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Joined 1 years ago

Software Engineer & DevOps Architect. Mbin contributor (and creator of the fork).

He/him 🇳🇱

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Indeed, until the next time, where it doesn't have enough news coverage. China 2.0 here we come.

What is a backup?

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Damn.. this was almost China 2.0 in EU. This was a close call people... this is not good.

I doubt that E2E services will care. Matrix will not change. Just like many other services. They are just insane. You can't also just break TLS in UK only. haha they are crazy.

The real x logo is of course from Xorg. Never forget that.

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Maybe it's not a big deal.. But I still remember the first time I compiled the Linux kernel. It feels good. Well done!!

I'm trying to aim for the Framework Laptop 16. Coming out soon. Should be very modular.

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uh... it seems like it.. if that is the case, the whole article is misleading at best.

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Well they should be afraid. I want a ARM Linux laptop as well. Or even better RISC-V! Yes plz.. THE WORLD NEED RISC-V, Yesterday.

You can just use fediverse (eg. kbin) to upload your image directly, without any of those instances?

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In Unix's chmod, change-access-mode command, the octal value 777 grants all file-access permissions to all user types in a file.


/me stil trying to get MS Office working under Wine.. But this Wine under Wayland is great news! I'm the developer of WineGUI so I'm in!

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Let's go Musl!

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just like defrag in Windows

That felt more a horror for me.

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thermostats not really.. Smart fridges most likely yes.

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@aleph As an instance admin myself, we are looking into fine-tuning those settings to limit uploads of an x amount in file size. But are we are looking into some thumbnail library to reduce the image sizes indeed.

True story. I hate all those cloud devices, which can run perfectly locally. And doesn't require a subscription. I even see it back in cars nowadays, stupid subscriptions.

Despite being maintainer of Kbin (incl. several others), we wasn't allowed to merge other PR changes except my own or changes that Ernest didn't like (eg. GUI pull requests were reverted again). Then when development slowly became to a halt, I didn't want the project to die. I didn't saw any other solution than to fork the project. Not only that, we also didn't like some changes from the past, which Mbin also rolled-back (like only show local magazines in the random sectors in the sidebar).

The fork by the community for the community also allows us to do multiple things from the start: 1. No single maintainer anymore. 2. Introducing a C4 contract: 3. More transparency and giving all contributors owner rights on all platforms incl but not limited by GitHub, Weblate and Matrix. Allowing multiple people to become fully responsible for the project. Having discussions about contents, when we as a community agree on changes PRs can be merged after 1 owner approval. Various instances now moved to Mbin (like ), because they saw hope again. As stated earlier, we also moved to GitHub now and to the hosted instance. Currently the development is booming, because it's not getting reversed and slowed down.

We had ~150 PRs in a only 2 weeks time (Kbin has this number over a year not a week or two). The amount of improvements in the code, bug fixes, GUI, docker setup, documentation and security fixes as well as various features are impressive. Mbin is not about me, it's about the community now.

See also:

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Pidgin. That failed. Then we have matrix. That kinda failed. And now beeper?

I don't know..

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No Amazon does not terminate the deal, the EU did. Because otherwise Amazon will have too much power over the robot industry.

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I'm on Linux :)

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Indeed leave Google Chrome all together yesterday already. Install Firefox

1911 which translates to 777 in hexadecimal.

Nobody cares

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@trashhalo Yes, it is. Each Insta account automatically now seems to have a Meta account. And visa versa, it's a scam. You can't delete your Meta's Threads account, unless you delete your Instagram.

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Well. It's funny I read this. Since I just watched this video\_rzYnXEQlE about refactoring the entire source code of Super Mario 64. It's insane how much effort modders put into those things.

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It's 30 degrees celcius in the Netherlands today. It's insane.

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Another reason to move to Linux ;P

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No it's true. Amd has much better linux support using the kernel modules. Which get a more stable and up to date experience under Linux.

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Train exploded...

Kbin replaces Reddit for me.

I'm happy they kill themselves by this name change. Haha

They always say there is no change after IPO.. But there always is..

Snaps wasn't and isn't needed from day 1

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I love pipewire for my audio.

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You have the same problem with Steam already for years.. I mean you do not have a physical copy anymore. In fact if Steam is down, you might not be able to download, play or play multiplayer. So you own nothing and be happy - WEF.

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DUI = driving under the influence

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don't exaggerate. Stores 2 AAA games.

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