1 Post – 320 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

7/10 Americans are aware / woke.

The owners, "Stop being aware, go back to being a cog in the machine. Stop reading the founders intent that we can overthrow them. That's against the law and the law is what we will use to enforce our ideologies upon you."

The "war against woke" is a war against awareness.

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Lol. I guess it's hard to tell when you haven't seen the site change over time but.. yeah?

It uses to be "argumentless" discussions on esoteric tech and philosophy issues.. then a few years later it was people commenting the same 9 memes for 9,000 comments.. then a few years later suddenly everyone's anecdotes are praising China, or capitalism, or offhandedly mentioning some product or influencer.

Tbh tho, most of Reddit now just reads like Subreddit Simulator. All of the site's value regarding sincere, unique, and detailed user content.. yeah, that's gone. They're just coasting on past laurels, will be fun to watch the wheels fall off as the data stays locked in 2023, before the LLM Ouroboros.

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It's an interesting wager that more people hate than not. I don't think it's compatible with the upcoming generations' perspectives, which is why I assume they are investing so much into radicalizing children on social media. More soldiers for the culture war.

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Which I assume is why her familial relationship was not the focus of the article.

This application looks fine to me.

Clearly labeled sections.

Local on one side, remote on the other

Transfer window on bottom.

No space for anything besides function, is the joke going over my head?

34 more...

Just one of those days.

^ disinformation.

The way this post is written is a lie.

Journalists aren't moonlighting as terrorist, what Israel actually said in the article was that they don't care if you are a journalist or a terrorist, even telling Hamas's story makes you a valid target for state-sponsored murder.

This opinion conflicts with international law and makes Israel the one worthy of scrutiny.

Asked about the al-Aqsa network casualties, a senior IDF spokesperson told reporters in the Gaza project consortium that there was “no difference” between working for the media outlet and belonging to Hamas’s armed wing, a sweeping statement legal experts described as alarming.

“It’s a shocking statement,” Adil Haque, a law professor at Rutgers University in the US said, describing the position as showing “a complete misunderstanding or just a wilful disregard for international law”. ‘Reporting is not direct participation in hostilities’

Almost as soon as Israel began its aerial bombardment of Gaza in response to Hamas’s assault on southern Israel in which 1,200 people were killed and about 250 taken hostage, the al-Aqsa headquarters were evacuated as executives believed the IDF would target the organisation, two sources said.

Please stop lying.

Under the laws of war, a journalist can lose their civilian status if they engage in planning, preparing or carrying out combat operations. Simply working for an organisation such as al-Aqsa does not make someone a legitimate target to be killed.

“Reporting the news is not direct participation in hostilities,” Janina Dill, a professor at the University of Oxford and expert in the laws of war, said. “Even if they reported the news in a biased way, even if they did propaganda for Hamas, even if Israel fundamentally disagrees with how they report the news. That is not enough.” Combatants and civilians

Multiple Israeli sources said there had been a permissive approach to targeting across the IDF in a war aimed at the “total destruction of Hamas”.

Israel is a pseudo-Nazi state carrying out a Holocaust.

Ahh, you have skinitis, be glad it's not boneitis.

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Oh yes, I totally agree with the person calling for attacking the media, how dare they see a thing that happened and tell me about it! Truly deserving of a death sentence.

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Nah, they nuts. I am def a fan of classic journalism, and sorry if my comment came across as confrontational, hard to avoid in text sometimes. Have a nice day!

They will certainly come here, but as a defederated website we don't have to defend against them with one approach, everyone can take a different approach, see what frustrates them the most, then mass adopt that. I see this as the ideal.. no idea how it will unfold in practice.

Open corruption. Cool cool cool.

Maybe there should be, idk, consequences?

Let's ask the rich people who groomed and appointed her. Oh, no? Well okay then.

Off to the m*l*t*v store.

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Sure, you are allowed to have a firearm. As long as we (the police) never see you with it, or anything shaped like it, on your person ever, even if you are inside your own apartment. Oh, also don't be black. Black people all have guns all the time. /s

That constitutional right doesn't feel very constitutional when it's a death sentence to exercise it.

He's got a gun! Quick! Murder him as fast as possible!

But we have the right to have them? Oh wait I get it, you have the right to have a firearm but not the right to be alive at the same time, ahh, now it makes sense. Got me with the loophole, no "right to live while bearing arms" in the constitution, but you can bear arms, just gotta forfeit your right to be alive.

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This is similar to when I heard reddit was doing the API lockdown, I wrote an automation bot over the weekend that self-destructed my subreddit and the entire post history. The bot also automatically downloaded and archived all of the content on my local machine.

It was annoying because at first I couldn't get access to older posts since at the time reddit had changed their API to only show the first X posts (100 or 1,000 or whatever). So I told my bot to delete the posts as it archived them so as I deleted content, reddit had no choice but to populate the page with the older posts.

And that's how I archived my subreddit. Reddit banned me two days later for automation, lol. I did not break any of the reddit or reddit api ToS during this process but I guess I upset someone.

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Here at Boeing, we only kill a statistically acceptable number of humans to avoid affecting the stock price. Fly Boeing today. We did a good job forty years ago so trust us today!

Supporters of Israeli genocide commit violence.
I'm shocked.
Shocked and appalled.
This is so out of character for genocidalists.

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I hate these bars, I have no idea how anyone tolerates eating it anywhere indoors.

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Scan the room left to right. Quickly. Do it 3-10x. Survey the people.

Now. Go to the far left person, look at their head. Maintain eye to head contact for 3 seconds. Now with your mouth make a (bzzzrrr) noise and turn your head slowly to the next person. When you stop turning your head make a (kerthnk, zzp) noise. Do this for every person in the restaurant. You now have data on everyone.

Next step, scan for exits, reposition yourself at the table so that your back faces the nearest structural wall, this will be useful if there is a fire fight. Turn your seat backwards and plant your feet far apart for maximum stability, also granting you the mobility to leap to your feet and dive through a window if necessary.

I assume you are wearing leather gloves and a bandana, nod to yourself and squeeze your hands a few times to get the blood flowing.

The server is here, order nuggies and a water. You'll need your protein, but you are prepared.

Go forth and conquer the world my child.

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"Is he bipolar schizo?"

What a cunt of a human being. He used a child-like level of insulting language, escalated at evey situation, tazed needlessly and without warning, and made zero attempts to do anything but bark orders to a person who is CLEARLY in a distressed mental state and unable to comply.

As bad as it is, situations like these make me do a little cheer in my head every time I see an article where a police officer dies.

They kill so many people compared to every other civilized nation, hopefully they die at increased rates as well. It's only fair, right?

I admit I feel guilty to feel that way, but it's the result of seeing the police betray the public at every turn. Crushing protests, shooting people running away, beating people senseless for seemingly nothing, slamming a man to the pavement walking to work which broke his skull and left him with life long brain damage. Shouting at EVERYONE for EVERYTHING. Illegally arresting people shouting "STOP RESISTING" as the person is contorted and unable to move. While raining punches and knees down on men, women, children (especially black children) who are face down on the ground. All while communicating like impatient children. Expecting the public to bow to them without question. It's all so old and ubiquitous.

There are thousands of these videos at this point. They've been terrors for long before we all had cameras. Now we just see it.

Just remember, if you have a problem and call the police, now you have two problems.

Fuck the police. ACAB. etc.

Nope. They found out most folks are cool with the gays, educated people found out the "blacks commit crime" is actually "poor people commit crime", everyone uses thc, we're increasingly done with religion, media is representative of more than white cowboys who can only grunt "I'm manly!", and we are friends with aethiests, hindis, muslims, and jews.

Therefore we are obviously insane and have to die.

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No surprise.

"I'm the victim! I'm so much the victim that if you don't recognize it, I will discriminate against myself! Okay done, now that I've been discriminated against (by my own words), can we shoot the protestors like Palestinian children?"

Ah, he's emotional. People shouldn't be outwardly emotional, especially men. Otherwise I can't absorb the content of their message. /s

Joke aside, did you have a point? One could alternatively say that he's passionate about the fights he chooses. Should we not all aspire to be passionate about the fights we choose?

I suppose I'm not making the connection with what this comment has to do with the content of the video. At which timestamp do you feel he was emotional and how do you feel it effected the overall message?

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I'm glad she's doing this, but for reasons opposite her agenda.

I grew up long enough ago to remember the vitriolic hatred people had at even a suggestion that they might be gay. Kids would violently attack other kids to assert their straightness. And hearing the f-word was a regular occurrence. Literally any disagreement? F-word came out.

I could be wrong about this, I'm not a kid today, but I assume kids today don't understand how bad it was. I'm glad she's doing this because the majority of kids are fine with gay and queer lifestyles in a way that would have bent my tiny brain when I was a kid. So they might have a hard time imagining how strong the hate for those things once was.

This woman serves as a villain, to show kids that hate is still out there and that being an ally to the queer community matters. I think that her plan will eventually backfire, because the way to combat folks like her is to normalize being gay even more than it is now.

She will go down in history as a relic of hate. A woman to be pitied and nothing more.

How awful that she ruins peoples' lives as a game. What a horrid husk of a person.

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The court was respected when I was a kid.

The court no longer has respect.

What right wing institutions are trying to do (and in many cases achieving) with governing bodies is transparent.

The court is as corrupt as the Congress and the Senate. A government of lobbyists, for the corporation, by the corporation. Fuck the people.

I'm not trans, just a middle aged dude, but it gives me a bit of hope that the trans community has these sorts of options when it feels like half the world wants to deny you your preferred existence. Shitty that you have to, but glad that you can.

Fuck the bigots. Fuck the church. Fuck bad-faith politicians. Fuck the lies of conservatives. And fuck the people who can't or won't see the media doing the same thing to trans folk they did to gays mere decades ago.

Idiots, cruel intolerant, controlling idiots, the lot of them.

I don't get it. Well I do. But I've yet to have a satisfactory conservative response to the following :

Intersex people exist. That is, at least 1 out of every 1,750 babies are born with both sexual organs. Therefore by their existence we know that there is a blurred line between genders and those people exist there. Even if I go along with them that transgender behavior is a mental illness (it's not, this is just a thought experiment), what exactly do they propose we do about intersex individuals who are literally neither male nor female?

1 out of 1,750 would put the intersex population in the United States at approximately 194,000 individuals. For reference, that would be about 10% of the population of Nebraska or Idaho. That's how many people I am discussing and who seem to always be left out of the conversation.

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Conservatives have a lot to gain by building bots to antagonize and convert naive young (and old) people by plastering their dumb ideas everywhere. It's marketing, if you're cruel and dumb they want you on their team.

Why do they allow it? Many reasons I'd guess.. engagement , capitalism, shared-beliefs.

Controversial things generate engagement.
Engagement generates profits.
Many of the decision makers are narcissistic conservatives who think the same thing, but instead of saying it they just enable it, indirectly achieving the same goal as hate-evangelizing.

A surprising amount of people want to watch the world burn, as long as they can do it from a balcony.

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Exactly what you said. Take the win.

That faulty line of thinking (shitting on everything) is the same line of thinking that "lets imperfect get in the way of good."

"Oh, this action was late. Bad!"
"Oh, this action only solves part of the problem. Stop trying! Bad!"
"Oh, the rich will just use a loophole to get around this! Bad!"

If repubs can convince critics that doing nothing is better than doing something, repubs win. A seemingly very effective exploitation of the narcissism of the online critic.

The term useful idiot comes to mind.

I am surprised there isn't a torrent version of Yuzu.
A magnet string would be unstoppable.

Pretty sure I found one, can magnet strings be posted here?

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Hahaha. I love it. Fuck closed source hardware gatekeepers.

Nice to see them groveling for performance.


C'mon, I can joke. Such a cathartic paragraph to read. Intractable cunts.

I Amtrak'd from North Carolina to Michigan via DC. Took 24 hours. To compare, to drive was about 10 hours. I went into it knowing it was likely going to be a bad experience, but I had things to read and I was curious.

I'd do it again, but I'd arrange for a sleeper cabin and plan stops along the way. 24 hours on a train sitting upright was too much.

Meanwhile in Japan I took a train from Tokyo to Kyoto, 6 hours drive, less than 2 hours by train. So comfortable, so much space, and so convenient. I could easily nap in their upright seats, extremely comfortable, climate controlled, flying through beautiful rural regions full of mountains and trees.

Until the US stops treating humans worse than freight, you are going to need a high tolerance for bullshit to make a cross-country trip by train.

I wonder why the EPA is being gutted. Their ability to enforce regulations stripped (potentially soon) by the partisan, Federalist Society Supreme Cunt, ah sorry I meant to say court.

So that corps like this can operate in a way that harms us all. What the folks that run these companies don't get is that we are harming the environment, yes, but also humans ARE the environment. Including them and their families! Such shortsightedness.

The blood that flows through your veins is produced by water and minerals you consume through food, food that comes from animals and plants living in these areas and areas like them, animals that eat plants full of these pollutants watered by water full of the very same.

So in a (very direct) way, when corpo cunts dump toxic output into rivers, they're dumping it right into your veins.


So next time you hear someone joking about environmental regulations, remember they are playing games with your body.

Gee, I wonder why cancer in young persons is booming. Well, at least we have adequa healthcare, not like we're just draining peoples' life savings for harm caused by this and things like this, right. Right?


But hey, go out and look at the beautiful algae blooms this year. Not that we have a choice.

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Yea, it's the subsidies. The government of China funds questionably profitable companies such that they can sell their products at what would be a loss by any other company, undermining the values of competition in Europe/States.

What does China get out of it? Chinese products distributed globally running Chinese software and sensors which are beholden to the whims of the Chinese Government. They also get to weaken the economies of the target countries.

The United States does similar things with intelligence, but citizens of that country can at least condemn, research, and publish findings against it's own government. What can a Chinese citizen do? Very little except obey.

The United States is also massively flawed when it comes to competition but at least there are theoretical methods for the citizens of that country to change things. If they can destroy the corporate plutocracy currently strangling democracy.

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Two kinds of people.
I suffered to get where I am, no one should have to go through that, we can do better.
I suffered to get where I am, everyone should suffer like I did.

The conservative mindset is #2, "No one should have it better than me!"

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He's the one who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
And I say 'yeah'

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If this were to come to pass, it would be a massive hit to the middle class. Truckers make up a HUGE part of the American middle class work force.

Also consider the economic impact to all of the gas stations and rest stops created primarily to service them, a huge amount of infrastructure exists to service truckers. That said, many could convert for autonomous service needs? I expect it to be a net loss for them also. RIP Loves?

And from a technical point of view, it's a lesser challenge than generalized self-driving because point A and B are already known for each route, so more of the route could be "hardcoded" (not actually hardcoded but I think you get the concept).

That said, I can't predict the timeline of when this would be feasible, but when it happens I expect it will cause a lot of anger from truckers.

Anyway, the jist of my comment, this will route a substantial amount of middle class wages from the truckers to the truck owners, increasing inequality even further.

This is the biggest catalyst to sway the public toward a UBI than anything else I can imagine.

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When they have no words to use, or words reveal them to be hypocritics, they turn to violence. I'll never respect a group who cannot state coherent ideas backed by reality and evidence.

They say kids are being groomed, what kids? Where? When you look into it, they mean that kids are being listened to, and instead of being slapped and discouraged like previous generations, we allow them to be themselves. Listening is apparently grooming.

They also have a habit of focusing on outliers. If there are 1,000 teachers and 2 behave inappropriately what is the rational response? To discipline those 2, instead these people hyperfocus on the actions of the 2 then blanket declare the remaining 998 groomers because of the unanimously agreed on bad actions of those 2. No one is defending bad actors (actual groomers who attempt to sway children), of course they exist and should be denounced. But the 998 who are listening and allowing children to be themselves are not "groomers".

It's incredibly stupid at best, and disingenuous at worst. Some of them are actually stupid enough to think they are doing the right thing, because they don't understand the ideas I'm presenting, but many are intentionally misunderstanding in order to hurt people they are bigoted against.

It's all hate. Hate and violence. You never catch them listening and sharing ideas. Always shouting. Always angry. Anger and fear are the tools of the bigot and the fascist.

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Lotta text to say you don't create an environment where children feel safe talking to you.

Lemme show you what we see when we read your post.

  1. Kids wanna be autonomous, I expect that they'll do it wrong and I'll then enforce my corrections.
  2. I didn't teach communication to an adequate level with my children so they have meltdowns, I think this is normal.
  3. Kids should give parents more chances. Seriously kids, give me more chances. Another chance please, another chance.

Obviously I'm taking massive liberties with your text, but so are you with every other family that isn't yours. Doesn't feel nice does it? That's one reason why all of your posts are disliked.

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My reading is that they mean to say the conservative party has continued to move so far to the right that conservative positions from only 15 years ago are now "radical lib" positions.

Though I hesitate to frame this as the Overton Window. In society at large, the Overton Window continues to move to the left, being gay is normalized now, cannabis is normalized now, I would frame the conservative movement as a desperate grasping to prevent the Overton Window from continuing on its current path, normalizing a genderless society for example.

Economically, both American parties are right wing corporate welfare state proponents.

The united states is a corporate plutocracy, you can buy power and influence, and being poor is being increasingly criminalized. While the system squeezes wealth from the middle class like a sponge. It is engineered to transfer your life savings into the hands of the healthcare owners at the end of your life, instead of to your children.

The poverty class grows.

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