep checking in here, and hoping I'll be back to using this account (almost) exclusively again soon. I don't even use the microblogging side of things here, but I've really enjoyed the vibes of Ernest and the local community.

Looks like Sonarr grabbed it for me from a private tracker about 5 hours ago. I'm sure it will hit public trackers later today, if it hasn't already.

I do often put my tongue between my teeth in an attempt to recduce damage to my teeth, but I still bite my tongue, which I think still makes the muscle tension worse. My current approach is to open my jaw as wide as possible and hold it for like 30 seconds to stretch the muscles. It seems to kinda help, but depending on where I am, it can be kinda awkward.

Depends on how thick/firm they are. My bed currently has 2 thin/soft pillows that sit between my head and the wall, plus one extra firm pillow between my head and the mattress.

I believe the logic is that dry food is better for their dental health, because the firm texture is better at scraping away plaque, although there's definitely disagreement on that, and there are other ways to address dental health.
The argument for wet food is that it does a much better job at keeping them hydrated, which is important for a number of bodily functions, including urinary health. Studies say that while cats fed primarily dry food likely drink more water, their total fluid intake is still lower and they're often still chronically dehydrated (which is also not good for dental health). Moistening kibble can help, but it's still not as effective as wet food for ensuring your cats are well hydrated.

My oldest strongly prefers kibble, but after his urine test at his 1 year check up indicated early signs of urinary troubles, the vet said to either switch him to 100% wet or to a prescription kibble. It took some trial and error, but he's on 100% wet now, and only gets crunchies as treats. His urine tests have been great, and the vet also said his teeth look good.

Yeah, it's been super awesome, and I've never run into any shortages. I'm with Kaiser and they really push their patients to use their pharmacy, so I have a suspicion that's not the case for you. I've heard that many insurance companies have a preferred mail order pharmacy, so you might want to dig around with your insurance company to see if they have a preferred partner. If that doesn't work out, searching "mail order adderall" seems to turn up some possibilities, but I can't vouch for any of them. Your prescribing doctor may also have suggestions.

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