Egypt official tells Europe to take in 1m Gazans if ‘you care about human rights so much’

Praise to World – 288 points –
Egypt official tells Europe to take in 1m Gazans if ‘you care about human rights so much’

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Not generally, no. The UN is, ultimately, a political body.

I'd take the UN more seriously if they took themselves more seriously. Their "Human Rights Council" membership, as an example, is a bad joke.,-Election%20of%20the&text=The%20General%20Assembly%20elected%20the,beginning%20on%201%20January%202021.

I think there is value in the UN, and it's a net positive, but I don't much care about any specific resolutions.

Ah yes the UN stopped mattering the minute it started reporting on Israel's horrendous human rights violation. Suddenly they don't matter as a body. I suppose every human rights organization that has been documenting Israeli crimes is also not good enough?

The UN has never really mattered in any practical political sense. They do great humanitarian work, though, and are a major contributor to the success of developing nations.

They can't prevent wars or stop atrocities though. They need NATO for that, generally.