1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Back then we were told "But no party has run a different candidate when they had a setting president that was eligible for reelection." There was never a choice.

Way of the road, Bubs.

How much different is setting up immutable distros like Bazzite? I like the concept but I've been too intimidated to try it out.

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"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

It's basically a cognitive dissonance conference.

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Lol "constant firmware updates" as a selling point.

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“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

― Carl Sagan

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Burning man. A bunch of trust fundies trying to out edge each other.

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That's a name I haven't heard in a couple hundred mooches.

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Ramin Setoodeh, co-editor-in chief at Variety, said he did an hour long sit-down interview with Trump

A few months later, Setoodeh met with Trump again... Trump had "no recollection of our lengthy interview,"

Setoodeh said. "As the journalist who spent the most time with him,"

Yeah, sure you are little buddy. Because no other journalist got more than 2 interviews. MF had Megan Kelly and Tucker on speed dial.

TFW you're really just a forgettable person.

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Anything that may help develop better adblockers/paywall bypasses or exposes how/what of our personal information is collected is a win in my book. And this may very well be none of those things.

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Whoever told you that is your enemy

Correction: Trump supporters call for other people to riot and carry out their retribution.

"Someone in NY with nothing to lose needs to take care of Merchan"

Bunch of lazy cowards.

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"After that, I ain’t gonna lie, everybody just started beating on him," Flores added, saying they used a belt to tie up his legs.

That warmed my black heart.

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The Internet Archive's got your back. As if you needed a reason to donate to them.

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And your favorite pirate site negates the need to give capcom any money.

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Just because they are military issue, doesn't mean they can't be snazzy

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TOS does not supersede state or federal law.

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"What are you plebs going to do? Vote for trump? Fall in line!"

Yeah, lots of people forked it. But most are laying low at the moment. This one probably won't last long.

Edit: "Contribute to Nikilites/nuzu development by creating an account on GitHub." Now it kind of sounds like a honeypot.

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Techno-Mage is awesome. !

Edit: fixed link

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I have never seen one of these. Can you not just like, rip it off?

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WTF they can't forceably detain you for payment any more than the door greeter at walmart. Tell them to get fucked and send a bill.

It wasn't in fuel just for it's octane boost. Some early engines that were designed to run on leaded fuel had valve seats made of softer metal and relied on lead's lubricating/sealing properties. When unleaded fuel was used, the valves wouldn't seal as well and the seats would wear prematurely.

Aren't thermobaric explosives also called vacuum bombs? That's nothing new.

Edit: Or is it saying the claim they took out 300 soldiers at once is nonsense? I might have misread that.

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That's how it works. TASER became Axom (maker of most body cams).

Mud Daubers would like a word. They are one of the few wasp bros, too. Those mud nests are full of half dead paralyzed spiders.

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or the police officers will get crosstrained to extinguish fires possibly?

Do they get to use guns to do it?

Be the change you want to see.

What are you talking about then? His claim they were authorized to use deadly force?

I'm probably daft and missed the joke.

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It feels kinda messed up, then, that the people who had been led into this with misplaced trust and false promises are the ones getting the bulk of the punishment, and not the people who sold them on lies in the first place.

I agree. Altho not in the sense that these people are being handed unfair judgement, they've all got off extremely light for the acts they committed. But it is a travesty of justice that the ones instigating it have received little to no punishment.

These people gobbled the propaganda up because it justified their bigotry. So my sympathies are limited.

Or it could have absolutely nothing to do with Jewish people.

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If there's an unleashed pit in my yard I'm calling animal control every time. They'll get tired of paying the fines.

A $20 Wyze camera with pet detection helps keep an eye on things.

A modern replacement for reading random bathroom labels while I'm on the john.

I've been using the Fossify SMS Messenger for a few weeks now and it does everything I need a messaging app to do.

Well. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Now your org gets to pay for cleanup if they don't just tell the 2 that got arrested "Good luck, you're on your own now"

What's the correlation with Stonehenge and the fossil fuel industry? No one visiting is going to see the vandalism and think "Maybe I should lessen my personal dependence on fossil fuels.", they're just going to hear how it was this asshole group that happens to be named 'Just Stop Oil'. I highly doubt that's changing anyone's mind (for the better).

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for activism. Hell, I'm all for destructive activism; Block access to oil wells, sabotage infrastructure (preferably in a way that doesn't cause more environmental damage in the process), burn down some private jets. But don't go around being an asshole unrelated to your cause just to get your name out. That's not helping anything.

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Same with me and laundry.

Is there even a remotely possible chance something like that would work? I have to drive past a ALPR that checks for insurance every day. I wouldn't mind plastering code across my tailgate in a design that resembles a license plate.

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They still have to run ADS-B transponders. This just makes it harder to link the person to the plane.