Broke my ankle and leg severely and need surgery to fix it. My good boi Radar has hardly left my side since I came home from the hospital. to – 300 points –

I imagine he is going to be even more up my butt after my surgery on Monday. He's the best boi. My goldendoodle puppy is too busy playing to stay with me. She comes and says hi every once in a while though lol.


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Aww, good doggo!

Sounds like an EEG test. Did they glue the electrodes or give you a cap? The glue can sometimes be really difficult to clean out.

I don't remember a cap or glue, but it was a few years ago now. I remember my entire head above my ears was wrapped up in tape. I shaved my head before we started even though no one told me to, but I'm glad I did.

You’d probably remember the glue if they used it. I worked in an office with an EEG tech and she only liked to use glue. It stinks of chemical fumes when applied and is tough to get out. I don’t think it’s the preferred method but was her preference.

There was a younger tech that would help with the take home video EEG tests. He wrapped people’s heads as you’ve described. Any way it’s done people are usually very happy to be free of it. :)

Yes. It was really, really hot. And it itched. I was pretty miserable.